Election Law - Voting Systems - Accessibility for Voters With Disabilities [HB-565]
Requiring each voter to use a ballot marking device that is accessible to voters with disabilities to vote at early voting centers and election day polling places to ensure that access is provided to voters with disabilities in accordance with a certain provision of law; applying the Act to all elections beginning with the statewide primary election held under a certain provision of law in 2022; etc.
HB-565: Election Law - Voting Systems - Accessibility for Voters With Disabilities
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Healey
Referred To Interim Study By Ways And Means on 04/03/2019
Evidence - Testimony by Spouse - Violation of Protective Order [HB-363]
Providing that the spouse of a person on trial for a violation of a protective order may be compelled to testify as an adverse witness if the spouse is the petitioner in the proceeding in which the protective order was issued.
HB-363: Evidence - Testimony by Spouse - Violation of Protective Order
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary; Withdrawn on 03/06/2019
Final Protective Orders – Relief – Transfer of Wireless Telephone Service [HB-253]
Authorizing a court, in a final protective order, to order a wireless telephone service provider to transfer to a person eligible for relief the billing responsibility for and the right to continue the use of any telephone number used by the person eligible for relief or a minor child in the person's custody if the person eligible for relief is not the account holder; requiring a wireless telephone service provider to comply with a certain order unless the wireless telephone service provider notifies the court of certain circumstances; etc.
HB-253: Final Protective Orders – Relief – Transfer of Wireless Telephone Service
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 04/04/2019
Public Health - Disposition of Remains - Forfeiture or Waiver of Right of Disposition [HB-218]
Adding an adult grandchild of a certain decedent to the list of persons who have the right to arrange for the final disposition of the body of the decedent; requiring a person to forfeit the right of final disposition of a decedent and that right pass to the next qualifying person under certain circumstances; providing that a certain person's right of disposition may be restored under certain circumstances; authorizing a person to waive the right of final disposition; etc.
HB-218: Public Health - Disposition of Remains - Forfeiture or Waiver of Right of Disposition
Sponsored by: Rep. Susan Krebs
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 232 on 04/30/2019
Protective Orders – Relief Eligibility – Rape and Sexual Offenses [HB-122]
Removing rape and certain sexual offenses from the list of offenses alleged to have been committed by a certain respondent against a certain victim for which a peace order petition may be filed under certain circumstances; and altering the definition of "person eligible for relief" for purposes of certain provisions of law to include an individual who alleges the commission of rape or a certain sexual offense or attempted rape or sexual offense in any degree by a certain respondent.
HB-122: Protective Orders – Relief Eligibility – Rape and Sexual Offenses
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Third Reading Passed (117-18) on 04/08/2019
Civil Law – Jury Proceedings – Fundamental Rights [HB-1030]
Establishing that a court may not terminate, limit, or regulate a right of a party that is enumerated in the United States Constitution or the Maryland Constitution and recognized by certain court precedent without providing the affected party the opportunity for a jury proceeding on the issue; prohibiting a court from issuing a certain final protective order over the objection of the respondent without first providing the respondent an opportunity to elect a jury proceeding on the facts and matters relating to the order; etc.
HB-1030: Civil Law – Jury Proceedings – Fundamental Rights
Sponsored by: Rep. Dan Cox
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/14/2019
SB-1373: Adds to existing law to provide actions for a protection order and an ex parte temporary protection order against harassment and stalking; and to provide that certain fees shall be waived.
Sponsored by: Sen.
Signed By Governor On 03/30/16 Session Law Chapter 270 Effective: 07/01/2016 on 03/30/2016
You have voted SB-1373: Adds to existing law to provide actions for a protection order and an ex parte temporary protection order against harassment and stalking; and to provide that certain fees shall be waived..
Criminal Procedure - Domestic Violence - Active Electronic Monitoring (Amber's Law) [SB-977]
Authorizing the court, as a condition of a defendant's pretrial release on a charge of violating a protective order or if the court suspends the sentence of a defendant convicted of failing to comply with relief granted in an interim protective order, a temporary protective order, or a final protective order, to order that the defendant be supervised by active electronic monitoring; requiring a defendant to pay fees for active electronic monitoring; and authorizing the court to exempt the defendant from the fees.
Civil Right to Counsel - Pilot Program - Domestic Violence [SB-833]
Requiring the Governor to include in the budget bill for each fiscal year a specified appropriation to fund a pilot program in specified counties to provide legal representation to income-eligible parties in protective order proceedings; requiring a specified amount to be allocated to specified programs; etc.
