You have voted SB-506: Relating to information required to be reported biennially to the legislature by state agencies that administer state taxes or fees..
SB-176: Relating to the establishment of the Texas Parental Empowerment Program and an insurance premium tax credit for contributions made for purposes of that program.
Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Bettencourt
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 03/22/2023
You have voted SB-176: Relating to the establishment of the Texas Parental Empowerment Program and an insurance premium tax credit for contributions made for purposes of that program..
HB-577: Relating to the repeal of or limitations on certain state and local taxes, including school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes, the enactment of state and local value added taxes, and related school finance reform; imposing taxes.
Sponsored by: Rep. Briscoe Cain
Read First Time on 02/23/2023
You have voted HB-577: Relating to the repeal of or limitations on certain state and local taxes, including school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes, the enactment of state and local value added taxes, and related school finance reform; imposing taxes..
HB-4237: Relating to the authorization, licensing, and regulation of casino gaming in this state and the creation, powers, and duties of the Texas Gaming Commission; imposing and authorizing administrative and civil penalties; imposing a tax; imposing and authorizing fees; requiring occupational licenses; creating criminal offenses; making an appropriation.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Kuempel
Read First Time on 03/29/2021
You have voted HB-4237: Relating to the authorization, licensing, and regulation of casino gaming in this state and the creation, powers, and duties of the Texas Gaming Commission; imposing and authorizing administrative and civil penalties; imposing a tax; imposing and authorizing fees; requiring occupational licenses; creating criminal offenses; making an appropriation..
HB-3770: Relating to the repeal of or limitations on certain state and local taxes, including ad valorem taxes, the enactment of state and local value added taxes, and related school finance and administration reform; imposing taxes.
Sponsored by: Rep. Briscoe Cain
Read First Time on 03/22/2021
You have voted HB-3770: Relating to the repeal of or limitations on certain state and local taxes, including ad valorem taxes, the enactment of state and local value added taxes, and related school finance and administration reform; imposing taxes..
HB-4482: Relating to the periodic evaluation of certain exemptions from property taxes and state taxes and the application of the sunset review process to those exemptions.
Sponsored by: Rep. Yvonne Davis
Read First Time on 03/26/2019
You have voted HB-4482: Relating to the periodic evaluation of certain exemptions from property taxes and state taxes and the application of the sunset review process to those exemptions..
SJR-5: Proposing a constitutional amendment temporarily increasing the rate of the state sales and use tax and dedicating revenue derived from that rate increase to repaying certain transportation bonds and other obligations.
Sponsored by: Sen. Kevin Eltife
Received By The Secretary Of The Senate on 06/28/2013
You have voted SJR-5: Proposing a constitutional amendment temporarily increasing the rate of the state sales and use tax and dedicating revenue derived from that rate increase to repaying certain transportation bonds and other obligations..