Relating To Transportation. [HB-401]
Increases the rental motor vehicle customer facility charge from $4.50 to $9.00. Requires that $4.50 of the charge be deposited into the rental motor vehicle customer facility charge special fund, and that the remaining $4.50 of the charge be deposited into the state highway fund for the purpose of funding projects to increase the capacity of certain existing roadways or the construction of certain new roadways. Authorizes certain individuals to deduct the charge on their state taxes.
HB-401: Relating To Transportation.
Sponsored by: Sen. Angus McKelvey
Pass First Reading on 01/23/2017
SJR-48: Proposing a constitutional amendment to permit additional uses of certain dedicated general revenue transferred each fiscal year to the state highway fund.
Sponsored by: Sen. Borris Miles
Read First Time on 03/09/2017
You have voted SJR-48: Proposing a constitutional amendment to permit additional uses of certain dedicated general revenue transferred each fiscal year to the state highway fund..
SJR-41: Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for foregoing the transfer of oil and gas production tax revenue to the economic stabilization fund if the ending fund balance for the preceding fiscal year is greater than $5 billion and for reducing the rates of oil and gas production taxes by amounts sufficient to equal the foregone transfer.
Sponsored by: Sen. Kel Seliger
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/03/2017
You have voted SJR-41: Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for foregoing the transfer of oil and gas production tax revenue to the economic stabilization fund if the ending fund balance for the preceding fiscal year is greater than $5 billion and for reducing the rates of oil and gas production taxes by amounts sufficient to equal the foregone transfer..
SB-812: Relating to repayment of money contributed by the Texas Department of Transportation or the Texas Transportation Commission for toll projects and to a limitation on toll projects.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst
Referred To Transportation on 05/16/2017
You have voted SB-812: Relating to repayment of money contributed by the Texas Department of Transportation or the Texas Transportation Commission for toll projects and to a limitation on toll projects..
You have voted HB-772: Relating to a limitation on the amount of tolls and other charges that may be imposed by toll project entities for the use of toll projects..
You have voted HB-432: Relating to the allocation of certain motor vehicle sales tax revenue to the state highway fund and to the uses of that revenue..
You have voted HB-303: Relating to repayment of money contributed by the Texas Department of Transportation or the Texas Transportation Commission for toll projects..
HCR-118: Finding that the diversion of sales tax funds from general revenue to the state highway fund was approved by Texas voters in 2015 and is required under Section 7-c, Article VIII, of the Texas Constitution.
Sponsored by: Rep. Giovanni Capriglione
Filed on 03/31/2017
You have voted HCR-118: Finding that the diversion of sales tax funds from general revenue to the state highway fund was approved by Texas voters in 2015 and is required under Section 7-c, Article VIII, of the Texas Constitution..