SB-3265: As introduced, directs TSSAA to develop a policy prohibiting athletic events from being scheduled contiguously with commencement ceremonies. - Amends TCA Title 49.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Faulk
Assigned To Gen. Sub Of: S. Ed. Comm. on 04/05/2010
You have voted SB-3265: As introduced, directs TSSAA to develop a policy prohibiting athletic events from being scheduled contiguously with commencement ceremonies. - Amends TCA Title 49..
SB-2218: As introduced, specifies duties of administrator of the Tennessee athletic commission; prescribes term of administrator; provides that members of commission who miss three consecutive meetings can be removed for cause. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 115, Part 1.
Sponsored by: Sen. Tim Burchett
Rcvd. From S., Held On H. Desk. on 04/23/2009
You have voted SB-2218: As introduced, specifies duties of administrator of the Tennessee athletic commission; prescribes term of administrator; provides that members of commission who miss three consecutive meetings can be removed for cause. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 115, Part 1..
SB-1579: As enacted, revises various provisions of the Tennessee Athletic Commission Act of 2008, which regulates professional and amateur unarmed combat contests. - Amends TCA Title 4 and Title 68, Chapter 115.
Sponsored by: Sen. Douglas Jackson
Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 598 on 07/16/2009
You have voted SB-1579: As enacted, revises various provisions of the Tennessee Athletic Commission Act of 2008, which regulates professional and amateur unarmed combat contests. - Amends TCA Title 4 and Title 68, Chapter 115..
SB-199: As introduced, requires the Tennessee Athletic Commission to equitably allocate over the course of a year its approvals of competitions in arenas seating 10,000 or more among the grand divisions of the state. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 115.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dewayne Bunch
Assigned To Gen. Sub Of: S. C,l&a Comm. on 04/28/2009
You have voted SB-199: As introduced, requires the Tennessee Athletic Commission to equitably allocate over the course of a year its approvals of competitions in arenas seating 10,000 or more among the grand divisions of the state. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 115..
HB-3406: As introduced, directs TSSAA to develop a policy prohibiting athletic events from being scheduled contiguously with commencement ceremonies. - Amends TCA Title 49.
Sponsored by: Rep. Chad Faulkner
Taken Off Notice For Cal. In S/c K-12 Of Ed Of Education Committee on 04/07/2010
You have voted HB-3406: As introduced, directs TSSAA to develop a policy prohibiting athletic events from being scheduled contiguously with commencement ceremonies. - Amends TCA Title 49..
HB-2362: As introduced, specifies duties of administrator of the Tennessee athletic commission; prescribes term of administrator; provides that members of commission who miss three consecutive meetings can be removed for cause. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 115, Part 1.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joe McCord
Rec. For Pass. If Am. Ref. To: Finance, Ways & Means Committee on 05/12/2009
You have voted HB-2362: As introduced, specifies duties of administrator of the Tennessee athletic commission; prescribes term of administrator; provides that members of commission who miss three consecutive meetings can be removed for cause. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 115, Part 1..
HB-1423: As enacted, revises various provisions of the Tennessee Athletic Commission Act of 2008, which regulates professional and amateur unarmed combat contests. - Amends TCA Title 4 and Title 68, Chapter 115.
Sponsored by: Rep. Curry Todd
Pub. Ch. 598 on 07/16/2009
You have voted HB-1423: As enacted, revises various provisions of the Tennessee Athletic Commission Act of 2008, which regulates professional and amateur unarmed combat contests. - Amends TCA Title 4 and Title 68, Chapter 115..
HB-371: As introduced, requires the Tennessee Athletic Commission to equitably allocate over the course of a year its approvals of competitions in arenas seating 10,000 or more among the grand divisions of the state. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 115.
Sponsored by: Rep. Glen Casada
Assigned To S/c Industrial Impact Of Com on 02/17/2009
You have voted HB-371: As introduced, requires the Tennessee Athletic Commission to equitably allocate over the course of a year its approvals of competitions in arenas seating 10,000 or more among the grand divisions of the state. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 115..
SB-270: World games, Birmingham, exempt non-resident credentialed health providers providing medical care to their athletes from state licensure requirments temporarily
Sponsored by: Sen. Dan Roberts
Read For The First Time And Referred To The Senate Committee On Governmental Affairs on 03/05/2020
You have voted SB-270: World games, Birmingham, exempt non-resident credentialed health providers providing medical care to their athletes from state licensure requirments temporarily.
You have voted HM-8023: To honor and congratulate the Miller Rustlers High School volleyball team for their successful season at the South Dakota State Tournament..
