Courts - Prohibited Indemnity and Defense Liability Agreements [SB-31]
Prohibiting a provision in a contract or agreement relating to architectural, engineering, inspecting, or surveying services that requires the promisor to defend a promisee against claims brought by a third party.
SB-31: Courts - Prohibited Indemnity and Defense Liability Agreements
Sponsored by: Sen. Chris West
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/05/2024
Courts - Prohibited Indemnity and Defense Liability Agreements [HB-158]
Prohibiting a provision in a contract or agreement relating to architectural, engineering, inspecting, or surveying services that requires the promisor to defend a promisee against claims brought by a third party.
HB-158: Courts - Prohibited Indemnity and Defense Liability Agreements
Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Cardin
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/04/2024
State Board for Professional Land Surveyors - Sunset Extension [SB-296]
Continuing the State Board for Professional Land Surveyors in accordance with the provisions of the Maryland Program Evaluation Act (sunset law) by extending to July 1, 2027, the termination provisions relating to the statutory and regulatory authority of the Board; and requiring the Maryland Department of Labor to submit a certain report to the Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee on or before July 1, 2025.
SB-296: State Board for Professional Land Surveyors - Sunset Extension
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 399 on 04/25/2024
Criminal and Civil Trespass - Professional Land Surveyors - Exception [HB-1230]
Establishing exceptions to certain criminal prohibitions against trespass on property and the civil tort of trespass for professional land surveyors, and agents and employees of professional land surveyors, who enter the property of another to practice land surveying.
HB-1230: Criminal and Civil Trespass - Professional Land Surveyors - Exception
Sponsored by: Rep. Marvin Holmes
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/13/2023
Natural Resources - Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Protection Zones - Aerial Surveys [SB-638]
Altering the definition of "aerial survey" for purposes of certain provisions of law relating to submerged aquatic vegetation protection zones to mean an aerial survey compiled by an entity approved by the Department of Natural Resources, rather than the annual survey compiled by the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences for the annual Bay-wide Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Mapping Program; and requiring the Department to update the delineations of submerged aquatic vegetation zones annually.
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 62, Chapter 18, Part 1, relative to land surveyors. [SB-1296]
As introduced, expands notice requirement for land surveyors conducting boundary surveys by requiring them to notify all adjoining landowners of the survey rather than just when the surveyor discovers or reasonably should have discovered discrepancies between the deed descriptions of the adjoining owners. - Amends TCA Title 62, Chapter 18, Part 1.
SB-1296: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 62, Chapter 18, Part 1, relative to land surveyors.
Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Bailey
Assigned To General Subcommittee Of Senate Commerce And Labor Committee on 03/20/2023
Criminal and Civil Trespass - Professional Land Surveyors - Exception [SB-288]
Establishing exceptions to certain criminal prohibitions against trespass on property and the civil tort of trespass for professional land surveyors, and agents and employees of professional land surveyors, who enter the property of another to practice land surveying.
SB-288: Criminal and Civil Trespass - Professional Land Surveyors - Exception
Sponsored by: Sen. Jeff Waldstreicher
Hearing 4/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/29/2023
Courts – Prohibited Indemnity and Defense Liability Agreements [HB-256]
Prohibiting a provision in a contract with a design professional for professional services that requires the design professional to indemnify or hold harmless certain parties unless the design professional is at fault for causing the loss, damage, or expense indemnified; and prohibiting a provision in a contract with a design professional for professional services that requires the design professional to defend certain parties against liability or certain claims.
HB-256: Courts – Prohibited Indemnity and Defense Liability Agreements
Sponsored by: Rep. Vanessa Atterbeary
Hearing 2/01 At 2:30 P.m. on 01/26/2023
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 62, Chapter 18, Part 1, relative to land surveyors. [HB-52]
As introduced, expands notice requirement for land surveyors conducting boundary surveys by requiring them to notify all adjoining landowners of the survey rather than just when the surveyor discovers or reasonably should have discovered discrepancies between the deed descriptions of the adjoining owners. - Amends TCA Title 62, Chapter 18, Part 1.
HB-52: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 62, Chapter 18, Part 1, relative to land surveyors.
