State Highway Fund

State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the allocation of certain motor fuels tax revenue. [HB-2737]
Relating to the allocation of certain motor fuels tax revenue.


Sponsored by: Rep. Giovanni Capriglione Read First Time on 03/18/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the provision and use of certain transportation funding, including the allocation of certain revenue from the taxes imposed on the sale or use of motor vehicles. [HB-2686]
Relating to the provision and use of certain transportation funding, including the allocation of certain revenue from the taxes imposed on the sale or use of motor vehicles.


Sponsored by: Rep. Matthew Shaheen Read First Time on 03/18/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the allocation of revenue derived from the taxes imposed on the sale, storage, or use of new and used motor vehicle tires and parts to the state highway fund and to the uses of that revenue. [HB-203]
Relating to the allocation of revenue derived from the taxes imposed on the sale, storage, or use of new and used motor vehicle tires and parts to the state highway fund and to the uses of that revenue.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jeff Leach Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 03/19/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the allocation of certain motor vehicle sales, use, and rental tax revenue to the state highway fund and to the uses of that revenue. [HB-202]
Relating to the allocation of certain motor vehicle sales, use, and rental tax revenue to the state highway fund and to the uses of that revenue.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jeff Leach Correction In Referral on 03/18/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the allocation of certain sales tax revenue to the state highway fund and to the uses of that revenue. [HB-1836]
Relating to the allocation of certain sales tax revenue to the state highway fund and to the uses of that revenue.


Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Sanford Referred Directly To S/c On Long-term Infrastructure Planning By Chair on 03/19/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the permissible uses of the state highway fund. [HB-1652]
Relating to the permissible uses of the state highway fund.


Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Turner Referred Directly To S/c On Long-term Infrastructure Planning By Chair on 03/19/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the use of certain money deposited to the state highway fund for transportation projects in energy-producing regions of this state. [HB-1637]
Relating to the use of certain money deposited to the state highway fund for transportation projects in energy-producing regions of this state.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ryan Guillen Read First Time on 03/09/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the allocation of certain revenue derived from the state gasoline tax. [HB-1622]
Relating to the allocation of certain revenue derived from the state gasoline tax.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Paul Correction In Referral on 03/18/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the allocation of certain motor vehicle sales tax revenue to the state highway fund and to the uses of that revenue. [HB-1370]
Relating to the allocation of certain motor vehicle sales tax revenue to the state highway fund and to the uses of that revenue.


Sponsored by: Rep. Rodney Anderson Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/09/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the allocation to the state highway fund of revenue from the taxes imposed on the sale, rental, or use of motor vehicles and other taxes imposed on motor vehicles. [HB-129]
Relating to the allocation to the state highway fund of revenue from the taxes imposed on the sale, rental, or use of motor vehicles and other taxes imposed on motor vehicles.


Sponsored by: Rep. Craig Goldman Correction In Referral on 03/18/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the allocation of certain motor vehicle sales tax revenue to the state highway fund. [HB-1081]
Relating to the allocation of certain motor vehicle sales tax revenue to the state highway fund.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Paul Correction In Referral on 03/18/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature 3rd Special Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for the transfer of certain general revenue to the economic stabilization fund and to the state highway fund and for the dedication of the revenue transferred to the state highway fund. [SJR-1]
Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for the transfer of certain general revenue to the economic stabilization fund and to the state highway fund and for the dedication of the revenue transferred to the state highway fund.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jane Nelson Filed With The Secretary Of State on 08/06/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature 3rd Special Session

Relating to the creation and functions of legislative select committees on transportation funding, expenditures, and finance and to the preservation of a sufficient balance in the economic stabilization fund. [SB-1]
Relating to the creation and functions of legislative select committees on transportation funding, expenditures, and finance and to the preservation of a sufficient balance in the economic stabilization fund.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jane Nelson Referred To Transportation Funding, Select on 07/31/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature 3rd Special Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for the transfer of certain general revenue to the economic stabilization fund and to the state highway fund and for the dedication of the revenue transferred to the state highway fund. [HJR-1]
Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for the transfer of certain general revenue to the economic stabilization fund and to the state highway fund and for the dedication of the revenue transferred to the state highway fund.


Sponsored by: Rep. Joe Pickett Placed On Constitutional Amendments Calendar on 08/05/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature 3rd Special Session

Relating to the allocation of certain revenue from the taxes imposed on the sale, rental, or use of motor vehicles to the state highway fund. [HB-7]
Relating to the allocation of certain revenue from the taxes imposed on the sale, rental, or use of motor vehicles to the state highway fund.


Sponsored by: Rep. James Frank Read First Time on 08/05/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature 3rd Special Session

Relating to providing funding for certain transportation projects, including port-related transportation projects; making appropriations. [HB-4]
Relating to providing funding for certain transportation projects, including port-related transportation projects; making appropriations.


Sponsored by: Rep. Cindy Burkett Read First Time on 08/05/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature 3rd Special Session

Relating to the provision and use of revenue for transportation; making an appropriation. [HB-3]
Relating to the provision and use of revenue for transportation; making an appropriation.


Sponsored by: Rep. Cindy Burkett Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 08/01/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature 3rd Special Session

Relating to the rates of the state gasoline and diesel fuel taxes and to the use of any additional revenue derived from those taxes. [HB-17]
Relating to the rates of the state gasoline and diesel fuel taxes and to the use of any additional revenue derived from those taxes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ruth McClendon Read First Time on 08/05/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature 3rd Special Session

Relating to the allocation of certain motor vehicle sales, use, and rental tax revenue; making an appropriation. [HB-16]
Relating to the allocation of certain motor vehicle sales, use, and rental tax revenue; making an appropriation.


Sponsored by: Rep. Linda Harper-Brown Read First Time on 08/05/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature 3rd Special Session

Relating to providing funding for constructing, maintaining, and acquiring rights-of-way for public roadways other than toll roads; making appropriations. [HB-15]
Relating to providing funding for constructing, maintaining, and acquiring rights-of-way for public roadways other than toll roads; making appropriations.


Sponsored by: Rep. Linda Harper-Brown Read First Time on 08/05/2013

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