Self Service Storage Facilities [SB-900]
Authorizes the owner of a self-storage facility to notify an occupant who has been defaulted, of the default, by verified electronic mail.
SB-900: Self Service Storage Facilities
Sponsored by: Sen. Frank Lombardi
Committee Voted To Reconsider on 06/28/2017
Mortgage And Foreclosure Sale [SB-836]
Removes the July 1, 2018 sunset provision imposed by Chapters 325 and 406 of the 2013 Public Laws with respect to §34-27-3.2 ("mediation conference").
SB-836: Mortgage And Foreclosure Sale
Sponsored by: Sen. Harold Metts
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 05/25/2017
Form And Effect Of Conveyances [SB-832]
Validates certain conveyancing defects in various instruments executed by or affecting grantors, grantees, business entities, powers of attorney, probate fiduciaries, mortgage discharges and foreclosures or certain clerical defects.
SB-832: Form And Effect Of Conveyances
Sponsored by: Sen. Frank Lombardi
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 06/01/2017
Electronic Recording [HB-6104]
Authorizes a city or town clerk/recorder of deeds, at the clerk's/recorder's option, to accept electronic documents for recording real property and land records and to index and store those documents.
HB-6104: Electronic Recording
Sponsored by: Rep. Carol McEntee
Committee Recommends Passage In Concurrence on 06/28/2017
Commercial Real Estate Broker Lien [HB-6057]
Provides that failure to record a notice of lien by the real estate broker in accordance with chapter 49 of title 34, the commercial estate broker lien act, would result in dismissal of a complaint pursuant to the act.
HB-6057: Commercial Real Estate Broker Lien
Sponsored by: Rep. Cale Keable
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 05/02/2017
Forms And Effect Of Conveyances [SB-659]
Provides that all transfers of a mortgage interest on residential property be recorded so as to provide a clean chain of title for consumers to track the owner of their mortgage loans.
SB-659: Forms And Effect Of Conveyances
Sponsored by: Sen. Frank Lombardi
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/11/2017
Mortgage Foreclosure And Sale [SB-668]
Prohibits a lender from filing an action for a deficiency judgment following a short sale of residential property if the lender reports to the IRS it has cancelled all or part of the borrower's debt and provides the borrower with a copy of the report.
SB-668: Mortgage Foreclosure And Sale
Sponsored by: Sen. James Sheehan
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/11/2017
Residual Debt After Short Sale Of Residential Property [SB-667]
Prohibits a lender from filing an action for a deficiency judgment following a short sale of residential property if the lender reports to the IRS it has cancelled all or part of the borrower's debt and provides the borrower with a copy of the report.
SB-667: Residual Debt After Short Sale Of Residential Property
Sponsored by: Sen. James Sheehan
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/11/2017
You have voted HB-1210: Provide for the sale of certain surplus real estate located in Minnehaha County and to provide for the deposit of the proceeds..