Private Sector Labor And Industry

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - Hiring and Promotion Preferences - Veterans of Commissioned Corps [SB-152]
Altering the definition of "eligible veteran" to include the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service and the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for the purpose of granting a preference in hiring and promotion to eligible veterans, spouses of eligible veterans, and surviving spouses of eligible veterans.


Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton Approved By The Governor - Chapter 586 on 05/15/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Paid Leave Compromise Act of 2018 [SB-135]
Requiring certain employers with at least a certain number of employees to provide employees with paid time off that is paid at the same wage rate as the employee normally earns and that may be used by the employee for any reason; authorizing an employer to apply to the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation for a certain waiver; requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to create and make available a certain poster and notice; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Miller First Reading Finance on 01/11/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Maryland Department of Health - Employed Beneficiaries of Assistance Programs [SB-1026]
Requiring the Maryland Department of Health annually to identify the 50 employers that have the highest number of employees receiving certain medical assistance or benefits; requiring the Department, on or before February 1 each year, to report to the General Assembly certain information regarding each of the identified employers; requiring the reports to be made available to the public on the Department's website; authorizing the Department to establish interagency agreements to obtain certain information; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Madaleno Hearing 2/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/28/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - State Minimum Wage Rate - Increase [SB-1019]
Specifying the State minimum wage rate that is in effect for certain time periods for certain employers, including midsized and small employers; increasing, except under certain circumstances, the State minimum wage rate in effect for certain periods of time based on certain calculations; requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry, beginning at a certain time, to annually determine and announce the growth in the Consumer Price Index, if any, and the new State minimum wage rate under a certain provision of the Act; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Robinson Hearing 3/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/08/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Disclosing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Act of 2018 [SB-1010]
Providing that, except as prohibited by federal law, a provision in certain employment contracts, policies, or agreements that waive certain rights or remedies to a claim of sexual harassment or certain retaliation is null and void as being against the public policy of the State; requiring employers with 50 or more employees to submit a certain survey to the Commission on Civil Rights; requiring the Commission to make the survey responses accessible to the public by posting certain information on the Commission's website; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton Approved By The Governor - Chapter 739 on 05/15/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Employee Benefits – State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program and Maryland Small Business Retirement Savings Program [SB-1001]
Altering the entities for which the State Department of Assessments and Taxation is required to waive a certain filing fee; designating the Maryland Small Business Retirement Savings Board as a body politic and corporate and an instrumentality of the State; providing that, except under certain circumstances, the Board is not subject to any law that affects governmental units; authorizing the appointing authority, rather than the Governor, to remove a member of the Maryland Small Business Retirement Savings Board; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe Approved By The Governor - Chapter 596 on 05/15/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Paid Leave Compromise Act of 2018 [HB-98]
Requiring certain employers with at least a certain number of employees to provide employees with paid time off that is paid at the same wage rate as the employee normally earns and that may be used by the employee for any reason; authorizing an employer to apply to the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation for a certain waiver; requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to create and make available a certain poster and notice; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. The Speaker Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/06/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - Exemptions From Overtime Pay - Administrative, Executive, or Professional Capacity [HB-974]
Altering the conditions under which an individual who works in a certain administrative, executive, or professional capacity qualifies for an exemption from overtime pay; requiring that an individual be compensated on a salary basis at $900 or more per week exclusive of board, lodging, or other facilities, to qualify as an individual who is employed in an administrative, executive, or professional capacity; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/15/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Maryland Healthy Working Families Act - Exemption - Facility With On-Site Health Clinic [HB-779]
Exempting from certain provisions of law concerning earned sick and safe leave certain employees who regularly work at facilities at which the employers offer the employees access to on-site health clinics that have operating costs of at least $1,000,000 per year.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mike McKay Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/12/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - Payment of the Minimum Wage Required (Fight for Fifteen) [HB-664]
Specifying the State minimum wage rate that is in effect for certain time periods; increasing, except under certain circumstances, the State minimum wage rate based on the annual growth in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for the Washington-Baltimore metropolitan area; specifying the tip credit amount that is in effect for certain time periods; prohibiting an employer, beginning July 1, 2026, from including the tip credit amount as part of the wage of certain employees; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/27/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Hospitals - Changes in Status - Hospital Employee Retraining and Placement [HB-614]
