Public Employee Relations Act [SB-367]
Consolidating and altering certain laws governing collective bargaining for certain public employees, including laws related to the establishment of bargaining units, elections and certification of exclusive representatives, employee and employer rights, unfair labor practices, and strikes and lockouts; establishing the Public Employee Relations Board to oversee collective bargaining activities for certain public employees; etc.
SB-367: Public Employee Relations Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Third Reading Passed (35-12) on 04/10/2023
State Personnel - Executive Branch Service Contracts - Notification [HB-368]
Authorizing the Board of Public Works to approve certain service contracts if the Board receives a certain certification; and requiring the Department of Budget and Management to send a copy of the certification to the exclusive representative of the affected employees.
HB-368: State Personnel - Executive Branch Service Contracts - Notification
Sponsored by: Rep. Bonnie Cullison
Hearing 3/28 At 1:15 P.m. on 03/23/2023
Arbitration Reform for State Employees Act of 2023 [HB-380]
Altering the collective bargaining process for State employees, including by requiring the selection of a neutral arbitrator to oversee all aspects of collective bargaining, establishing a process of arbitration in the event of impasse, and providing that certain decisions of a neutral arbitrator are advisory; requiring that each budget bill contain the appropriations necessary to implement all terms and conditions of employment in certain memoranda of understanding for the next ensuing fiscal year; etc.
HB-380: Arbitration Reform for State Employees Act of 2023
Sponsored by: Rep. Marc Korman
First Reading Appropriations on 01/26/2023
State Government - State Facilities Changes and Closures - Procedures [HB-395]
Requiring a principal department of the Executive Branch to give certain notice to the public, the General Assembly, and any exclusive representative with certain bargaining unit employees, hold a public hearing, submit a certain report, make the report publicly available, and allow the submission of certain comments before changing the use, purpose, or function of a State facility or closing a State facility.
HB-395: State Government - State Facilities Changes and Closures - Procedures
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 117 on 04/24/2023
State Employee Rights and Protections - Personnel Actions and Harassment - Complaints [HB-309]
Authorizing an applicant for State employment or a State employee to file a complaint alleging harassment by an employer within 2 years after the alleged violation that is the basis of the complaint; and increasing, from 30 days to 1 year, the period of time for an applicant or employee to file a complaint alleging certain prohibited personnel actions.
HB-309: State Employee Rights and Protections - Personnel Actions and Harassment - Complaints
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 236 on 04/24/2023
State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Faculty, Part-Time Faculty, and Graduate Assistants [HB-275]
Granting collective bargaining rights to faculty, part-time faculty, and certain graduate students at an institution within the University System of Maryland, Morgan State University, or St. Mary's College of Maryland; establishing separate collective bargaining units for faculty, part-time faculty, and graduate assistants; and altering the procedures for petitions, elections, and certification applicable to the bargaining units for faculty and part-time faculty.
HB-275: State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Faculty, Part-Time Faculty, and Graduate Assistants
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Hearing 2/14 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/31/2023
State Personnel – Collective Bargaining – Faculty, Part–Time Faculty, and Graduate Assistants [SB-247]
Granting collective bargaining rights to faculty, part-time faculty, and certain graduate students at an institution within the University System of Maryland, Morgan State University, or St. Mary's College of Maryland; establishing separate collective bargaining units for faculty, part-time faculty, and graduate assistants; and altering the procedures for petitions, elections, and certification applicable to the bargaining units for faculty and part-time faculty.
SB-247: State Personnel – Collective Bargaining – Faculty, Part–Time Faculty, and Graduate Assistants
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Hearing 2/16 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/28/2023
State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program – Domestic Partnerships [SB-239]
Establishing that the terms "spouse", "family", "immediate family", "dependent", and any other terms that denote a spousal relationship shall be construed to include a party to a domestic partnership for purposes of the State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program; and establishing that the provisions of the Program that apply to spouses shall apply to parties who have entered into a domestic partnership.
SB-239: State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program – Domestic Partnerships
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 120 on 04/24/2023
Arbitration Reform for State Employees Act of 2023 [SB-218]
Altering the collective bargaining process for State employees, including by requiring the selection of a neutral arbitrator to oversee all aspects of collective bargaining, establishing a process of arbitration in the event of impasse, and providing that certain decisions of a neutral arbitrator are advisory; requiring that each budget bill contain the appropriations necessary to implement all terms and conditions of employment in certain memoranda of understanding for the next ensuing fiscal year; etc.
SB-218: Arbitration Reform for State Employees Act of 2023
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Hearing Canceled (budget And Taxation) on 01/26/2023
State Government – State Facilities Changes and Closures – Procedures [SB-223]
Requiring a principal department of the Executive Branch to give certain notice to the public, the General Assembly, and any exclusive representative with certain bargaining unit employees and hold a public hearing before changing the use, purpose, or function of a State facility or closing a State facility; authorizing a government agency or judicial body that determines an emergency situation posing a certain health risk exists to modify the timelines required by the Act in a certain manner; etc.
SB-223: State Government – State Facilities Changes and Closures – Procedures
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 118 on 04/24/2023
State Personnel - Education and Transportation - Grievance Procedures [HB-184]
Authorizing a certain employee or certain exclusive representative to initiate a grievance procedure under certain provisions of law; requiring certain decision makers in a grievance procedure in certain higher education systems to award certain damages under certain circumstances; requiring certain employee grievance procedures to include certain redress for certain violations; requiring the Secretary of Transportation to be consistent with certain provisions of law and include redress for certain violations; etc.
HB-184: State Personnel - Education and Transportation - Grievance Procedures
Sponsored by: Rep. Jared Solomon
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 231 on 04/24/2023
Disaster Service and Uniformed Services Leave Modernization Act of 2023 [SB-48]
Adding certain State employees to certain provisions of law authorizing disaster service leave with pay; authorizing certain appointing authorities to waive certain requirements for disaster service leave and to increase the number of days of disaster service leave under certain circumstances; defining "uniformed services" for the purpose of adding certain individuals to certain provisions of law relating to certain paid leave and military administrative leave; etc.
SB-48: Disaster Service and Uniformed Services Leave Modernization Act of 2023
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 563 on 05/08/2023
State Personnel – Executive Branch Service Contracts – Policy, Certification, and Notification [SB-9]
Altering State policy regarding the preference to use State employees to perform State functions in State-operated facilities by repealing the requirement that State employees perform the functions in State-operated facilities; authorizing the Board of Public Works to approve certain service contracts if the Board receives a certain certification; and requiring the Department of Budget and Management to send a copy of the certification to the exclusive representative of the affected employees.
SB-9: State Personnel – Executive Branch Service Contracts – Policy, Certification, and Notification
Sponsored by: Sen. Sarah Elfreth
Hearing 1/19 At 1:30 P.m. on 01/12/2023
State Personnel – Education and Transportation – Grievance Procedures [SB-79]
Authorizing a certain employee or certain exclusive representative to initiate a grievance procedure under certain provisions of law; requiring certain decision makers in a grievance procedure in certain higher education systems to award certain damages under certain circumstances; requiring regulations adopted by the Secretary of Transportation to be consistent with certain provisions of law and include redress for certain violations; etc.
SB-79: State Personnel – Education and Transportation – Grievance Procedures
Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Kramer
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 232 on 04/24/2023