Counties - Construction of Sidewalks and Crosswalks - Safe Alternative Routes to Public Schools [SB-200]
Requiring a county board of education each year to prepare and post to the county's website a report that identifies pathways that public school students may use to travel to school using only safe alternative routes under certain circumstances; requiring the governing body of a county each year to review a certain report and construct any sidewalks and crosswalks necessary to create safe alternative routes for public school students under certain circumstances; etc.
SB-200: Counties - Construction of Sidewalks and Crosswalks - Safe Alternative Routes to Public Schools
Sponsored by: Sen. Arthur Ellis
Hearing Canceled on 01/25/2024
AN ACT relating to soil and water conservation and declaring an emergency. [HB-130]
Amends KRS 147A.029 to allow soil and water conservation districts and watershed conservancy districts to use funds appropriated for the Local Match Participation Program for flood-related projects with federal government agencies, including the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service; amends KRS 262.240 to provide immunity to a supervisor serving on a soil and water conservation board; creates a new section of KRS 262.700 to 262.795 to establish the procedure for the discontinuance of watershed conservancy
HB-130: AN ACT relating to soil and water conservation and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Heath
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 77) on 04/04/2024
You have voted HR-91: A RESOLUTION honoring the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) on its 90th anniversary and declaring May 18 to 24, 2023, as TVA Appreciation Week..
You have voted SR-230: A RESOLUTION honoring the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) on its 90th anniversary and declaring May 18 to 24, 2023, as TVA Appreciation Week..
Carroll County - Contracts and Purchasing [HB-1285]
Increasing from $25,000 to $50,000 the cost of a public work or improvement or the purchase price of supplies or equipment for which the County Commissioners of Carroll County may enter into a contract; and requiring that, when the cost of a public work or improvement or the purchase price of supplies or equipment in Carroll County exceeds $50,000 under certain conditions, the Chief of the Bureau of Purchasing for the County Commissioners advertise for bids for at least 1 week in a medium accessible to the general public.
HB-1285: Carroll County - Contracts and Purchasing
Sponsored by: No sponsors
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/26/2023
AN ACT relating to public contracts. [HB-451]
Create new sections of KRS Chapters 45A, 56, and 65 requiring that state and local contracts contain a provision that any iron, steel, aluminum, manufactured goods used in all state and local projects be manufactured in the United States unless a waiver is granted; amend KRS Chapters 45A.343, 45A.352, 65.027, 162.070, 164A.575, 176.070, 176.080, and 424.260 to conform; establish a short title of Kentucky Buy American Act.
HB-451: AN ACT relating to public contracts.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Blanton
Introduced In House on 02/21/2023
AN ACT relating to biosolids. [SB-213]
Create a new section of Subchapter 50 of KRS Chapter 224 to require the Energy and Environment Cabinet to promulgate new administrative regulations to regulate biosolids from wastewater treatment at a publicly owned treatment works in conformity with and no more stringent than federal standards under 40 C.F.R. pt. 503.
SB-213: AN ACT relating to biosolids.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jimmy Higdon
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 22) on 03/20/2023
AN ACT relating to public schools and declaring an emergency. [HB-421]
Amend KRS 160.160 to allow a local board of education to enter into an agreement for the construction of adjoining road improvements and require the Transportation Cabinet to reimburse the cost of those improvements; authorize a local board to expend funds to ensure adequate connection to those improvements; amend KRS 45A.352 to allow a local school district to request proposals for energy savings contracts based on the decommissioning and sale or transfer of inefficient buildings and the development of new, energy-efficient buildings; amend KRS
HB-421: AN ACT relating to public schools and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown
Returned To Transportation (s) on 03/16/2023
AN ACT relating to the regionalization of public water and wastewater systems. [SB-263]
Amend KRS 224A.011 to define "asset management plan" and "merger"; amend KRS 224A.300 to clarify the goal of offering secure water and adding managerial and technical resources as needed resources for the improvement of infrastructure for the security and safety of water systems; require the Energy and Environment cabinet to provide technical support to the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority; amend KRS 224A.302 to make technical corrections; amend KRS 224.304 to rename an account in the infrastructure revolving fund and add to the purpose of the
SB-263: AN ACT relating to the regionalization of public water and wastewater systems.
Sponsored by: Sen. Steve West
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 179) on 04/06/2023
AN ACT relating to prevailing wage. [HB-366]
Establish new sections of KRS Chapter 337 to create a prevailing wage law for all public works projects; amend KRS 12.020, 99.480, 227.487, 336.015, 151B.015 337.010, and 337.990 to conform.
HB-366: AN ACT relating to prevailing wage.
Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham
Introduced In House on 02/17/2023
Natural Resources - Greenspace Equity Program - Establishment [SB-923]
Establishing the Greenspace Equity Program in the Department of Natural Resources to provide grants to eligible applicants for enhancing the public health and livability of overburdened communities and underserved communities by implementing projects to preserve, create, and enhance community greenspace; requiring the Department to submit certain grant applications to the Maryland State Clearinghouse for Intergovernmental Assistance; establishing the Greenspace Equity Advisory Board in the Department; etc.
SB-923: Natural Resources - Greenspace Equity Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Third Reading Passed (40-7) on 04/10/2023
Carroll County - Contracts and Purchasing [SB-897]
Increasing from $25,000 to $50,000 the cost of a public work or improvement or the purchase price of supplies or equipment for which the County Commissioners of Carroll County may enter into a contract; and requiring that when the cost of a public work or improvement or the purchase price of supplies or equipment in Carroll County exceeds $50,000 under certain conditions, the Chief of the Bureau of Purchasing for the County Commissioners shall advertise for bids for at least 1 week in a media accessible to the general public.
St. Mary’s County – Metropolitan Commission – New Facilities [HB-887]
Requiring the St. Mary's County Metropolitan Commission to obtain the approval from the Commissioners of St. Mary's County before submitting a loan application where the Commission seeks to incur debt upon the full faith and credit of the county; requiring the Commission to cause studies, plans, and estimates to be made for new facilities in certain portions of the county; requiring any excess revenue made by the Commission in the sale or transfer of certain debt to be exempt from taxation; etc.
HB-887: St. Mary’s County – Metropolitan Commission – New Facilities
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 426 on 05/03/2023
AN ACT relating to public contracts. [HB-188]
Amend KRS 45A.183 to allow construction management-at-risk entities and construction manager-general contractors to self-perform when a subcontractor fails to perform or when certain conditions are met; define "self-perform"; limit self-performance to 20 percent of the total cost of the project; permit construction management-at-risk entities and construction manager-general contractors to use materials, supplies, and leased tools or equipment from suppliers and subcontractors in executing self-performance.
HB-188: AN ACT relating to public contracts.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jonathan Dixon
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 42) on 03/21/2023