Mortgage And Foreclosure Sale [HB-5829]
Removes the July 1, 2018 sunset provision imposed by Chapters 325 and 406 of the 2013 Public Laws with respect to §34-27-3.2 ("mediation conference").
HB-5829: Mortgage And Foreclosure Sale
Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Messier
Scheduled For Consideration on 05/08/2017
Mortgage Foreclosure [SB-388]
Imposes a penalty of $300 per month up to an aggregate total of $2,000 upon financial institutions failing to promptly record foreclosure deeds and pay outstanding taxes. Most holders of a private mortgage would be exempt from the penalty requirements.
SB-388: Mortgage Foreclosure
Sponsored by: Sen. Maryellen Goodwin
Effective Without Governor's Signature on 07/07/2017
Residential Landlord And Tenant Act [SB-377]
Mandates that a landlord have a general liability policy of at least ($100,000) in effect for those injured on the premises due to landlords negligence. Failure to provide proof of insurance would preclude a landlord from proceeding an eviction action.
SB-377: Residential Landlord And Tenant Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Frank Lombardi
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/30/2017
Form And Effect Of Conveyances [SB-425]
Validates certain conveyancing defects in various instruments executed by or affecting grantors, grantees, business entities, powers of attorney, probate fiduciaries, mortgage discharges and foreclosures or certain clerical defects.
SB-425: Form And Effect Of Conveyances
Sponsored by: Sen. Michael McCaffrey
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/30/2017
Form And Effect Of Conveyances [HB-5694]
Validates certain conveyancing defects in various instruments executed by or affecting grantors, grantees, business entities, powers of attorney, probate fiduciaries, mortgage discharges and foreclosures or certain clerical defects.
HB-5694: Form And Effect Of Conveyances
Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Craven
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 06/06/2017
Rhode Island Fair Housing Practices Act [HB-5678]
Guarantees persons with service animals reasonable access to housing provided the service animal does not provide a direct threat to the health and safety of others.
HB-5678: Rhode Island Fair Housing Practices Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Lauren Carson
Withdrawn At Sponsor's Request on 03/17/2017
Forms And Effect Of Conveyances [HB-5622]
Provides that all transfers of a mortgage interest on residential property be recorded so as to provide a clean chain of title for consumers to track the owner of their mortgage loans.
HB-5622: Forms And Effect Of Conveyances
Sponsored by: Rep. Raymond Hull
Meeting Postponed (03/14/2017) on 03/13/2017
Rhode Island Fair Housing Practices Act [HB-5696]
Makes uniform the process for filing a complaint in superior court when there has been an election to terminate proceedings before the commission after a finding of probable cause under the fair housing practices act and other anti-discrimination laws.
HB-5696: Rhode Island Fair Housing Practices Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Anastasia Williams
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/07/2017
Condominium Law [HB-5542]
Changes newspaper notice publication requirements and grants defaulting unit owner rights of post-sale notice and rights of redemption.
HB-5542: Condominium Law
Sponsored by: Rep. Brian Kennedy
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/01/2017
Condominium Insurance [SB-198]
Requires a condominium association to provide a unit owner, whose unit has sustained insurance covered damages, with a written copy of the insurance company's damage appraisal.
SB-198: Condominium Insurance
Sponsored by: Sen. Roger Picard
Signed By Governor on 06/29/2017
Mortgage Foreclosure And Sale [HB-5397]
Imposes a penalty of two thousand dollars ($2,000) upon financial institutions failing to promptly record foreclosure deeds and pay outstanding taxes.
HB-5397: Mortgage Foreclosure And Sale
Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Messier
Effective Without Governor's Signature on 07/07/2017
Immigration Status [SB-233]
Prohibits a landlord from asking about the immigration status of a tenant, prospective tenant, occupant, or prospective occupant of residential rental property.
SB-233: Immigration Status
Sponsored by: Sen. Elizabeth Crowley
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/07/2017