County and Municipal Street Lighting Investment Act [HB-1083]
Authorizing a certain county or municipality to convert its street lighting service to a customer-owned street lighting tariff, acquire certain street lighting equipment by purchase or condemnation, enter into an agreement to purchase electricity, and request that an electric company remove certain street lighting equipment in the county's or municipality's jurisdiction; authorizing certain street lighting disputes to be submitted to the Public Service Commission for resolution; etc.
HB-1083: County and Municipal Street Lighting Investment Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Neil Parrott
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 04/06/2022
Environment and Energy - Investment in Overburdened Communities [HB-1033]
Requiring the Department of the Environment, on or before December 1, 2022, to develop certain policies and recommendations to require at least 40% of overall spending on certain programs, projects, or investments to benefit certain overburdened communities, starting with fiscal year 2024; defining an "overburdened community" as any census tract where the median house hold income is not more than 75% of the statewide median household income and certain environmental indicators are above the 75th percentile; etc.
HB-1033: Environment and Energy - Investment in Overburdened Communities
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing 3/15 At 1:00 P.m. (appropriations) on 02/18/2022
Cybersecurity - Critical Infrastructure and Public Service Companies (Critical Infrastructure Security Act of 2022) [SB-810]
Authorizing the Department of Emergency Management to take action to reduce the disaster risk and vulnerability of critical infrastructure; establishing the Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Grant Program in the Department to leverage certain funds to make cybersecurity improvements to critical infrastructure; altering the duties and staffing requirements of the Public Service Commission to include cybersecurity; authorizing the Office of People's Counsel to retain or hire an expert in cybersecurity; etc.
SB-810: Cybersecurity - Critical Infrastructure and Public Service Companies (Critical Infrastructure Security Act of 2022)
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/16/2022
Cybersecurity Governance Act of 2022 [SB-780]
Establishing the Office of Security Management within the Department of Information Technology, certain Office positions, and the Maryland Cybersecurity Coordinating Council; establishing certain responsibilities and authority of the Office; centralizing authority and control of the procurement of all information technology for the Executive Branch of State government in the Department of Information Technology; etc.
SB-780: Cybersecurity Governance Act of 2022
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Hearing 3/03 At 1:00 P.m. (education, Health, And Environmental Affairs) on 02/11/2022
Department of Housing and Community Development - Homeowner Utility Repair Program and Fund - Establishment [SB-770]
Establishing the Homeowner Utility Repair Program in the Department of Housing and Community Development to reimburse and provide grants to eligible customers for costs associated with eligible repairs; establishing the Homeowner Utility Repair Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund to reimburse and provide grants to eligible customers for costs associated with eligible repairs; requiring the Governor to appropriate $500,000 for the Fund beginning in fiscal year 2024; and requiring interest earnings of the Fund to be credited to the Fund.
SB-770: Department of Housing and Community Development - Homeowner Utility Repair Program and Fund - Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. William Ferguson
Third Reading Passed (46-0) on 03/18/2022
Comprehensive Climate Solutions [HB-708]
Requiring the State to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions through the use of various measures, including the alteration of statewide greenhouse gas emissions goals, the establishment of a net-zero statewide greenhouse gas emissions goal, requiring gas companies and electric companies to provide certain programs and services, and requiring electric companies to increase their annual incremental gross energy savings through certain programs and services; etc.
HB-708: Comprehensive Climate Solutions
Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve
Hearing 3/04 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2022
Public Utilities - Electric School Bus Pilot Program [HB-696]
Establishing an electric school bus pilot program; requiring the Public Service Commission to implement and administer the pilot program; authorizing investor-owned electric companies to apply to the Commission to implement an electric school bus pilot program with a participating school system if the pilot program meets certain standards; authorizing investor-owned electric companies to recover certain costs under the pilot program, subject to the approval of the Commission; etc.
HB-696: Public Utilities - Electric School Bus Pilot Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 570 on 05/29/2022
Electricity - Standard Offer Service - Renewable Energy [HB-624]
Requiring an electric company to contract for renewable energy credits and electricity generated from certain Tier 1 renewable sources to meet a portion of the renewable energy portfolio standard for the electric company starting in 2023; authorizing an electric company to receive annual remuneration for contracts; authorizing an electric company to account for the purchase of contracts as a regulatory asset, but prohibiting the collection of an additional return on the regulatory asset; applying the Act prospectively; etc.
HB-624: Electricity - Standard Offer Service - Renewable Energy
Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Brooks
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/08/2022
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard and Renewable Energy Credits - Offshore Wind [HB-622]
Altering the application of the offshore wind energy component of the renewable energy portfolio standard to apply only to distribution sales of electric companies; altering the manner in which an electric company may reflect and recover offshore wind renewable energy credit costs; altering certain compliance fees for shortfalls from the offshore wind energy component of the renewable energy portfolio standard; etc.
HB-622: Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard and Renewable Energy Credits - Offshore Wind
Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Brooks
Senate Conference Committee Appointed (senators Feldman, Hershey And Augustine) on 04/07/2022
Energy Generation, Transmission, and Storage Projects - Required Community Benefit Agreement and Labor Standards [HB-569]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to condition the approval of a certificate of public convenience and necessity for the construction of a certain generating station or qualified generator lead line and an exemption from the requirement for a certificate of public convenience and necessity on the requirement that the developer of the project take all reasonable actions to enter into a community benefits agreement and adhere to certain labor standards and reporting requirements; etc.
HB-569: Energy Generation, Transmission, and Storage Projects - Required Community Benefit Agreement and Labor Standards
Sponsored by: Rep. Ned Carey
Hearing 2/24 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/03/2022
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard and Renewable Energy Credits - Offshore Wind [SB-526]
Altering the application of the offshore wind energy component of the renewable energy portfolio standard to apply only to distribution sales of electric companies; altering the manner in which an electric company may reflect and recover offshore wind renewable energy credit costs; altering certain compliance fees for shortfalls from the offshore wind energy component of the renewable energy portfolio standard; etc.
SB-526: Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard and Renewable Energy Credits - Offshore Wind
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 578 on 05/29/2022
Public Utilities - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programs - Energy Performance Targets and Low-Income Housing [SB-524]
Requiring the Department of Housing and Community Development to procure or provide for electricity customers energy efficiency and conservation programs and services designed to achieve an annual incremental gross energy savings of at least 0.4% starting in 2023; requiring the Department to develop a plan to coordinate and leverage funding sources to support certain energy efficiency and other home upgrades and a plan to provide energy efficiency retrofits to all low-income households by 2030; etc.
SB-524: Public Utilities - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programs - Energy Performance Targets and Low-Income Housing
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/27/2022
Energy Generation Projects - Required Community Benefit Agreement and Labor Standards [SB-418]
Requiring a person who is a developer of a project, on the approval of a certificate of public convenience and necessity for the construction of a certain generating station or qualified generator lead line and an exemption from the requirement for a certificate of public convenience and necessity, to take all reasonable actions to enter into a community benefits agreement and adhere to certain labor standards and reporting requirements; etc.
SB-418: Energy Generation Projects - Required Community Benefit Agreement and Labor Standards
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Third Reading Passed (33-14) on 03/21/2022