You have voted SB-1709: Resolve, Directing the Maine State Housing Authority To Examine and Develop a Program Promoting Home Ownership by Reducing Education Debt.
HB-1613: Resolve, Directing the Department of Economic and Community Development, the Department of Labor and the Department of Transportation To Develop Partnerships with Businesses, Unions and Educational Programs and Institutions To Provide Training and Transportation for Workers
Sponsored by: Rep. Colleen Madigan
Finally Passed, In Concurrence. on 06/10/2021
You have voted HB-1613: Resolve, Directing the Department of Economic and Community Development, the Department of Labor and the Department of Transportation To Develop Partnerships with Businesses, Unions and Educational Programs and Institutions To Provide Training and Transportation for Workers.
HB-273: An Act To Sustain the Doctors for Maine's Future Scholarship Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Teresa Pierce
In Possession Of The Senate When The Legislature Adjourned Sine Die And Was Placed In The Legislative Files. (dead) on 05/09/2022
HB-119: An Act To Increase Faculty in Nursing Education Programs by Amending the Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Perry
In Possession Of The Senate When The Legislature Adjourned Sine Die And Was Placed In The Legislative Files. (dead) on 05/09/2022
SR-120: Requesting The University Of Hawaii Office Of Internal Audit To Conduct An Audit Of Various Programs At The University Of Hawaii West Oahu That Receive Extramural Funding, Including Title Iii Grant Funding.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jarrett Keohokalole
Report And Resolution Adopted. on 04/23/2019
You have voted SR-120: Requesting The University Of Hawaii Office Of Internal Audit To Conduct An Audit Of Various Programs At The University Of Hawaii West Oahu That Receive Extramural Funding, Including Title Iii Grant Funding..
SCR-154: Requesting The University Of Hawaii Office Of Internal Audit To Conduct An Audit Of Various Programs At The University Of Hawaii West Oahu That Receive Extramural Funding, Including Title Iii Grant Funding.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jarrett Keohokalole
Referred To Lhe, Lmg, Jud, Fin, Referral Sheet 50 on 04/05/2019
You have voted SCR-154: Requesting The University Of Hawaii Office Of Internal Audit To Conduct An Audit Of Various Programs At The University Of Hawaii West Oahu That Receive Extramural Funding, Including Title Iii Grant Funding..
Relating To Youth. [SB-1019]
Requires the Judiciary to collaborate with the Office of Youth Services to establish a task force to determine existing diversion programs statewide that can assist the State's youth, and to consider the post-youth needs of the eighteen to twenty-four year old population in order to provide a continuum of care. (SB1019 HD2)
SB-1019: Relating To Youth.
Sponsored by: Sen. Donna Kim
Report Adopted. Referred To The Committee(s) On Fin As Amended In Hd 2 With None Voting Aye With Reservations; None Voting No (0) And Representative(s) Belatti, Cabanilla Arakawa, Holt, Tokioka, Yamane Excused (5). on 03/21/2019
HB-755: Relating To The Department Of Transportation.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sylvia Luke
The Committee(s) On Trs/wam Deleted The Measure From The Public Hearing Scheduled On 04-04-19 11:00am In Conference Room 211. on 04/02/2019