SB-833: Civil Right to Counsel - Pilot Program - Domestic Violence
Sponsored by: Sen. Guy Guzzone
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/14/2016
Possession of Loaded Handgun or Regulated Firearm - Enhanced Penalties [SB-638]
Prohibiting a person from wearing, carrying, or transporting a handgun loaded with ammunition on or about the person or in a vehicle under specified circumstances; prohibiting a person from possessing a regulated firearm loaded with ammunition under specified circumstances or if the person is under a specified age; establishing penalties for violations of the Act; requiring the State to comply with the procedures set forth in the Maryland Rules for the indictment and trial of a subsequent offender; etc.
SB-638: Possession of Loaded Handgun or Regulated Firearm - Enhanced Penalties
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel McFadden
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/16/2016
Guardianship of a Disabled Person - Communication and Notification Rights [SB-430]
Prohibiting a guardian of the person of a disabled person from prohibiting or restricting communication between the disabled person and a member of the disabled person's family, except as authorized by a specified court order; authorizing an individual other than a member of a disabled person's family to file a specified petition for an order to compel visitation with the disabled person; requiring a guardian to notify specified individuals within 24 hours of specified circumstances related to the disabled person; etc.
SB-430: Guardianship of a Disabled Person - Communication and Notification Rights
Sponsored by: Sen. Johnny Salling
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/07/2016
Peace Orders - Grounds for Relief [SB-346]
Adding misuse of telephone facilities and equipment, misuse of electronic communication or interactive computer service, revenge porn, and visual surveillance to the list of offenses alleged to have been committed by a respondent against a victim for which a peace order request or a peace order petition may be filed under specified circumstances.
SB-346: Peace Orders - Grounds for Relief
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 550 on 05/19/2016
Criminal Procedure - Expungement [SB-328]
Authorizing a person to file a petition for expungement of specified misdemeanor convictions; requiring a person to file a petition for expungement in a specified court; providing that a petition for expungement of specified misdemeanor convictions may not be filed earlier than 10 years after the person satisfied the specified sentence or sentences imposed for all convictions for which expungement is requested; requiring the court to provided written notice of the petition to all victims listed in the case; etc.
SB-328: Criminal Procedure - Expungement
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Third Reading Passed (46-0) on 04/05/2016
Public Information Act - Inspection of Records From Body-Worn Digital Recording Devices [HB-947]
Requiring a custodian of records to deny inspection of the part of a recording from a specified body-worn digital recording device worn by a law enforcement officer regarding specified individuals; requiring specified notification of specified individuals under specified circumstances; requiring the Attorney General to adopt specified regulations in consultation with specified groups; requiring a custodian of records to allow inspection of a recording under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-947: Public Information Act - Inspection of Records From Body-Worn Digital Recording Devices
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Third Reading Passed (130-8) on 03/21/2016
Civil Right to Counsel - Pilot Program - Domestic Violence [HB-866]
Requiring the Governor to include in the budget bill for each fiscal year a specified appropriation to fund a pilot program in specified counties to provide legal representation to income-eligible parties in protective order proceedings; requiring a specified amount to be allocated to specified programs; etc.
HB-866: Civil Right to Counsel - Pilot Program - Domestic Violence
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary; Withdrawn on 03/17/2016
Domestic Violence - Permanent Protective Orders - Probation and Suspended Sentence [HB-819]
Specifying that, for purposes of provisions of law requiring a court to issue a permanent final protective order under specified circumstances against an individual who was convicted and sentenced to serve a specified term of imprisonment for specified crimes, a term of imprisonment includes any period of probation or portion of the sentence suspended.
Possession of Loaded Handgun or Regulated Firearm - Enhanced Penalties [HB-573]
Prohibiting a person from wearing, carrying, or transporting a handgun loaded with ammunition on or about the person or in a vehicle under specified circumstances; prohibiting a person from possessing a regulated firearm loaded with ammunition under specified circumstances or if the person is under a specified age; establishing penalties for violations of the Act; requiring the State to comply with the procedures set forth in the Maryland Rules for the indictment and trial of a subsequent offender; etc.
HB-573: Possession of Loaded Handgun or Regulated Firearm - Enhanced Penalties
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary; Withdrawn on 02/15/2016
Guardianship of a Disabled Person - Communication and Notification Rights [HB-512]
Prohibiting a guardian of the person of a disabled person from prohibiting or restricting communication between the disabled person and a member of the disabled person's family, except as authorized by a specified court order; authorizing an individual other than a member of a disabled person's family to file a specified petition for an order to compel visitation with the disabled person; requiring a guardian to notify specified individuals within 24 hours of specified circumstances related to the disabled person; etc.
HB-512: Guardianship of a Disabled Person - Communication and Notification Rights
Sponsored by: Rep. Trent Kittleman
Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations; Withdrawn on 03/08/2016