Requiring a hospital that downsizes to pay a fee directly to the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation if workers are displaced; requiring the Health Services Cost Review Commission to prorate the total amount of certain fees among all hospitals in a certain manner to derive the individual fee for each hospital; requiring the Department to establish a program for retraining and placement of certain hospital employees; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve Hearing 2/20 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/20/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Labor and Employment – Criminal Record Screening Practices [HB-541]
Prohibiting certain employers from requiring an applicant for employment to disclose certain information regarding the criminal record of the applicant, conducting a certain criminal history records check, or taking other certain action before a conditional offer of employment has been extended; authorizing the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to resolve certain complaints informally or to use mediation; authorizing the Commissioner to ask the Attorney General to bring a certain action on behalf of the applicant or employee; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/23/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - Pre-Tax Transportation Fringe Benefit - Requirement (Maryland Pre-Tax Commuter Benefit Act) [HB-540]
Requiring certain employers to provide certain employees an opportunity to use a certain pre-tax transportation fringe benefit; authorizing an employee to file a written complaint with the Commissioner of Labor and Industry under certain circumstances; authorizing the Commissioner to attempt to resolve a certain matter informally or request the Attorney General to bring a certain action on behalf of the employee; providing that an employer that violates the Act is subject to a certain civil penalty; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 02/15/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - Wage History Information [HB-512]
Prohibiting employers that employ 15 or more employees from seeking wage history information orally, in writing, or through an employee or an agent for an employee; prohibiting employers that employ 15 or more employees from screening an applicant for employment based on the applicant's wage history by taking certain actions; requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to issue a certain order under certain circumstances; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve Hearing 3/29 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/29/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - Labor Organizations - Right to Work [HB-264]
Prohibiting an employer from requiring, as a condition of employment or continued employment, an employee or a prospective employee to join or remain a member of a labor organization, pay charges to a labor organization, or pay a certain amount to a third party under certain circumstances; prohibiting an employer from threatening an employee or a prospective employee with certain action; providing certain penalties for violation of the Act; applying the Act prospectively; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Seth Howard Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 02/15/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Railroad Company - Movement of Freight - Required Crew [HB-180]
Prohibiting a train or light engine used in connection with the movement of freight from being operated in the State unless it has at least two crew members; establishing certain penalties; providing a railroad company is solely responsible for the actions of its agents or employees in certain violations; prohibiting a county or municipal corporation from enacting and enforcing more stringent measures; requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to provide certain notice to the Department of Legislative Services; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/25/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - Parking Cash-Out Program - Requirement [HB-1637]
Requiring certain employers that provide to employees a free parking space or a parking subsidy to establish a certain parking cash-out program; authorizing an employer to provide certain employees with a combination of certain passes, certain subsidies, and cash; authorizing an employee to file a written complaint with the Commissioner of Labor and Industry under certain circumstances; authorizing the Commissioner, on receipt of a written complaint, to investigate whether the Act has been violated; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Robbyn Lewis Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/17/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - Hiring and Promotion Preferences - Veterans of Commissioned Corps [HB-1617]
Altering the definition of "eligible veteran" to include the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service and the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for the purpose of granting a preference in hiring and promotion to eligible veterans, spouses of eligible veterans, and surviving spouses of eligible veterans.


Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Turner Approved By The Governor - Chapter 587 on 05/15/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Public Safety - Military Service Members - Civil Relief [HB-1614]
Providing that certain rights granted to members of the Maryland National Guard under the Act are in addition to the rights granted by federal law; establishing that the intent of the Act is to supplement certain rights and protections provided by a certain federal statute; authorizing a certain service member to terminate a certain contract at a certain time under certain circumstances; providing for the method by which a certain service member may terminate a certain contract; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Barrie Ciliberti Approved By The Governor - Chapter 344 on 04/24/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Disclosing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Act of 2018 [HB-1596]
Providing that, except as prohibited by federal law, a provision in certain employment contracts, policies, or agreements that waive certain rights or remedies to a claim of sexual harassment or certain retaliation is null and void as being against the public policy of the State; requiring employers with 50 or more employees to submit a certain survey to the Commission on Civil Rights; requiring the Commission to make the survey responses accessible to the public by posting certain information on the Commission's website; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve Approved By The Governor - Chapter 738 on 05/15/2018

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