
State (North Carolina)
North Carolina 2023-2024 Session

Education Omnibus Changes [HB-38]
Education Omnibus Changes


Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Riddell Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, And Operations Of The House on 06/24/2024

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 113th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 8; Title 9; Title 49 and Title 67, relative to student athletics. [HB-1047]
As introduced, requires a person who is required to disclose a relationship with an educational institution offering a student athlete a scholarship to also provide, within 48 hours instead of 72 hours of providing the initial disclosure, another written disclosure of such relationship to the student athlete's parent or legal guardian, the secretary of state, and to the athletic director, president, and the general counsel of the educational institution from which such person has influenced or attempted to influence the student athlete to accept (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Vaughan P2c, Caption Bill, Held On Desk - Pending Amdt. on 02/02/2023

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 113th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49; Title 62, Chapter 50 and Title 68, relative to youth sports safety. [SB-773]
As enacted, makes changes concerning youth sports safety. - Amends TCA Title 49; Title 62, Chapter 50 and Title 68.


Sponsored by: Sen. Raumesh Akbari Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 382 on 05/19/2023

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 113th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 8; Title 9; Title 49 and Title 67, relative to student athletics. [SB-794]
As introduced, requires a person who is required to disclose a relationship with an educational institution offering a student athlete a scholarship to also provide, within 48 hours instead of 72 hours of providing the initial disclosure, another written disclosure of such relationship to the student athlete's parent or legal guardian, the secretary of state, and to the athletic director, president, and the general counsel of the educational institution from which such person has influenced or attempted to influence the student athlete to accept (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. John Stevens Assigned To General Subcommittee Of Senate Education Committee on 03/15/2023

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 113th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, Chapter 6, relative to home school. [SB-636]
As introduced, prohibits a public school from using public funds to join, become members of, or maintain membership in an association that regulates interscholastic athletics unless the association's bylaws allow a home school student in good standing to immediately participate in an interscholastic athletic offered by a public school if the student was previously enrolled in the public school and participated as a member of the interscholastic athletic team while enrolled. - Amends TCA Title 49, Chapter 6.


Sponsored by: Sen. J. Adam Lowe Passed On Second Consideration, Refer To Senate Education Committee on 02/02/2023

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State (North Carolina)
North Carolina 2023-2024 Session

Review of Federal Acts/Rules/Regulations [HB-24]
Review of Federal Acts/Rules/Regulations


Sponsored by: Rep. Mitchell Setzer Ref To The Com On Judiciary 2, If Favorable, Federal Relations And American Indian Affairs, If Favorable, State Government, If Favorable, Rules, Calendar, And Operations Of The House on 01/30/2023

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 113th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49; Title 62, Chapter 50 and Title 68, relative to youth sports safety. [HB-457]
As enacted, makes changes concerning youth sports safety. - Amends TCA Title 49; Title 62, Chapter 50 and Title 68.


Sponsored by: Rep. Darren Jernigan Effective Date(s) 07/01/2023 on 05/19/2023

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State (Hawaii)
Hawaii 2023 Regular Session

Relating To Sports. [HB-917]
Establishes the Hawaii Sports Task Force within the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism to plan and coordinate efforts to secure and maintain Hawaii as a host location for major sporting and sports entertainment events at Aloha Stadium and other locations in the State.


Sponsored by: Rep. Della au Belatti Referred To Ecd/tou, Fin, Referral Sheet 3 on 01/30/2023

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State (Hawaii)
Hawaii 2023 Regular Session

Relating To Traveling Team Physicians. [HB-884]
Exempts from state physician licensure requirements out-of-state traveling team physicians who accompany a sports team to Hawaii, under certain conditions. (CD1)


Sponsored by: Rep. Daynette Morikawa Act 106, 06/22/2023 (gov. Msg. No. 1207). on 06/22/2023

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 113th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 29; Title 39; Title 47, Chapter 18 and Title 67, relative to fantasy sports. [HB-374]
As enacted, moves administrative regulation of the Fantasy Sports Act from the office of the secretary of state to the sports wagering advisory council. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 29; Title 39; Title 47, Chapter 18 and Title 67.


Sponsored by: Rep. Pat Marsh Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 143 on 04/18/2023

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 113th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 29; Title 39; Title 47, Chapter 18 and Title 67, relative to fantasy sports. [SB-218]
As enacted, moves administrative regulation of the Fantasy Sports Act from the office of the secretary of state to the sports wagering advisory council. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 29; Title 39; Title 47, Chapter 18 and Title 67.


Sponsored by: Sen. Brent Taylor Effective Date(s) 04/13/2023; 07/01/2023 on 04/18/2023

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State (Indiana)
Indiana 2023 Regular Session

Charity gaming matters. [SB-447]
Charity gaming matters. Defines the term "professional sports team foundation" for purposes of the charity gaming law. Specifies that a professional sports team foundation is a qualified organization. Specifies that qualified organizations may conduct unlicensed allowable events at facilities leased or owned by the capital improvement board of managers of Marion County (CIB). (Current law allows qualified organizations to conduct charity gaming events without a license if the value of all prizes awarded is less than $2,500 for a single event and (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Ronnie Alting Public Law 114 on 05/01/2023

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State (Indiana)
Indiana 2023 Regular Session

Professional sports and convention development areas. [SB-326]
Professional sports and convention development areas. Adds certain city facilities located in the city of South Bend to the tax area of the South Bend professional sports and convention development area (PSCDA). Increases the maximum amount of covered taxes that may be captured in the PSCDA from $2,000,000 to $5,000,000. Provides that the first $2,500,000 of captured taxes each year shall be transferred to the city of South Bend to be used for capital improvements for a facility owned by the city and used by a professional sports franchise. Provides (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Ryan Mishler Public Law 183 on 05/04/2023

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 33rd Legislature

Designate Sex For School-sponsored Sports [HB-27]
An Act relating to school athletics, recreation, athletic teams, and sports.


Sponsored by: Rep. Thomas McKay Cosponsor(s): Tomaszewski on 04/19/2023

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State (North Carolina)
North Carolina 2021-2022 Session

2022 Speaker & PPT Appointments [HB-1175]
2022 Speaker & PPT Appointments


Sponsored by: Rep. Destin Hall Passed 2nd Reading on 07/01/2022

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State (North Carolina)
North Carolina 2021-2022 Session

Pickleball Pilot Program [HB-1073]
Pickleball Pilot Program


Sponsored by: Rep. Becky Carney Passed 1st Reading on 05/27/2022

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State (North Carolina)
North Carolina 2021-2022 Session

The Youth Sports Scholarship Act [HB-1050]
The Youth Sports Scholarship Act


Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Belk Passed 1st Reading on 05/26/2022

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State (North Carolina)
North Carolina 2021-2022 Session

Sports Hall of Fame Funds [SB-776]
Sports Hall of Fame Funds


Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas McInnis Passed 1st Reading on 05/25/2022

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State (North Carolina)
North Carolina 2021-2022 Session

GTCC Esports Funds [HB-1016]
GTCC Esports Funds


Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Graham Passed 1st Reading on 05/24/2022

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2022 Regular Session

Honoring the 2021-2022 Canton C-Hawk girls wrestling team for its outstanding accomplishments. [SM-816]
Honoring the 2021-2022 Canton C-Hawk girls wrestling team for its outstanding accomplishments.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Bolin S.j. 429 on 03/01/2022

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