State Personnel - Maryland Department of Health - Pay Rates [SB-1080]
Increasing the number of certain bargaining units for the purpose of specifying certain pay rates for certain employees of the Maryland Department of Health; and requiring that the pay rates of certain employees of the Department who are in certain bargaining units and who work at certain facilities be equal to certain pay rates for employees who work at Clifton T. Perkins Hospital.
SB-1080: State Personnel - Maryland Department of Health - Pay Rates
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 630 on 05/09/2024
State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Faculty, Part-Time Faculty, Post Doctoral Associates, and Graduate Assistants [SB-823]
Providing collective bargaining rights to certain faculty, part-time faculty, post doctoral associates, and graduate assistants at certain State institutions of higher education; establishing separate collective bargaining units for the faculty, part-time faculty, post doctoral associates, and graduate assistants; and altering the application of certain collective bargaining laws to supervisory, managerial, and confidential employees of a State institution of higher education.
SB-823: State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Faculty, Part-Time Faculty, Post Doctoral Associates, and Graduate Assistants
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Hearing 3/07 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/09/2024
State Personnel - Line-of-Duty Death and Funeral Benefits [SB-850]
Increasing to $25,000 the maximum amount of funeral expenses that may be provided for a line-of-duty death of certain public safety officers and indexing the benefit to inflation; repealing an offset against certain funeral expenses for the line-of-duty death of certain public safety officers; increasing the maximum amount of line-of-duty death benefits for State employees and indexing the benefit to inflation; providing a funeral expense benefit for a line-of-duty death for State employees and indexing the benefit to inflation; etc.
SB-850: State Personnel - Line-of-Duty Death and Funeral Benefits
Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Corderman
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 479 on 05/09/2024
State Employees - Cancer Screening Leave [HB-949]
Providing that certain State employees, on request and with approval from the appropriate appointing authority, are entitled to use up to 4 hours of cancer screening leave with pay in any 12-month period.
HB-949: State Employees - Cancer Screening Leave
Sponsored by: Rep. Joe Vogel
Hearing Canceled on 02/27/2024
State Facilities – Procedures for Changes and Closures – Definition and Reporting [SB-731]
Specifying that requirements for purchasing, leasing, changing the use of, or closing State facilities apply to facilities owned, leased, or operated for the purpose of providing benefits to clients; and requiring the Department of Human Services, on or before August 1, 2024, to submit a report on any State facility owned, leased, or operated by the Department for the purpose of providing benefits to clients that was closed on or after January 1, 2023 to certain committees of the General Assembly.
SB-731: State Facilities – Procedures for Changes and Closures – Definition and Reporting
Sponsored by: Sen. Jill Carter
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/07/2024
State Prescription Drug Benefits - Retirees [HB-670]
Authorizing certain retirees who began State service before July 1, 2011, to be eligible for prescription drug benefits in the State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program; specifying that prescription drug benefits shall be discontinued for certain Medicare-eligible retirees who began State service on or after July 1, 2011, and their Medicare-eligible spouses and dependent children; repealing three Maryland State Retiree Prescription Drug programs that provide coverage and assistance to certain retirees; etc.
HB-670: State Prescription Drug Benefits - Retirees
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke
Hearing 3/12 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/26/2024
State Employees - Four-Day Workweek - Implementation [SB-569]
Requiring, on or before October 1, 2025, the Department of Budget and Management to identify units of State government or functions of State government for which a transition to a 4-day workweek is feasible for 60% of State employees; requiring the Department to implement a 4-day workweek for certain State employees by October 1, 2027; and prohibiting State employees who transition to a 4-day workweek from, as a direct result of the transition, having work hours reduced to less than 36 hours per week or having a reduction in pay or benefits.
SB-569: State Employees - Four-Day Workweek - Implementation
Sponsored by: Sen. Shelly Hettleman
Hearing 2/29 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/31/2024
State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Faculty, Part-Time Faculty, Post Doctoral Associates, and Graduate Assistants [HB-493]
Providing collective bargaining rights to certain faculty, part-time faculty, post doctoral associates, and graduate assistants at certain State institutions of higher education; establishing separate collective bargaining units for the faculty, part-time faculty, post doctoral associates, and graduate assistants; and altering the application of certain collective bargaining laws to supervisory, managerial, and confidential employees of a State institution of higher education.