SM-802: Recognizing and congratulating the Augustana Softball Team, who won the 2019 NCAA DII National Championship, and the students and staff involved in the softball program.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Stalzer
S.j. 245 on 02/18/2020
You have voted SM-802: Recognizing and congratulating the Augustana Softball Team, who won the 2019 NCAA DII National Championship, and the students and staff involved in the softball program..
SB-2369: As introduced, establishes and revises various safety and health requirements for school youth athletic activities and community-based youth athletic activities; requires the department of education and the department of health to post information on sudden cardiac arrest and electrocardiogram testing on their respective websites; requires certain information and documentation to be provided to, and collected from, students and parents relating to sudden cardiac arrest and electrocardiogram testing. - Amends TCA Title 49 and Title 68.
Sponsored by: Sen. Shane Reeves
Action Deferred In Senate Education Committee on 03/16/2020
You have voted SB-2369: As introduced, establishes and revises various safety and health requirements for school youth athletic activities and community-based youth athletic activities; requires the department of education and the department of health to post information on sudden cardiac arrest and electrocardiogram testing on their respective websites; requires certain information and documentation to be provided to, and collected from, students and parents relating to sudden cardiac arrest and electrocardiogram testing. - Amends TCA Title 49 and Title 68..
HB-2465: As introduced, establishes and revises various safety and health requirements for school youth athletic activities and community-based youth athletic activities; requires the department of education and the department of health to post information on sudden cardiac arrest and electrocardiogram testing on their respective websites; requires certain information and documentation to be provided to, and collected from, students and parents relating to sudden cardiac arrest and electrocardiogram testing. - Amends TCA Title 49 and Title 68.
Sponsored by: Rep. Charlie Baum
Taken Off Notice For Cal. In Education Committee on 06/03/2020
You have voted HB-2465: As introduced, establishes and revises various safety and health requirements for school youth athletic activities and community-based youth athletic activities; requires the department of education and the department of health to post information on sudden cardiac arrest and electrocardiogram testing on their respective websites; requires certain information and documentation to be provided to, and collected from, students and parents relating to sudden cardiac arrest and electrocardiogram testing. - Amends TCA Title 49 and Title 68..
Youth Marijuana Prevention Programs/fund [HB-296]
An Act creating the Alaska marijuana use prevention youth services grant program; creating the Alaska marijuana use prevention, education, and treatment fund; relating to the duties of the Alaska Children's Trust Board; creating the marijuana use education and treatment program; and relating to the duties of the Department of Health and Social Services.
HB-296: Youth Marijuana Prevention Programs/fund
Sponsored by: Sen. Matt Claman
Hss Rpt 2dp 2dnp 2am on 02/28/2018
Repeal:athletic Comm;boxing/wrestling Law [HB-341]
An Act relating to the athletic commission and the commissioner of athletics; and relating to boxing, sparring, and wrestling contests, matches, and exhibitions.
HB-341: Repeal:athletic Comm;boxing/wrestling Law
Sponsored by: No sponsors
L&c Rpt 2dp 4nr on 03/02/2018
Repeal:athletic Comm;boxing/wrestling Law [SB-179]
An Act relating to the athletic commission and the commissioner of athletics; and relating to boxing, sparring, and wrestling contests, matches, and exhibitions.
SB-179: Repeal:athletic Comm;boxing/wrestling Law
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/09/2018
SB-1890: As enacted, authorizes the Tennessee athletic commission to authorize international qualifying events for kickboxing to occur in this state as long as the events meet the standards required for such events by the World Association of Kickboxing Organizations or any subsequent entity recognized as the official kickboxing governing body by the International World Games Association. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 115.
Sponsored by: Sen. Reginald Tate
Pub. Ch. 1002 on 05/23/2018
You have voted SB-1890: As enacted, authorizes the Tennessee athletic commission to authorize international qualifying events for kickboxing to occur in this state as long as the events meet the standards required for such events by the World Association of Kickboxing Organizations or any subsequent entity recognized as the official kickboxing governing body by the International World Games Association. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 115..
HB-1882: As enacted, authorizes the Tennessee athletic commission to authorize international qualifying events for kickboxing to occur in this state as long as the events meet the standards required for such events by the World Association of Kickboxing Organizations or any subsequent entity recognized as the official kickboxing governing body by the International World Games Association. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 115.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Sparks
Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 1002 on 05/23/2018
You have voted HB-1882: As enacted, authorizes the Tennessee athletic commission to authorize international qualifying events for kickboxing to occur in this state as long as the events meet the standards required for such events by the World Association of Kickboxing Organizations or any subsequent entity recognized as the official kickboxing governing body by the International World Games Association. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 115..