Marijuana Laws - Full Disclosure of Legal, Employment, and Health Risks [HB-1307]
Requiring the Office of the Attorney General, at least 90 days before the implementation of any law that reduces penalties for or legalizes the use of marijuana, to establish an information system, including the creation of a website and public service announcements for radio, television, newspapers, and billboards, to notify the public of the risks related to the change in the law.
HB-1307: Marijuana Laws - Full Disclosure of Legal, Employment, and Health Risks
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Impallaria
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/14/2019
Gas Price Clarity Act [HB-1285]
Altering the information about a certain measurement of certain gasoline that must be stated on a sign on the premises of a retail service station dealer to require that the highest price, or the cash price and the credit price, be stated in a clear and visible manner; authorizing the sign to state the highest price, or the cash price and the credit price, for a certain measurement of certain other motor fuel products; and repealing a certain exemption from a certain signage requirement for certain retail service station dealers.
HB-1285: Gas Price Clarity Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Samuel Rosenberg
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/14/2019
Parking for Individuals With Disabilities - Continuing Care Retirement Facility - Time Limitation [HB-1225]
Authorizing the owner or operator of a parking lot used by a continuing care retirement community to limit the amount of time that a motor vehicle is authorized to be parked in any parking space designated for the use of individuals with disabilities; prohibiting the owner or operator of a parking lot used by a continuing care retirement community from limiting the amount of time that a vehicle may be parked in a parking space designated for the use of individuals with disabilities to less than one-half hour; etc.
HB-1225: Parking for Individuals With Disabilities - Continuing Care Retirement Facility - Time Limitation
Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Brooks
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation; Withdrawn on 03/11/2019
Human Trafficking – Required Posting [HB-1198]
Requiring a clerk of the court to prominently post the National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline information sign in public information areas of each courthouse.
HB-1198: Human Trafficking – Required Posting
Sponsored by: Rep. Dan Cox
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 373 on 04/30/2019
Assembly Areas - State-Funded Construction or Renovation - Assisted Listening System Requirement [HB-1192]
Requiring certain recipients of State funds to install an assistive listening system in an assembly area during construction or renovation of the assembly area if the assembly area uses or requires the use of a public address system and a state contract has been executed; authorizing certain recipients of State funds to apply for a waiver from the requirement of a certain provision of the Act; requiring that the waiver request include a certain description; establishing the Hearing Accessibility Advisory Board; etc.
HB-1192: Assembly Areas - State-Funded Construction or Renovation - Assisted Listening System Requirement
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 336 on 04/30/2019
Business Regulation - Tobacco Products and Electronic Smoking Devices - Revisions [HB-1169]
Requiring certain licensees to post a certain sign in a certain location; altering the minimum age, from 18 to 21, for an individual to purchase or be sold tobacco products; exempting certain individuals from a certain minimum age requirement for an individual to purchase or be sold tobacco products; authorizing the Maryland Department of Health to conduct inspections of licensed retailers; authorizing the Department to use certain individuals under the age of 21 years to assist in conducting a certain inspection; etc.
HB-1169: Business Regulation - Tobacco Products and Electronic Smoking Devices - Revisions
Sponsored by: Rep. Talmadge Branch
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 396 on 05/13/2019
Youth Sports Programs - Restrictions, Registration, Personnel, and Policy Information - Requirements [HB-1106]
Limiting an annual football season to the months of August through December; prohibiting a youth sports program from offering, approving, or sponsoring football or certain physical activities related to football during the months of January through July; requiring a certain youth athlete to use certain equipment when participating in certain sports; limiting the number of certain types of practices for football for certain youth athletes; limiting the types of contact certain youth athletes may engage in for a certain sport; etc.
HB-1106: Youth Sports Programs - Restrictions, Registration, Personnel, and Policy Information - Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Hill
Hearing 3/07 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/12/2019
State Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists – Licensure, Disciplinary Action, Criminal History Records Checks, and Trainee Status – Revisions [HB-1104]
Authorizing the State Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists to take action against a clinical professional counselor only if the Board discusses the proposed action with a Board member who is a licensed clinical professional counselor and who votes, either in the affirmative or negative, on the proposed action; repealing the requirement that the credit hours or educational requirements completed by certain applicants to be licensed by the Board be accredited by the American Art Therapy Association; etc.
HB-1104: State Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists – Licensure, Disciplinary Action, Criminal History Records Checks, and Trainee Status – Revisions
Sponsored by: Rep. Robbyn Lewis
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 409 on 05/13/2019
You have voted HB-1104: State Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists – Licensure, Disciplinary Action, Criminal History Records Checks, and Trainee Status – Revisions.
