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Explain SB-194: Income tax credit for landlords who rent for below market rate × Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Dunwell (s) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted SB-194: Income tax credit for landlords who rent for below market rate.
Explain HB-280: Providing for circuit breaker income tax credit for property taxes paid × Sponsored by: Rep. Jonathan Karlen (h) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted HB-280: Providing for circuit breaker income tax credit for property taxes paid.
Explain HB-268: Establish a child tax credit through the individual income tax × Sponsored by: Sen. Joshua Kassmier (h) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted HB-268: Establish a child tax credit through the individual income tax.
Explain HB-258: Providing a one-time refund for occupying a Montana residence × Sponsored by: Rep. Jonathan Karlen (h) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted HB-258: Providing a one-time refund for occupying a Montana residence.
Explain HB-245: Revise tax credit for trades education and training × Sponsored by: Sen. Sue Vinton Chapter Number Assigned on 05/19/2023
You have voted HB-245: Revise tax credit for trades education and training.
Explain HB-249: Create a child tax credit for the individual income tax × Sponsored by: Rep. Ed Stafman (h) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted HB-249: Create a child tax credit for the individual income tax.
Explain HB-235: Revise social security income taxation × Sponsored by: Rep. Jonathan Karlen (h) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted HB-235: Revise social security income taxation.
Explain HB-225: Establish adoption tax credit × Sponsored by: Rep. Courtenay Sprunger Chapter Number Assigned on 05/16/2023
You have voted HB-225: Establish adoption tax credit.
Explain HB-221: Revise income tax rates for net-long term capital gains × Sponsored by: Rep. Tom Welch (c) Printed - Enrolled Version Available on 03/13/2023
You have voted HB-221: Revise income tax rates for net-long term capital gains.
Explain HB-222: Provide rebates of property taxes paid on a principal residence × Sponsored by: Rep. Tom Welch Chapter Number Assigned on 03/13/2023
You have voted HB-222: Provide rebates of property taxes paid on a principal residence.
Explain HB-219: Exempt certain military pensions and survivor benefits from income taxes × Sponsored by: Rep. Scot Kerns (h) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted HB-219: Exempt certain military pensions and survivor benefits from income taxes.
Explain HB-192: Use surplus revenue for income tax and property tax refunds and payment of bonds × Sponsored by: Rep. Bill Mercer (c) Printed - Enrolled Version Available on 03/13/2023
You have voted HB-192: Use surplus revenue for income tax and property tax refunds and payment of bonds.
Explain SB-118: Revise aggregate limit on education scholarship tax credit programs × Sponsored by: Sen. John Fuller (s) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted SB-118: Revise aggregate limit on education scholarship tax credit programs.
Explain SB-121: Reduce top marginal income tax rate and increase EITC × Sponsored by: Sen. Becky Beard (s) Signed By Governor on 03/13/2023
You have voted SB-121: Reduce top marginal income tax rate and increase EITC.
Explain SB-104: Exempt retired military pensions from state income tax × Sponsored by: Sen. John Fuller Chapter Number Assigned on 05/22/2023
You have voted SB-104: Exempt retired military pensions from state income tax.
Explain SB-65: Revise statute of limitations for income tax refunds and credits × Sponsored by: Sen. Daniel Zolnikov Chapter Number Assigned on 05/02/2023
You have voted SB-65: Revise statute of limitations for income tax refunds and credits.
Explain SB-64: Revise laws related to extension of individual income tax statute of limitations × Sponsored by: Sen. Daniel Zolnikov Chapter Number Assigned on 05/02/2023
You have voted SB-64: Revise laws related to extension of individual income tax statute of limitations.
Explain HB-82: Create Montana national guard enlistment incentive program × Sponsored by: Rep. George Nikolakakos (s) Died In Standing Committee on 05/08/2023
You have voted HB-82: Create Montana national guard enlistment incentive program.
Explain HB-89: Revise laws related to Montana national guard life insurance and court martials × Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Green Chapter Number Assigned on 04/19/2023
You have voted HB-89: Revise laws related to Montana national guard life insurance and court martials.
Explain SB-27: Revise MEDIA Act reporting requirements × Sponsored by: Sen. Walt Sales Chapter Number Assigned on 05/22/2023
You have voted SB-27: Revise MEDIA Act reporting requirements.