Public Works

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Interstate Compact on Washington Area Professional Football Team Franchise Facility Incentives [HB-229]
Establishing the Interstate Compact on Washington Area Professional Football Team Franchise Facility Incentives; prohibiting a party state, a local jurisdiction in a party state, or a certain authority or corporation from providing financing or public incentives for the construction of facilities for the Washington area professional football team except under certain circumstances or leasing or donating land to the Washington area professional football team or an entity associated with the team; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. David Moon Unfavorable Report By Appropriations; Withdrawn on 02/26/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Baltimore City Department of Public Works - Water and Sewer Bill Dispute Process, Billing Program Review, and Report [HB-1560]
Requiring the Baltimore City Department of Public Works to establish a formal administrative review process by which a customer may file a claim for review of the customer's bill; requiring the Department to designate a third party to review and render a final decision on each claim; requiring the Department to review the Department's water and sewer billing program periodically; requiring the establishment of a quality assurance and control committee to make recommendations on improvements to certain processes, policies and services; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway First Reading Senate Rules on 04/05/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Environment - Stormwater Management Infrastructure - Historic Districts [HB-1428]
Requiring the Department of the Environment to adopt regulations to require that certain stormwater management infrastructure for a development or redevelopment project in a certain locally designated historic district be designed in a manner to protect the physical integrity of the stormwater management infrastructure during a 100-year storm event; and defining "qualified historic district" and "repetitive loss property".


Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Healey Favorable Report By Education, Health, And Environmental Affairs on 04/05/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Calvert County - Bonding Authority [HB-1354]
Authorizing and empowering the County Commissioners of Calvert County, from time to time, to borrow not more than $50,000,000 to finance the construction, improvement, or development of certain public facilities in Calvert County, as herein defined, and to effect such borrowing by the issuance and sale at public or private sale of its general obligation bonds in like par amount; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Approved By The Governor - Chapter 117 on 04/10/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Washington County - Public Facilities Bonds [HB-1321]
Authorizing and empowering the County Commissioners of Washington County, from time to time, to borrow not more than $70,000,000 in order to finance the costs of the construction, improvement, or development of certain public facilities in Washington County, as herein defined, and to effect such borrowing by the issuance and sale at public or private sale of its general obligation bonds in like par amount; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Corderman Approved By The Governor - Chapter 99 on 04/10/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Calvert County - Bonding Authority - Enterprise Fund [HB-1102]
Authorizing and empowering the County Commissioners of Calvert County, from time to time, to borrow not more than $9,665,300 to finance the construction, improvement, or development of certain public facilities in Calvert County, as herein defined, and to effect such borrowing by the issuance and sale at public or private sale of its general obligation bonds in like par amount; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Approved By The Governor - Chapter 115 on 04/10/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Natural Resources - Shellfish Nursery Operations - Wetlands License Requirements [SB-939]
Exempting under certain circumstances certain activities and the use of certain equipment that is associated with a shellfish nursery operation from the requirement to obtain certain licenses or permits from the Department of the Environment or the Board of Public Works; providing that the installation of a pump, pipe, or other equipment that is attached to a pier for the cultivation of shellfish seed under a certain permit is a lawful use on private wetlands under certain circumstances; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier Approved By The Governor - Chapter 237 on 04/30/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Baltimore County – Development Impact Fees – Authorization and Use of Funds [SB-451]
Authorizing the County Council of Baltimore County, by ordinance, to impose development impact fees to finance the capital costs of additional or expanded public works, improvements, and facilities required to accommodate new construction or development; and requiring money collected through development impact fees used to finance the capital costs of additional or expanded public works, improvements, and facilities to be used in the surrounding community of the construction or development.


Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 658 on 05/25/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Procurement - Prevailing Wage - Modifications [SB-40]
Altering the definition of "public body" to increase, from 25% to 50%, the percentage of money used for construction that must be State money for a certain entity or person to be included with respect to the construction of an elementary or secondary school for purposes of certain provisions of law governing the prevailing wage; authorizing the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to set regional prevailing wage rates for each classification of worker engaged in work of the same or similar character for certain regions; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Andrew Serafini First Reading Finance on 01/09/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Carroll County - Public Facilities Bonds [SB-376]
Authorizing and empowering the County Commissioners of Carroll County, from time to time, to borrow not more than $28,500,000 in order to finance the construction, improvement, or development of certain public facilities in Carroll County, including water and sewer projects, to finance loans for fire or emergency-related equipment, buildings, and other facilities of volunteer fire departments in the County, and to effect such borrowing by the issuance and sale at public or private sale of its general obligation bonds; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Approved By The Governor - Chapter 184 on 04/18/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Prevailing Wage Rates - Public Work Contracts - Suits by Employees [SB-300]
Authorizing certain employees to sue to recover the difference between certain prevailing wage rates and certain amounts under certain circumstances; providing that a certain determination by the Commissioner of Labor and Industry does not preclude certain employees from filing a certain action; and providing for the liability of certain contractors and subcontractors under certain circumstances.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(b) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 9 on 03/28/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Calvert County - Local Debt Bonding Authority [HB-623]
Authorizing and empowering the County Commissioners of Calvert County, from time to time, to borrow not more than $10,320,000 to finance the construction, improvement, or development of certain public buildings, roads, and facilities in Calvert County, as herein defined, and to effect such borrowing by the issuance and sale at public or private sale of its general obligation bonds in like par amount; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Approved By The Governor - Chapter 96 on 04/18/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Carroll County - Public Facilities Bonds [HB-574]
Authorizing and empowering the County Commissioners of Carroll County, from time to time, to borrow not more than $28,500,000 in order to finance the construction, improvement, or development of certain public facilities in Carroll County, including water and sewer projects, to finance loans for fire or emergency-related equipment, buildings, and other facilities of volunteer fire departments in the County, and to effect such borrowing by the issuance and sale at public or private sale of its general obligation bonds; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/24/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Prevailing Wage Rates - Public Work Contracts - Suits by Employees [HB-524]
Authorizing certain employees to sue to recover the difference between certain prevailing wage rates and certain amounts under certain circumstances; providing that a certain determination by the Commissioner of Labor and Industry does not preclude certain employees from filing a certain action; and providing for the liability of certain contractors and subcontractors under certain circumstances.


Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Brooks Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 663 on 05/25/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Baltimore County – Development Impact Fees – Authorization and Use of Funds [HB-449]
Authorizing the County Council of Baltimore County, by ordinance, to impose development impact fees to finance the capital costs of additional or expanded public works, improvements, and facilities required to accommodate new construction or development; and requiring money collected through development impact fees used to finance the capital costs of certain public works, improvements, and facilities to be used within the surrounding community of the construction or development for which the development impact fee is imposed.


Sponsored by: Rep. Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 657 on 05/25/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

St. Mary's County - Public Facility Bonds [HB-358]
Authorizing and empowering the County Commissioners of St. Mary's County to borrow not more than $30,000,000 in order to finance the construction, improvement, or development of certain public facilities in St. Mary's County, and to effect such borrowing by the issuance and sale at public or private sale of its general obligation bonds; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Approved By The Governor - Chapter 180 on 04/18/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - Indirect Customer Assistance Program MC/PG 105-19 [HB-325]
Authorizing the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission to establish an Indirect Customer Assistance Program to provide financial assistance to eligible indirect customers for water and sewer service; requiring the Commission to establish certain eligibility standards and processes for receiving certain assistance if the program is established; requiring the program to be funded from Commission revenues; and requiring income eligibility standards for the program to be uniformly applied throughout the sanitary district.


Sponsored by: Rep. Approved By The Governor - Chapter 162 on 04/18/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Interstate Compact on Washington Area Professional Football Team Franchise Facility Incentives [HB-303]
Establishing the Interstate Compact on Washington Area Professional Football Team Franchise Facility Incentives; prohibiting a party state, a local jurisdiction in a party state, or a certain authority or corporation from providing public incentives or financing for the construction of facilities for the Washington area professional football team except under certain circumstances or leasing or donating land to the Washington area professional football team or an entity associated with the team; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jheanelle Wilkins Unfavorable Report By Appropriations; Withdrawn on 02/25/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Natural Resources - Shellfish Nursery Operations - Wetlands License Requirements [HB-28]
Exempting certain activities and the use of certain equipment that is associated with a shellfish nursery operation from the requirement to obtain certain licenses or permits; establishing that the use of certain equipment associated with a shellfish nursery operation is not included as a nonwater-dependent project for the purposes of obtaining a tidal or State wetlands license; providing that the installation of certain equipment for the cultivation of shellfish seed under a certain permit is a lawful use on private wetlands; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jerry Clark Approved By The Governor - Chapter 236 on 04/30/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Procurement - Public Work Contracts - Contractor Occupational Safety and Health Requirements [HB-24]
Requiring a prospective bidder or offeror when submitting a bid or offer for a public work contract to submit to the public body a certain contractor safety and health plan and a certain attestation; requiring a contractor safety and health plan to include certain information; requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to develop a certain safety and health calculation worksheet and certain safety and health rating system; requiring the Commissioner to adopt regulations to carry out the Act; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Cheryl Glenn Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn on 03/14/2019

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