Drug Manufacturers - Drug Take-Back Programs [HB-1085]
Requiring manufacturers of certain drugs to operate a certain drug take-back program or enter into a certain agreement with a drug take-back organization or the Maryland Department of Health; requiring, on or before a certain date, manufacturers of certain drugs and certain drug take-back organizations to submit a certain proposal to the Department; requiring manufacturers of certain drugs to pay certain costs and fees associated with the drug take-back program; etc.
HB-1085: Drug Manufacturers - Drug Take-Back Programs
Sponsored by: Sen. Karen Lewis Young
Hearing 3/14 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/13/2019
Vehicle Laws - Intersections - Prohibited Acts [HB-108]
Prohibiting a vehicle from entering certain intersections when facing certain traffic signals if the vehicle is unable to safely and completely proceed through the intersection; establishing certain exceptions to the prohibition; prohibiting a police officer from issuing a citation for a violation of the Act unless certain conditions are met; etc.
Condominiums and Homeowners Associations - Meeting Requirements [HB-1037]
Requiring certain notice of an additional meeting of a council of unit owners to include certain information under certain circumstances; requiring an additional meeting of a council of unit owners to be held not less than 15 days after the initial properly called meeting; requiring a certain notice of an additional meeting of the council of unit owners to be delivered, mailed, or emailed to each unit owner, advertised in a local newspaper, or posted on the homepage of the website if the condominium has a website; etc.
HB-1037: Condominiums and Homeowners Associations - Meeting Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. David Fraser-hidalgo
Hearing 3/27 At 12:00 P.m. on 03/19/2019
Federal-Aid Primary Highways - Signs [SB-955]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration to issue a permit for a sign along or near a federal-aid primary highway if the sign is a directional sign for a historic, cultural, or educational site that is naturally suited for outdoor recreation.
SB-955: Federal-Aid Primary Highways - Signs
Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Hershey
Hearing 3/09 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/09/2016
Transportation - State Highway Administration - Sale or Lease of Highway Naming Rights [SB-617]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration to sell or lease to a private entity the naming rights for all or part of a State highway; prohibiting the sale or lease of highway naming rights unless the Administration makes specified determinations; requiring the term of a contract for the sale or lease of naming rights to be at least 1 year; providing that a sale or lease of naming rights may not be construed to require that any highway sign or mailing address be altered; etc.
SB-617: Transportation - State Highway Administration - Sale or Lease of Highway Naming Rights
Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier
Hearing 2/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/25/2016
State Highway Administration - Sale or Lease of Naming Rights for Rest Areas and Welcome Centers [SB-616]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration to sell or lease to a private entity the naming rights for rest areas and welcome centers, as specified; prohibiting the sale or lease of rest area and welcome center naming rights unless the Administration makes specified determinations; requiring the term of a contract for the sale or lease of naming rights to be at least 1 year; providing that a sale or lease of naming rights may not be construed to require that any official State highway sign or mailing address be altered; etc.
SB-616: State Highway Administration - Sale or Lease of Naming Rights for Rest Areas and Welcome Centers
Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier
Hearing 3/09 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/09/2016
Railroad Grade Crossings - Exempt Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Plaque [SB-1120]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration to erect an exempt highway-rail grade crossing plaque at each railroad grade crossing in the State that is no longer in use by a railroad; specifying that the design and placement of a plaque shall be erected in accordance with the Federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices; and exempting specified vehicles from the requirement to stop at specified railroad grade crossings if the railroad grade crossing has an exempt highway-rail grade crossing plaque.
Federal-Aid Primary Highways - Signs [HB-961]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration to issue a permit for a sign along or near a federal-aid primary highway if the sign is a directional sign for a historic, cultural, or educational site that is naturally suited for outdoor recreation.
HB-961: Federal-Aid Primary Highways - Signs
Sponsored by: Rep. Steven Arentz
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation; Withdrawn on 03/07/2016
Public Schools - Synthetic Turf Fields - Informational Signs [HB-883]
Requiring a public elementary or secondary school to post a specified sign in a conspicuous location at any synthetic turf field that is on property owned by a local government or local school system and is used for school activities; and requiring a specified sign at a specified synthetic turf field to inform users of specified recommended precautions.
HB-883: Public Schools - Synthetic Turf Fields - Informational Signs
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Hearing 3/11 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/11/2016
Public Safety - Demolition Work - Safety Provisions and Permitting [HB-880]
Requiring a contractor to obtain a permit for demolition work in a specified manner; requiring a specified contractor to obtain a demolition permit from the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation; requiring the demolition permit applicant to submit a specified application to the Department and pay a specified fee to the Department; requiring the Department to adopt regulations; etc.
HB-880: Public Safety - Demolition Work - Safety Provisions and Permitting
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn on 03/08/2016