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Hale
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Business & Utilities Subcommittee Of Commerce Committee on 03/21/2023
Courts - Prohibited Indemnity and Defense Liability Agreements [SB-161]
Prohibiting a provision in a contract with a design professional for professional services that requires the design professional to indemnify or hold harmless certain parties unless the design professional is at fault for causing the loss, damage, or expense indemnified; and prohibiting a provision in a contract with a design professional for professional services that requires the design professional to defend certain parties against liability or certain claims.
SB-161: Courts - Prohibited Indemnity and Defense Liability Agreements
Sponsored by: Sen. Chris West
Hearing 3/30 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/16/2022
Courts - Prohibited Indemnity and Defense Liability Agreements [HB-79]
Prohibiting a provision in a contract with a design professional for professional services that requires the design professional to indemnify or hold harmless certain parties unless the design professional is at fault for causing the loss, damage, or expense indemnified; and prohibiting a provision in a contract with a design professional for professional services that requires the design professional to defend certain parties against liability or certain claims.
HB-79: Courts - Prohibited Indemnity and Defense Liability Agreements
Sponsored by: Rep. Vanessa Atterbeary
First Reading Judiciary on 01/12/2022
Professional Land Surveyors - Surveying Practice - Definition and Licensing Exception [HB-684]
Altering the definition of "practice land surveying" for purposes of certain provisions of law governing professional land surveyors; and exempting certain individuals who utilize measurement devices or systems, regardless of the technology or methods used, for the exclusive purpose of determining topography and contours and are certified by certain entities approved by the State Board for Professional Land Surveyors from certain licensing requirements.
HB-684: Professional Land Surveyors - Surveying Practice - Definition and Licensing Exception
Sponsored by: Rep. Kriselda Valderrama
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 432 on 05/30/2021
Courts - Prohibited Indemnity and Defense Liability Agreements [SB-189]
Prohibiting a provision in a contract or an agreement with a design professional for professional services that requires the design professional to indemnify or hold harmless certain parties unless the design professional is at fault for causing the loss, damage, or expense indemnified; prohibiting a provision in a contract or an agreement with a design professional for professional services that requires the design professional to defend certain parties against liability or certain claims; etc.
SB-189: Courts - Prohibited Indemnity and Defense Liability Agreements
Sponsored by: Sen. Chris West
Hearing 2/02 At 1:00 P.m. on 12/28/2021
Courts - Prohibited Indemnity and Defense Liability Agreements [HB-213]
Prohibiting a provision in a contract or an agreement with a design professional for professional services that requires the design professional to indemnify or hold harmless certain parties unless the design professional is at fault for causing the loss, damage, or expense indemnified; prohibiting a provision in a contract or an agreement with a design professional for professional services that requires the design professional to defend certain parties against liability or certain claims; etc.
HB-213: Courts - Prohibited Indemnity and Defense Liability Agreements
Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Cardin
Hearing 1/20 At 1:30 P.m. on 12/23/2021
Courts - Certificate of Merit - Provider of Professional Services [SB-962]
Requiring the contents of the certificate of a qualified expert to include a statement from a qualified expert that the licensed professional failed to meet an applicable standard of professional care and supervision; applying the Act prospectively; etc.
SB-962: Courts - Certificate of Merit - Provider of Professional Services
Sponsored by: Sen. Bob Cassilly
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings; Withdrawn on 02/26/2018
State Board of Architects and State Board for Professional Land Surveyors - Membership [SB-77]
Altering the eligibility criteria for membership on the State Board of Architects and the State Board for Professional Land Surveyors; requiring at least three members of the State Board of Architects to hold a professional degree from an architecture program accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board; requiring one member of the State Board for Professional Land Surveyors to be either a licensed property line surveyor or a professional land surveyor; etc.
SB-77: State Board of Architects and State Board for Professional Land Surveyors - Membership
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 46 on 04/10/2018
Courts - Certificate of Merit - Provider of Professional Services [HB-958]
Requiring the contents of the certificate of a qualified expert to include a statement from a qualified expert that the licensed professional failed to meet an applicable standard of professional care and supervision; applying the Act prospectively; etc.
HB-958: Courts - Certificate of Merit - Provider of Professional Services
Sponsored by: Rep. Neil Parrott
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary; Withdrawn on 02/19/2018