HB-1167: Resolve, to Create a Pilot Program to Assist Nonprofit Housing Developers in Rehabilitating Existing Aging Housing Stock for First-time Home Buyers
Sponsored by: Rep. Kristen Cloutier
Carry Over Approved on 03/21/2025
You have voted HB-1167: Resolve, to Create a Pilot Program to Assist Nonprofit Housing Developers in Rehabilitating Existing Aging Housing Stock for First-time Home Buyers.
HB-1117: An Act to Strengthen Maine's Workforce Through Certified Preapprenticeship Training Programs
Sponsored by: Rep. Kilton Webb
Carried Over, In The Same Posture, To The Next Special Or Regular Session Of The 132nd Legislature, Pursuant To Joint Order Sp 519. on 03/21/2025
HB-970: An Act to Prioritize Affordable Housing by Expediting Reviews for Affordable Housing Projects Applying for Funding from the Maine State Housing Authority
Sponsored by: Rep. Ryan Fecteau
Carry Over Approved on 03/21/2025
You have voted HB-970: An Act to Prioritize Affordable Housing by Expediting Reviews for Affordable Housing Projects Applying for Funding from the Maine State Housing Authority.
You have voted HB-972: An Act to Change the Entity Responsible for Operating the Career and Technical Education Center in Machias to Regional School Unit 37.
SB-898: An Act to Support Rural Workforce Recruitment by Allowing Pay Differentials Based on Work Site Location and Employee Experience and Credentials Under the Maine Equal Pay Law
Sponsored by: Sen. Harold Stewart
Carried Over, In The Same Posture, To The Next Special Or Regular Session Of The 132nd Legislature, Pursuant To Joint Order Sp 519. on 03/21/2025
You have voted SB-898: An Act to Support Rural Workforce Recruitment by Allowing Pay Differentials Based on Work Site Location and Employee Experience and Credentials Under the Maine Equal Pay Law.
HB-651: An Act to Fund the Maine Health Care Provider Loan Repayment Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Teresa Pierce
Representative Gere From The Committee On Housing And Economic Development Reporting That The Bill Be Referred To The Committee On Education And Cultural Affairs. on 03/25/2025
Relating To Education. [HB-569]
Requires all department schools to offer community policing programs including DARE, LEEP, and PAL. Authorizes the department of education to work with the department of law enforcement and local police departments to implement the programs. Requires a faculty liaison.
HB-569: Relating To Education.
Sponsored by: Rep. Garner Shimizu
Introduced And Pass First Reading. on 01/21/2025
Relating To Plant-based Building Materials. [SB-661]
Appropriates funds to the Department of Agriculture for the establishment and operation of programs relating to the development of biocements and hemp- and bamboo-based building materials. Effective 7/1/2050. (SD1)
SB-661: Relating To Plant-based Building Materials.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stanley Chang
Reported From Aen (stand. Com. Rep. No. 40) With Recommendation Of Passage On Second Reading, As Amended (sd 1) And Referral To Wam. on 02/05/2025
Relating To Mental Health Services. [HB-2807]
Establishes a working group within the Department of Health to comprehensively and systematically map the array of child and adolescent mental health programs and services statewide. Appropriates moneys. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025.
HB-2807: Relating To Mental Health Services.
Sponsored by: Rep. Della au Belatti
Referred To Hlt, Cpc, Fin, Referral Sheet 3 on 01/26/2024
Relating To Insurance. [SB-1225]
Clarifies when the termination of peer-to-peer car-sharing occurs for purposes of motor vehicle insurance. Clarifies the application of the peer-to-peer car-sharing insurance laws as to other entities that make available rental vehicles under state law. Amends the minimum motor vehicle insurance coverage for shared cars to be consistent with the existing minimum coverage for personal vehicles. Clarifies when the requirements for motor vehicle insurance coverage are satisfied. Repeals the sunset of the peer-to-peer car-sharing insurance requirements.
SB-1225: Relating To Insurance.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gil Keith-agaran
Carried Over To 2024 Regular Session. on 12/11/2023
Relating To Insurance. [HB-639]
Clarifies when the termination of peer-to-peer car-sharing occurs for purposes of motor vehicle insurance. Clarifies the application of the peer-to-peer car-sharing insurance laws as to other entities that make available rental vehicles under state law. Repeals the sunset of the peer-to-peer car-sharing insurance requirements. (HD1)
Sponsored by: Rep. Della au Belatti
Carried Over To 2024 Regular Session. on 12/11/2023
HB-1491: An Act to Establish a Teacher Shortage Coordinator
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Graham
Carried Over, In The Same Posture, To Any Special Session Of The 131st Legislature, Pursuant To Joint Order Hp 1482. on 05/10/2024