Tipped Employees - Payments or Deduction from Wages - Prohibition [SB-553]
Prohibiting employers from requiring a tipped employee to reimburse or pay the employer specified amounts under specified circumstances; prohibiting employers from deducting specified amounts from a tipped employee under specified circumstances; and requiring specified employers to post notices in specified places in a form required by the Commissioner of Labor and Industry.
SB-553: Tipped Employees - Payments or Deduction from Wages - Prohibition
Sponsored by: Sen. Joseph Getty
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 499 on 05/16/2013
Labor and Employment - Payment of Overtime Wages [SB-405]
Limiting the applicability of an overtime wage provision of law to exclude, under specified circumstances, a specified employer that is subject to Title II of the federal Railway Labor Act.
SB-405: Labor and Employment - Payment of Overtime Wages
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 46 on 04/09/2013
Division of Labor and Industry and Associated Boards and Councils - Sunset Extension and Program Evaluation [SB-305]
Continuing the State Amusement Ride Safety Advisory Board, the Occupational Safety and Health Advisory Board, the Apprenticeship and Training Council, and the Board of Boiler Rules in accordance with the provisions of the Maryland Program Evaluation Act (Sunset Law) by extending to July 1, 2024 specified termination provisions; repealing the termination provision for the Division of Labor and Industry; requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to request units of State and local governments to provide specified information; etc.
SB-305: Division of Labor and Industry and Associated Boards and Councils - Sunset Extension and Program Evaluation
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 224 on 05/02/2013
Maryland Employment Advancement Right Now (EARN) Program [SB-278]
Establishing the Maryland Employment Advancement Right Now (EARN) Program (Maryland EARN Program) in the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation; requiring the Department, in consultation with the Department of Business and Economic Development and the Governor's Workforce Investment Board, to establish and administer the Program to provide grants on a competitive basis for specified purposes; providing that specified intellectual property developed as a result of grants awarded remain in the public domain; etc.
SB-278: Maryland Employment Advancement Right Now (EARN) Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 1 on 04/09/2013
Labor and Employment - Leave - Deployment of Family Members in the Armed Forces [SB-12]
Authorizing specified employees to take leave from work on the day that an immediate family member is leaving for, or returning from, active duty outside the United States as a member of the armed forces of the United States; prohibiting an employer from requiring an employee to use compensatory, sick, or vacation leave when taking leave under the Act; authorizing an employer to require an employee who takes leave under the Act to submit specified proof to the employer; etc.
SB-12: Labor and Employment - Leave - Deployment of Family Members in the Armed Forces
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Zirkin
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 163 on 05/02/2013
Maryland Private Sector Employees Pension Plan Task Force [SB-1051]
Establishing the Maryland Private Sector Employees Pension Plan Task Force; requiring the Task Force to study and make recommendations regarding the implementation of a private sector employees pension plan and to report its findings to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 31, 2013; etc.
SB-1051: Maryland Private Sector Employees Pension Plan Task Force
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Third Reading Passed (33-14) on 04/04/2013
HB-955: Task Force to Study Temporary Disability Insurance Programs and the Process for Assisting Individuals with Disabilities at Local Departments of Social Services
Sponsored by: Rep. Sally Jameson
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 394 on 05/02/2013
You have voted HB-955: Task Force to Study Temporary Disability Insurance Programs and the Process for Assisting Individuals with Disabilities at Local Departments of Social Services.
Alternatives to the General Educational Development Tests - Study [HB-830]
Requiring the Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning in the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation to conduct a specified study regarding the evaluation of alternative methods for obtaining the equivalent of a high school diploma; and requiring the Division to submit the results of the study to the General Assembly on or before December 1, 2013.
HB-830: Alternatives to the General Educational Development Tests - Study
Sponsored by: Rep. David Rudolph
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 141 on 04/09/2013
Employment Discrimination - Reasonable Accommodations for Disabilities Due to Pregnancy [HB-804]
Requiring an employer to explore specified means of reasonably accommodating a disability caused or contributed to by pregnancy if an employee requests a reasonable accommodation; requiring an employer to transfer an employee to a less strenuous or less hazardous position for a specified period of time in specified circumstances; authorizing an employer to require an employee to provide a specified certification under specified conditions; requiring an employer to post specified information; etc.
