State Board of Architects and State Board for Professional Land Surveyors - Membership [HB-188]
Altering the eligibility criteria for membership on the State Board of Architects and the State Board for Professional Land Surveyors; requiring at least three members of the State Board of Architects to hold a professional degree from an architecture program accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board; requiring one member of the State Board for Professional Land Surveyors to be either a licensed property line surveyor or a professional land surveyor; etc.
HB-188: State Board of Architects and State Board for Professional Land Surveyors - Membership
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 45 on 04/10/2018
Technical Study on Changes in Forest Cover and Tree Canopy in Maryland [SB-729]
Requiring the Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology, in consultation with the Departments of Natural Resources, the Environment, Planning, and Agriculture and the Chesapeake Bay Program to conduct a technical study to review changes in forest cover and tree canopy in the State; providing for the scope of the study; and requiring the Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology to submit a report of the findings of the technical study to the Governor and the General Assembly by December 1, 2019.
SB-729: Technical Study on Changes in Forest Cover and Tree Canopy in Maryland
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 405 on 05/13/2019
State Government - Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability and Maryland Program Evaluation Act [SB-640]
Establishing the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability in the Department of Legislative Services; requiring the Office to conduct certain performance evaluations of certain units of State government; renaming the Joint Audit Committee as the Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee with an expanded role in reviewing evaluations conducted by the Office; requiring the Office to conduct certain investigations under certain circumstances; altering the manner in which certain governmental units are evaluated; etc.
SB-640: State Government - Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability and Maryland Program Evaluation Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Craig Zucker
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 511 on 05/13/2019
Courts - Documentary Evidence - Protective Order [SB-320]
Authorizing a defendant in a malpractice claim against a licensed professional to move for a protective order to limit the disclosure of certain documentary evidence under certain circumstances; requiring a court, upon a certain motion by the defendant, to review the claimant's request for documentary evidence and authorizing the court to issue a certain protective order for good cause shown; providing for the prospective application of the Act; etc.
SB-320: Courts - Documentary Evidence - Protective Order
Sponsored by: Sen. Chris West
First Reading Judicial Proceedings on 01/30/2019
Courts - Documentary Evidence - Protective Order [HB-848]
Authorizing a defendant in a malpractice claim against a licensed professional to move for a protective order to limit the disclosure of certain documentary evidence under certain circumstances; requiring a court, upon a certain motion by the defendant, to review the claimant's request for documentary evidence and authorizing the court to issue a certain protective order for good cause shown; providing for the prospective application of the Act; etc.
HB-848: Courts - Documentary Evidence - Protective Order
Sponsored by: Rep. Neil Parrott
First Reading Judicial Proceedings on 03/18/2019
Technical Study on Changes in Forest Cover and Tree Canopy in Maryland [HB-735]
Requiring the Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology, in consultation with the Departments of Natural Resources, Environment, Planning, and Agriculture and the Chesapeake Bay Program to conduct a technical study to review changes in forest cover and tree canopy in the State; providing for the scope of the study; and requiring the Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology to submit a report of the findings of the technical study to the Governor and the General Assembly by December 1, 2019.
HB-735: Technical Study on Changes in Forest Cover and Tree Canopy in Maryland
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/24/2019
Procurement - Qualification Based Selection - Land Surveying Services [HB-478]
Authorizing a procurement officer in the Department of General Services or the Department of Transportation to use qualification based selection as a method of procuring land surveying services; and applying certain parameters, standards, and requirements of qualification based selection to land surveying services.
HB-478: Procurement - Qualification Based Selection - Land Surveying Services
Sponsored by: Sen. Ariana Kelly
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 356 on 04/30/2019
State Government - Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability and Maryland Program Evaluation Act [HB-1113]
Renaming the Joint Audit Committee to be the Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee and altering its powers and duties; establishing the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability in the Department of Legislative Services; requiring the Office to conduct certain performance evaluations of certain units of State government; requiring the Office to conduct certain investigations under certain circumstances; altering the manner in which certain governmental units are evaluated under the Maryland Program Evaluation Act; etc.
HB-1113: State Government - Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability and Maryland Program Evaluation Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Shelly Hettleman
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 510 on 05/13/2019
SB-617: Relating to the continuation of the regulation of land surveyors and the transfer of the regulation to the Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, following the recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission; changing fees.
Sponsored by: Sen. Kirk Watson
Read First Time on 03/01/2019
You have voted SB-617: Relating to the continuation of the regulation of land surveyors and the transfer of the regulation to the Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, following the recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission; changing fees..
HB-1523: Relating to the continuation of the regulation of land surveyors and the transfer of the regulation to the Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, following the recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission; changing fees.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dawn Buckingham
Effective On 9/1/19 on 06/14/2019
You have voted HB-1523: Relating to the continuation of the regulation of land surveyors and the transfer of the regulation to the Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, following the recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission; changing fees..
Labor and Employment - Hiring and Promotion Preferences - Veterans and Their Spouses [SB-245]
Authorizing employers to grant a preference in hiring and promotion to eligible veterans, spouses of eligible veterans who have service-connected disabilities, and surviving spouses of deceased eligible veterans; providing that granting a preference under the Act does not violate State or local equal employment opportunity laws; and defining the term "eligible veteran".
SB-245: Labor and Employment - Hiring and Promotion Preferences - Veterans and Their Spouses
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 318 on 05/10/2016
Agreements to Defend or Pay the Cost of Defense - Void [SB-234]
Providing that specified provisions in a contract or an agreement relating to architectural, engineering, inspecting, or surveying services that purport to require the promisor or indemnitor to defend or pay the costs of defending specified promisees or indemnitees against liability for specified damages are against public policy and are void and unenforceable under specified circumstances; and applying the Act prospectively.
SB-234: Agreements to Defend or Pay the Cost of Defense - Void
Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Hough
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/27/2016
Agreements to Defend or Pay the Cost of Defense - Void [HB-871]
Providing that specified provisions in a contract or an agreement relating to architectural, engineering, inspecting, or surveying services that purport to require the promisor or indemnitor to defend or pay the costs of defending specified promisees or indemnitees against liability for specified damages are against public policy and are void and unenforceable under specified circumstances; and applying the Act prospectively.
HB-871: Agreements to Defend or Pay the Cost of Defense - Void
Sponsored by: Rep. Neil Parrott
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 636 on 05/19/2016
Labor and Employment - Hiring and Promotion Preferences - Veterans and Their Spouses [HB-306]
Authorizing employers to grant a preference in hiring and promotion to eligible veterans, spouses of eligible veterans who have service-connected disabilities, and surviving spouses of deceased eligible veterans; providing that granting a preference under the Act does not violate State or local equal employment opportunity laws; and defining the term "eligible veteran".
HB-306: Labor and Employment - Hiring and Promotion Preferences - Veterans and Their Spouses
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 319 on 05/10/2016
Land Surveyors - Qualifications for License - Education, Experience, and Examination Requirements [HB-1457]
Altering and adding specified higher education, experience, and examination requirements that specified applicants for a license to practice land surveying must meet to qualify for a license; repealing specified dates after which, and specified dates on or before which, specified applicants must possess a specified minimum number of credit hours in specified land surveying-related courses, must have a specified minimum number of years of specified experience in land surveying, or must apply for a license; etc.
HB-1457: Land Surveyors - Qualifications for License - Education, Experience, and Examination Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Johnny Mautz
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 139 on 04/12/2016