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Explain HB-542: Establish a volunteer firefighter and EMT tax credit × Sponsored by: Rep. Ron Marshall (h) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted HB-542: Establish a volunteer firefighter and EMT tax credit.
Explain HB-526: Repeal state tax on social security income × Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Fielder (h) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted HB-526: Repeal state tax on social security income.
Explain HB-496: Provide for health care preceptor individual income tax credit × Sponsored by: Rep. Kenneth Walsh (s) Died In Standing Committee on 05/08/2023
You have voted HB-496: Provide for health care preceptor individual income tax credit.
Explain HB-474: Revise background checks for employees with federal tax information × Sponsored by: Sen. Dave Fern (s) Died In Standing Committee on 05/08/2023
You have voted HB-474: Revise background checks for employees with federal tax information.
Explain SB-303: Revise witholding penalties for certain taxes × Sponsored by: Sen. Greg Hertz Chapter Number Assigned on 05/22/2023
You have voted SB-303: Revise witholding penalties for certain taxes.
Explain HB-447: Provide for exceptions to imposition of income tax on certain nonresidents × Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Thane Chapter Number Assigned on 05/19/2023
You have voted HB-447: Provide for exceptions to imposition of income tax on certain nonresidents.
Explain HB-442: Require testing for nonpublic schools receiving tax credit scholarships × Sponsored by: Rep. Ed Stafman (h) Missed Deadline For General Bill Transmittal on 03/11/2023
You have voted HB-442: Require testing for nonpublic schools receiving tax credit scholarships.
Explain HB-441: Implement report cards for nonpublic schools receiving tax credit scholarships × Sponsored by: Rep. Ed Stafman (h) Missed Deadline For General Bill Transmittal on 03/11/2023
You have voted HB-441: Implement report cards for nonpublic schools receiving tax credit scholarships.
Explain HB-416: Provide income tax credit for renting dwelling below market rate × Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Hamilton (h) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted HB-416: Provide income tax credit for renting dwelling below market rate.
Explain SB-273: Generally revising medical savings account laws × Sponsored by: Sen. Tom McGillvray (s) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted SB-273: Generally revising medical savings account laws.
Explain HB-408: Revise student scholarship organization and innovative education tax credits × Sponsored by: Sen. Sue Vinton Chapter Number Assigned on 05/19/2023
You have voted HB-408: Revise student scholarship organization and innovative education tax credits.
Explain SB-259: Small business tax credit for paying a livable wage × Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Dunwell (s) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted SB-259: Small business tax credit for paying a livable wage.
Explain SB-258: Establish social security income tax credit × Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Dunwell (s) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted SB-258: Establish social security income tax credit.
Explain SB-253: Revise contractor's gross receipts tax × Sponsored by: Sen. Greg Hertz Chapter Number Assigned on 05/22/2023
You have voted SB-253: Revise contractor's gross receipts tax.
Explain HB-363: Revise individual income taxes to provide for new uppermost tax rate × Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Carter (h) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted HB-363: Revise individual income taxes to provide for new uppermost tax rate.
Explain HB-345: Exclusion from federal taxable income for medical savings accounts × Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Hamilton (s) Died In Standing Committee on 05/08/2023
You have voted HB-345: Exclusion from federal taxable income for medical savings accounts.
Explain HB-318: Providing housing tax incentives × Sponsored by: Rep. SJ Howell (h) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted HB-318: Providing housing tax incentives.
Explain HB-307: Provide for tax rebate × Sponsored by: Rep. Jerry Schillinger (h) Missed Deadline For Appropriation Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted HB-307: Provide for tax rebate.
Explain HB-294: Increase aggregate limit for student scholarship and innovative education credit × Sponsored by: Sen. Sue Vinton (h) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted HB-294: Increase aggregate limit for student scholarship and innovative education credit.
Explain HB-285: Increase earned income tax credit and link to inflation × Sponsored by: Sen. Emma Kerr-Carpenter (h) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted HB-285: Increase earned income tax credit and link to inflation.