HB-804: Employment Discrimination - Reasonable Accommodations for Disabilities Due to Pregnancy
Sponsored by: Rep. Alfred Carr
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 548 on 05/16/2013
Labor and Employment - Health Care Facilities - Workplace Violence Prevention Program [HB-774]
Requiring a specified health care facility, on or before August 1, 2014, to establish a specified workplace violence prevention committee; requiring a workplace violence prevention committee, on or before October 1, 2014, to establish a specified workplace violence prevention program; requiring a workplace violence prevention program to include specified components; requiring the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation, on or before July 1, 2014, to adopt specified regulations; etc.
HB-774: Labor and Employment - Health Care Facilities - Workplace Violence Prevention Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Sally Jameson
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 03/21/2013
Labor and Employment - Maryland Earned Sick and Safe Leave Act [HB-735]
Requiring specified employers to provide employees with specified earned sick and safe leave; providing for the manner in which earned sick and safe leave is accrued by the employee and treated by the employer; requiring an employer to allow an employee to use earned sick and safe leave for specified purposes; requiring an employee, under specified circumstances, to request leave, notify the employer of specified information, and comply with specified procedures; etc.
HB-735: Labor and Employment - Maryland Earned Sick and Safe Leave Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 03/25/2013
Labor and Employment - Sick Leave Policy - Requirement [HB-55]
Requiring an employer to have a policy under which an employee of the employer earns sick leave days each month based on the number of hours worked by the employee; requiring the sick leave policy to have a provision relating to the prevention of the abuse of sick leave by employees; etc.
HB-55: Labor and Employment - Sick Leave Policy - Requirement
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Robinson
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 01/29/2013
Labor and Employment - Payment of Wages [HB-479]
Requiring employers that pay employees at least once in every two weeks or twice in each month to pay the regular full wages to the employees on all paydays that fall within any given year.
HB-479: Labor and Employment - Payment of Wages
Sponsored by: Rep. Samuel Rosenberg
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/12/2013
Construction Safety and Health Training - Public Work Contracts [HB-330]
Requiring specified individuals performing work on public work projects to complete construction safety training; requiring contractors, before beginning work on a public work contract, to provide a certification to a public body indicating that each individual working on the site has completed the construction safety training course within the past 5 years; etc.
HB-330: Construction Safety and Health Training - Public Work Contracts
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 03/19/2013
Labor and Employment - Labor Organizations - Right to Work [HB-318]
Prohibiting an employer from requiring, as a condition of employment or continued employment, an employee or prospective employee to join or remain a member of a labor organization, pay charges to a labor organization, or pay a specified amount to a third party under specified circumstances; prohibiting an employer from threatening an employee or a prospective employee with specified action; providing that a specified violation of law is a misdemeanor and is subject to specified penalties; etc.
HB-318: Labor and Employment - Labor Organizations - Right to Work
Sponsored by: Rep. Tony McConkey
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 02/26/2013
Division of Labor and Industry and Associated Boards and Councils - Sunset Extension and Program Evaluation [HB-296]
Continuing the State Amusement Ride Safety Advisory Board, the Occupational Safety and Health Advisory Board, the Apprenticeship and Training Council, and the Board of Boiler Rules in accordance with the provisions of the Maryland Program Evaluation Act (Sunset Law) by extending to July 1, 2024 the termination provisions relating to the statutory and regulatory authority of the boards and council; repealing the termination provision for the Division of Labor and Industry; etc.
HB-296: Division of Labor and Industry and Associated Boards and Councils - Sunset Extension and Program Evaluation
Sponsored by: Rep.
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 02/26/2013
Maryland Employment Advancement Right Now (EARN) Program [HB-227]
Establishing the Maryland Employment Advancement Right Now (EARN) Program (Maryland EARN Program) in the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation; requiring the Department, in consultation with the Department of Business and Economic Development and the Governor's Workforce Investment Board, to establish and administer the Program to provide grants on a competitive basis for specified purposes; providing that specified intellectual property developed as a result of grants awarded remain in the public domain; etc.
HB-227: Maryland Employment Advancement Right Now (EARN) Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Dereck Davis
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 2 on 04/09/2013