Cable Service - Broadband Connection Requirement - Enforcement [HB-1415]
Providing that a county or municipality may establish specified penalties for failure to comply with a franchise agreement for a cable television system; requiring that a franchise agreement include a service connection requirement for wired broadband service, subject to specified conditions; providing that a specified failure to install wired broadband on request under a service connection requirement of a franchise agreement constitutes a specified breach; etc.
HB-1415: Cable Service - Broadband Connection Requirement - Enforcement
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Fisher
Hearing 3/11 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/11/2016
Gas and Electricity - Analog Meters - Purchase and Installation [HB-1355]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to authorize a customer of a gas company or an electric company to purchase and install an analog meter; requiring the meter to comply with specified standards; requiring a gas company or an electric company to install the meter or allow specified persons to install the meter at the customer's request; providing that an analog meter may replace a different type of meter; prohibiting a gas company or an electric company from requiring the customer to install additional controls; etc.
HB-1355: Gas and Electricity - Analog Meters - Purchase and Installation
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/14/2016
Gas and Electricity - Smart Meters - Customer Rights and Required Reports [HB-1354]
Requiring a utility company to give specified written notice to specified customers prior to deploying smart meters throughout all or a portion of the utility company's service territory; prohibiting a utility company from imposing any additional fee or charge on a specified customer who refuses installation of a smart meter or requests removal of a smart meter; requiring the Public Service Commission and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to make specified reports regarding smart meters; etc.
HB-1354: Gas and Electricity - Smart Meters - Customer Rights and Required Reports
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/14/2016
Public Utilities - Natural Gas Infrastructure Expansion and Reinforcement [HB-1324]
Authorizing a gas company to defer specified costs for specified projects to extend specified natural gas transmission pipeline, distribution main pipeline, system reinforcement facilities, and associated facilities; specifying the circumstances under which a specified expansion project qualifies for deferral of specified costs; specifying the manner in which a gas company is required to account for specified costs; requiring the Commission to take specified action during a specified base rate proceeding; etc.
HB-1324: Public Utilities - Natural Gas Infrastructure Expansion and Reinforcement
Sponsored by: Rep. Talmadge Branch
Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/10/2016
Public Utilities - Termination of Service to Multifamily Dwelling Unit - Notification to Property Owner or Manager [HB-128]
Requiring a public service company that is going to terminate electric or gas service to a customer who resides in a multifamily dwelling unit to notify the property owner or property manager of the multifamily dwelling unit before terminating service to the customer; requiring a public service company to provide the notice only to a property owner or property manager who enrolls in a specified service termination notification program; etc.
HB-128: Public Utilities - Termination of Service to Multifamily Dwelling Unit - Notification to Property Owner or Manager
Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Jackson
Unfavorable Report By Finance; Withdrawn on 04/01/2016
Electric Universal Service Program - Solar Procurement Study [HB-1276]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to study and make recommendations about the advisability of establishing a requirement for procuring a portion of the electricity supply for participants in the Electric Universal Service Program from specified solar and other carbon-free or low-carbon renewable sources; establishing the required elements of the study; requiring the Commission to report the results of the study, on or before July 1, 2017, to specified committees of the General Assembly; etc.
HB-1276: Electric Universal Service Program - Solar Procurement Study
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn on 03/14/2016
Gas and Electric Companies - Retail Choice Customer Education and Protection Fund [HB-1144]
Establishing the Retail Choice Customer Education and Protection Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund; specifying the purpose of the Fund; requiring the Public Service Commission to administer the Fund; requiring the State Treasurer to hold the Fund and the Comptroller to account for the Fund; specifying the contents of the Fund; specifying the purpose for which the Fund may be used; providing for the investment of money in and expenditures from the Fund; requiring that specified civil penalties be paid into the Fund; etc.
HB-1144: Gas and Electric Companies - Retail Choice Customer Education and Protection Fund
Sponsored by: Rep. Warren Miller
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 134 on 04/12/2016
Public Utilities - Utility Supplier Diversity - Data Submission and Task Force [HB-1118]
Requiring a public service company that is a signatory of a specified memorandum of understanding to submit specified data to the Public Service Commission before the public service company establishes a new rate or change in rate; establishing the Task Force to Study Utility Supplier Diversity; requiring the Task Force to report its findings to the Governor and specified committees of the General Assembly on or before December 15, 2016; etc.
HB-1118: Public Utilities - Utility Supplier Diversity - Data Submission and Task Force
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Robinson
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/14/2016
Clean Energy Jobs - Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Revisions [HB-1106]
Altering the renewable energy portfolio standard percentage derived from solar energy for specified years; altering the renewable energy portfolio standard percentage derived from Tier 1 renewable sources for specified years; authorizing the Small, Minority, and Women-Owned Businesses Account to receive money from the Strategic Energy Investment Fund; requiring the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation to study the workforce development training needs for the clean energy industry in the State; etc.
HB-1106: Clean Energy Jobs - Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Revisions
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Hearing 4/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 04/05/2017
You have voted SB-682: Authorizing telephone public utilities provide system of centrally located cellular telephone hot spots where signals are weak or unavailable.
HB-4698: Enabling applicants for a certificate of convenience and necessity for a water, sewer, and/or storm water project to file complete applications without incurring the expense of an engineer’s preparation
Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Espinosa
Filed For Introduction on 02/23/2016
You have voted HB-4698: Enabling applicants for a certificate of convenience and necessity for a water, sewer, and/or storm water project to file complete applications without incurring the expense of an engineer’s preparation.