You have voted HB-2090: Relating to a customer constructing a connection or other infrastructure necessary for the customer to connect to the public utility.
Public Service Commission – Rate Suspension Proceedings [SB-131]
Altering the number of days the Public Service Commission may initially suspend a new rate or change in rate proposed by the public service company from 150 to 180; repealing the Commission's authority to extend the rate suspension for an additional 30 days if the Commission makes a certain finding; and authorizing the Commission to extend the rate suspension for 90 days if the filing is for an alternative form of ratemaking for a public service company.
SB-131: Public Service Commission – Rate Suspension Proceedings
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 367 on 05/16/2022
Climate Crisis and Environmental Justice Act [SB-135]
Requiring the State to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through various measures, including altering statewide greenhouse gas emissions reduction requirements so that after 2040 statewide greenhouse gas emissions are net negative; requiring the Department of the Environment to adopt a plan for the reduction of statewide greenhouse gas emissions by December 31, 2022; establishing a Climate Crisis Council to develop a plan to meet the reduction targets set out in the Act; and establishing a greenhouse gas pollution fee on certain fuels.
SB-135: Climate Crisis and Environmental Justice Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Kramer
Hearing 2/15 At 1:00 P.m. (education, Health, And Environmental Affairs) on 01/31/2022
Public Utilities - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programs - Energy Performance Targets and Low-Income Housing [HB-108]
Requiring the Department of Housing and Community Development to procure or provide for electricity customers energy efficiency and conservation programs and services designed to achieve an annual incremental gross energy savings of at least 0.4% starting in 2023; requiring the Department to develop a plan to coordinate and leverage funding sources to support certain energy efficiency and other home upgrades and a plan to provide energy efficiency retrofits to all low-income households by 2030; etc.
HB-108: Public Utilities - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programs - Energy Performance Targets and Low-Income Housing
Sponsored by: Rep. Lorig Charkoudian
Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/27/2022
Climate Crisis and Environmental Justice Act [HB-171]
Requiring the State to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through various measures, including altering statewide greenhouse gas emissions reduction requirements so that after 2040 statewide greenhouse gas emissions are net negative; requiring the Department of the Environment to adopt a plan for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by December 31, 2022; establishing a Climate Crisis Council to develop a plan to meet the reduction targets set out in the Act; establishing a greenhouse gas pollution fee on certain fuels; etc.
HB-171: Climate Crisis and Environmental Justice Act
Sponsored by: Rep. David Fraser-hidalgo
Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. (economic Matters) on 02/10/2022
HB-3281: To put cable television network providers under the purview of the PSC for any rate increases or reductions of channels available to customers
Sponsored by: Rep. Roy Cooper
Filed For Introduction on 03/16/2021
You have voted HB-3281: To put cable television network providers under the purview of the PSC for any rate increases or reductions of channels available to customers.
You have voted HB-2969: To clarify the procedures for the sale and operation of a municipally owned toll bridge by a private toll transportation facility.
Public Utilities – Bills for Electricity Service – Meter Reading [SB-949]
Requiring the Public Service Commission, by regulation or order, to require that a customer's bill for electricity service include the customer's exact meter readings for the close of the last billing cycle and the close of the current billing cycle.
SB-949: Public Utilities – Bills for Electricity Service – Meter Reading
Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Hershey
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/31/2021