
State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature 1st Special Session

Relating to a periodic review of state and local tax preferences. [SB-14]
Relating to a periodic review of state and local tax preferences.


Sponsored by: Sen. Rodney Ellis Received By The Secretary Of The Senate on 05/29/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment providing immediate additional revenue for the state budget by creating the Texas Gaming Commission, and authorizing and regulating the operation of casino games and slot machines by a limited number of licensed operators and certain Indian tribes. [SJR-64]
Proposing a constitutional amendment providing immediate additional revenue for the state budget by creating the Texas Gaming Commission, and authorizing and regulating the operation of casino games and slot machines by a limited number of licensed operators and certain Indian tribes.


Sponsored by: Sen. John Carona Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/10/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment imposing a state property tax for public education, authorizing the legislature to establish for purposes of that tax a limit on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead of 105 percent of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year, prohibiting school district property taxes for maintenance purposes, and authorizing school district property taxes for educational enrichment. [SJR-58]
Proposing a constitutional amendment imposing a state property tax for public education, authorizing the legislature to establish for purposes of that tax a limit on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead of 105 percent of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year, prohibiting school district property taxes for maintenance purposes, and authorizing school district property taxes for educational enrichment.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Duncan Referred To S/c On Fiscal Matters By Chair on 04/04/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to public school finance matters, including the imposition of a state ad valorem tax for elementary and secondary school purposes and a school district ad valorem enrichment tax. [SB-1686]
Relating to public school finance matters, including the imposition of a state ad valorem tax for elementary and secondary school purposes and a school district ad valorem enrichment tax.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Duncan Referred To S/c On Fiscal Matters By Chair on 04/04/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

To repeal certain state sales, use, excise, franchise, severance, production, occupations, gross receipts and inheritance taxes, to repeal or limit certain local sales, use, excise and ad valorem property taxes, to enact a statewide and local value added tax, and to reform school finance and administration; providing penalties. [HB-3742]
To repeal certain state sales, use, excise, franchise, severance, production, occupations, gross receipts and inheritance taxes, to repeal or limit certain local sales, use, excise and ad valorem property taxes, to enact a statewide and local value added tax, and to reform school finance and administration; providing penalties.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dwayne Bohac Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 05/04/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the use of customs brokers to obtain a refund of sales and use taxes. [HB-2813]
Relating to the use of customs brokers to obtain a refund of sales and use taxes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Sanford Read First Time on 03/18/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the limitation on the rate of growth in appropriations from state tax revenues. [HB-237]
Relating to the limitation on the rate of growth in appropriations from state tax revenues.


Sponsored by: Sen. Nicholas Taylor Read First Time on 02/07/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature 1st Special

Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 1. [SR-130]
Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 1.


Sponsored by: Rep. Yvonne Davis Received By The Secretary Of The Senate on 06/28/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature 1st Special

Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 1. [HR-232]
Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 1.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Pitts Reported Enrolled on 06/29/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment imposing a state property tax for public education, authorizing the legislature to establish for purposes of that tax a limit on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead of 105 percent of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year, prohibiting school district property taxes for maintenance purposes, and authorizing school district property taxes for educational enrichment. [SJR-51]
Proposing a constitutional amendment imposing a state property tax for public education, authorizing the legislature to establish for purposes of that tax a limit on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead of 105 percent of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year, prohibiting school district property taxes for maintenance purposes, and authorizing school district property taxes for educational enrichment.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Duncan Read First Time on 03/24/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to public school finance matters, including the imposition of a state ad valorem tax for elementary and secondary school purposes. [SB-1858]
Relating to public school finance matters, including the imposition of a state ad valorem tax for elementary and secondary school purposes.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Duncan Read First Time on 03/24/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the application of the sunset review process to certain exemptions from property taxes and state taxes. [HB-784]
Relating to the application of the sunset review process to certain exemptions from property taxes and state taxes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Yvonne Davis Read First Time on 02/23/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the use of municipal or county sales tax increment financing for a transportation reinvestment zone. [HB-629]
Relating to the use of municipal or county sales tax increment financing for a transportation reinvestment zone.


Sponsored by: Rep. Joe Pickett Referred To Transportation & Homeland Sec. on 05/16/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the interest on certain tax refunds or credits. [HB-3791]
Relating to the interest on certain tax refunds or credits.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Pitts Read First Time on 03/23/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the use of customs brokers to obtain a refund of sales and use taxes. [HB-344]
Relating to the use of customs brokers to obtain a refund of sales and use taxes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Chente Quintanilla Read First Time on 02/15/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to customs brokers. [HB-1894]
Relating to customs brokers.


Sponsored by: Rep. Chente Quintanilla Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 03/28/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to authorizing the designation of an area adjacent to a state highway project as a transportation finance zone, and authorizing the revenue from the state sales and use taxes imposed in the zone to be deposited in a revolving fund and used to repay financial assistance provided from the fund for highway projects. [SB-505]
Relating to authorizing the designation of an area adjacent to a state highway project as a transportation finance zone, and authorizing the revenue from the state sales and use taxes imposed in the zone to be deposited in a revolving fund and used to repay financial assistance provided from the fund for highway projects.

Sponsored by: Sen. Juan Hinojosa Committee Report Sent To Calendars on 05/22/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the permissible uses of money in an ad valorem tax increment account for a transportation reinvestment zone established by a municipality. [SB-1671]
Relating to the permissible uses of money in an ad valorem tax increment account for a transportation reinvestment zone established by a municipality.

Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Nichols Read First Time on 03/20/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the computation of the franchise tax. [SB-1161]
Relating to the computation of the franchise tax.

Sponsored by: Sen. James Jackson Read First Time on 03/13/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the authorization and regulation of casino and slot gaming in this state, the creation, powers, and duties of the Texas Gaming Commission, and the powers and duties of the Texas Racing Commission; providing penalties. [SB-1084]
Relating to the authorization and regulation of casino and slot gaming in this state, the creation, powers, and duties of the Texas Gaming Commission, and the powers and duties of the Texas Racing Commission; providing penalties.

Sponsored by: Sen. Rodney Ellis Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 05/06/2009

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