HB-493: State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Faculty, Part-Time Faculty, Post Doctoral Associates, and Graduate Assistants
Sponsored by: Rep. David Fraser-hidalgo
Hearing Canceled on 02/01/2024
Families Serve Act of 2024 [HB-604]
Authorizing employers to grant a preference in hiring and promotion to spouses of eligible service members; and requiring the appointing authorities in the Executive Branch of State government to apply a credit of 10 points on any selection test for eligible military spouses and veterans of uniformed services.
HB-604: Families Serve Act of 2024
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Third Reading Passed (46-0) on 03/27/2024
State Personnel - Whistleblower Law - Procedures and Remedies (First Amendment and Public Employee Protection Act) [HB-517]
Altering the prohibition on reprisal against certain employees for certain disclosures and actions under the Maryland Whistleblower Law in the Executive Branch of State government; requiring the Office of the Attorney General to investigate unresolved complaints within a certain time period; and authorizing the award of certain monetary damages and reasonable attorney's fees and costs in prevailing cases.
HB-517: State Personnel - Whistleblower Law - Procedures and Remedies (First Amendment and Public Employee Protection Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Heather Bagnall
Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/09/2024
Time to Serve Act of 2024 [HB-580]
Increasing, from 15 to 30, the maximum number of days of disaster service leave for employees in the Executive Branch of State government; and increasing, from 15 to 30, the maximum number of days of paid leave the Secretary of Budget and Management may provide for uniformed services training or active uniformed services duty in a reserve unit of the armed forces or organized militia.
HB-580: Time to Serve Act of 2024
Sponsored by: Rep. Marvin Holmes
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 7 on 04/09/2024
State Employees - Four-Day Workweek - Implementation [HB-559]
Requiring, on or before October 1, 2025, the Department of Budget and Management to identify units of State government or functions of State government for which a transition to a 4-day workweek is feasible for 60% of State employees; requiring the Department to implement a 4-day workweek for certain State employees by October 1, 2027; and prohibiting State employees who transition to a 4-day workweek from, as a direct result of the transition, having work hours reduced to less than 36 hours per week or having a reduction in pay or benefits.
HB-559: State Employees - Four-Day Workweek - Implementation
Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Hornberger
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/14/2024
Families Serve Act of 2024 [SB-478]
Authorizing employers to grant a preference in hiring and promotion to spouses of eligible service members; and requiring the appointing authorities in the Executive Branch of State government to apply a credit of 10 points on any selection test for eligible spouses and veterans of certain uniformed services.
SB-478: Families Serve Act of 2024
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 6 on 04/09/2024
Time to Serve Act of 2024 [SB-477]
Increasing, from 15 to 30, the maximum number of days of disaster service leave for employees in the Executive Branch of State government; and increasing, from 15 to 30, the maximum number of days of paid leave the Secretary of Budget and Management may provide for uniformed services training or active uniformed services duty in a reserve unit of the armed forces or organized militia.
SB-477: Time to Serve Act of 2024
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 8 on 04/09/2024
State Prescription Drug Benefits - Retirees [SB-349]
Authorizing certain retirees who began State service before July 1, 2011, to be eligible for prescription drug benefits in the State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program; specifying that prescription drug benefits shall be discontinued for certain Medicare-eligible retirees who began State service on or after July 1, 2011, and their Medicare-eligible spouses and dependent children; repealing three Maryland State Retiree Prescription Drug programs that provide coverage and assistance to certain retirees; etc.
SB-349: State Prescription Drug Benefits - Retirees
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike McKay
Hearing 2/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2024
Public Employee Relations Act - Alterations [SB-232]
Altering certain provisions of the Public Employee Relations Act, including adding the definition of interested employee organization, altering the timing of exclusive representative access to new employees, clarifying the responsibilities of certain deputy directors, and clarifying the process for certain investigations of unfair labor practices.
SB-232: Public Employee Relations Act - Alterations
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 52 on 04/09/2024