Protection Orders

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2011 Regular Session

Rental Housing - Tenant Victim of Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault - Lease [HB-1047]
Limiting the liability under a residential lease if a tenant victim of domestic violence or sexual assault terminates the lease and vacates the premises; and authorizing the tenant victim to terminate future liability under the lease except for a specified period of time after providing notice of an intent to vacate.


Sponsored by: Rep. Cheryl Glenn Approved By The Governor on 04/12/2011

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2011 Regular Session

Family Law - Protective Orders - Additional Relief [HB-1018]
Authorizing a judge, in a final protective order, to order the respondent to remain a specified distance away from a person eligible for relief.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve Favorable With Amendments Report By Judicial Proceedings on 04/04/2011

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Family Law - Protective Orders - Expungement [SB-980]
Authorizing a person to file a petition for expungement of a specified protective order under specified circumstances; and requiring a court to grant a petition for expungement of a specified protective order under specified circumstances.


Sponsored by: Sen. Allan Kittleman First Reading Senate Rules on 02/22/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Denial or Dismissal of Peace Order or Protective Order Petition - Shielding of [SB-935]
Authorizing a respondent in a specified peace order or protective order proceeding to file a written request to shield all court records relating to the proceeding; requiring the court to schedule a hearing on a specified request and to provide specified notice of the hearing; requiring the court to order the shielding of all court records relating to the proceeding under specified circumstances; requiring specified custodians to notify the court and the respondent of compliance with the order; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Zirkin Approved By The Governor on 05/04/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Domestic Violence - Protective Order - Extension [SB-867]
Authorizing a judge to extend the term of a protective order for a period not to exceed 2 years from the date the extension is granted under specified circumstances; requiring the judge to provide notice to all affected persons eligible for relief and the respondent and to hold a hearing before extending the term of a protective order; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Family Law - Protective Orders - Burden of Proof [SB-823]
Changing the standard of proof, from clear and convincing evidence to a preponderance of the evidence, by which a judge in a protective order hearing must find that abuse has occurred before the judge may grant a final protective order.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jennie Forehand Hearing 3/3 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/12/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Rental Housing - Protection for Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault [SB-554]
Authorizing a tenant who is a victim of domestic violence or a victim of sexual assault to terminate a residential lease under specified circumstances; requiring a specified tenant to provide specified written notice to terminate a lease to the landlord; requiring a tenant who provides specified written notice to vacate the leased premises within 30 days of providing the notice; establishing the tenant's responsibilities for rent if the tenant terminates a lease under the Act; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Lisa Gladden Approved By The Governor on 05/04/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Real Property - Wrongful Detainer [SB-443]
Transferring and clarifying the application of specified provisions of law relating to wrongful detainer of real property; providing that specified provisions of law relating to an action for possession do not apply to an action for wrongful detainer; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jamin Raskin Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Domestic Violence - Requirement to Advise Respondent of Consequences of Final [SB-329]
Requiring a judge, in a proceeding for relief from domestic violence, to advise the respondent of specified consequences resulting from the issuance of a final protective order before the respondent may consent to waive a temporary protective order hearing or consent to the entry of a final protective order; authorizing a respondent to withdraw consent to the entry of a final protective order at any time before a final protective order is entered; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Zirkin Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/01/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Maryland Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act [SB-231]
Establishing the Maryland Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act; authorizing a court of the State to treat a foreign country as if the country were a state for the purpose of applying specified provisions of the Act; prohibiting a court of the State from treating a foreign country as if the country were a state for the purposes of applying specified provisions of the Act unless a court of the State makes a specified finding; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley Approved By The Governor on 05/04/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Criminal Law - Prohibitions on Wearing, Carrying, or Transporting Firearms - [SB-22]
Establishing an exception to the prohibition against wearing, carrying, or transporting a handgun or other regulated firearm for a person who is carrying a specified court order if the handgun is unloaded, the person notifies a specified law enforcement unit that the person is transporting the handgun to the unit in accordance with the order, and the person transports the handgun or firearm directly to the unit.


Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Muse Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/20/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Criminal Law - Prohibitions on Wearing, Carrying, or Transporting Firearms - [HB-905]
Establishing an exception to the prohibition against wearing, carrying, or transporting a handgun or other regulated firearm for a person who is carrying a specified court order requiring the surrender of the handgun or other regulated firearm and who has notified a specified law enforcement unit that the handgun or regulated firearm is being transported in accordance with the court order, the handgun or regulated firearm is unloaded, and the respondent transports the handgun or regulated firearm directly to the law enforcement unit.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Public Safety - Handgun Permits - Victims of Domestic Violence [HB-893]
Authorizing the Secretary of State Police, in determining whether a handgun permit is necessary as a reasonable precaution against apprehended danger, to consider whether the applicant is a person eligible for relief for whose benefit a court has issued a final protective order under the domestic violence law; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Wendell Beitzel Hearing 3/11 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/12/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Family Law - Protective Orders - Burden of Proof [HB-700]
Changing the standard of proof, from clear and convincing evidence to a preponderance of the evidence, by which a judge in a protective order hearing must find that abuse has occurred before the judge may grant a final protective order.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/08/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Prince George's County - Domestic Violence - GPS Tracking System Pilot Program [HB-665]
Requiring Prince George's County to implement a global positioning satellite tracking system pilot program that authorizes the court, as a condition of a defendant's pretrial release on a charge of violating a specified protective order, to order that the defendant be supervised by means of active electronic monitoring as a condition of bail under specified circumstances; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ben Barnes Approved By The Governor on 05/04/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Peace Orders and Protective Orders - Violations - Expedited Trial [HB-662]
Requiring a court that has jurisdiction over a defendant charged with a violation of a peace order or protective order to schedule the trial to occur within 30 days after the defendant is charged.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ben Barnes Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/01/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Criminal Procedure - Arrest - Violation of Protective Order [HB-661]
Codifying in the Criminal Procedure Article a requirement in the Family Law Article that an officer arrest with or without a warrant and take into custody a person who the officer has probable cause to believe is in violation of a protective order.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ben Barnes Approved By The Governor on 04/13/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Domestic Violence - Domestic Violence Central Repository [HB-625]
Requiring the Administrative Office of the Courts to maintain a Domestic Violence Central Repository; requiring that the Central Repository store specified domestic violence orders issued in the State; and establishing the purposes of the Central Repository.


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Real Property - Wrongful Detainer [HB-605]
Transferring and clarifying the application of specified provisions of law relating to wrongful detainer of real property; providing that specified provisions of law relating to an action for possession do not apply to an action for wrongful detainer; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Domestic Violence - Protective Order - Extension [HB-534]
Authorizing a judge to extend the term of a protective order for a period not to exceed 2 years from the date the extension is granted under specified circumstances; requiring the judge to provide notice to all affected persons eligible for relief and the respondent and to hold a hearing before extending the term of a protecive order; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010

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