Prisons And Other Methods Of Correction

State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Prisoners; notification of child support payments. [SB-633]
Prisoners; Department of Corrections and Division of Child Support Enforcement to identify child support due. Requires the Department of Corrections, working in cooperation with the Division of Child Support Enforcement, to identify, at least annually, prisoners of whom child support payments are required pursuant to a court order and the amount of child support required of the prisoner pursuant to the order.

Sponsored by: Sen. Patricia Ticer Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0763) on 04/14/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Child support; tolling thereof for incarcerated parents. [SB-629]
Child support; incarcerated parents. Provides that the child support payments of a parent who is sentenced to a term of incarceration of at least six months shall be tolled during the term of incarceration upon the motion or request of the parent. Child support payments that are tolled continue to accrue during the term of incarceration and, upon the parent's release, the amount of his support arrearages shall be calculated and a payment plan shall be established. The provisions of the bill will become effective only if an appropriation of general (continued...)

Sponsored by: Sen. Patricia Ticer House: Stricken From Docket By Courts Of Justice By Voice Vote on 02/29/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Incarceration; waiving interest during period thereof. [SB-628]
Waiving interest during period of incarceration. Authorizes the circuit court, for good cause shown and upon motion of the defendant, to waive interest on unpaid fines and costs imposed by a judgment of that court that accrued during any period that the defendant was incarcerated.

Sponsored by: Sen. Patricia Ticer House: Left In Courts Of Justice on 03/03/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Retirement System; benefits for superintendents and sworn officers of regional jails. [SB-624]
Virginia Retirement System; superintendents and sworn officers of regional jails. Requires localities participating in the Virginia Retirement System and participating in a regional jail to provide retirement benefits comparable to the benefits provided to state police officers to the regional jail's superintendent and sworn officers.

Sponsored by: Sen. Kenneth Stolle House: Left In Appropriations on 03/03/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Detention center incarceration program; placement of defendant with Department of Corrections. [SB-611]
Detention Center Incarceration Program. Allows a probation and parole officer to place a nonreoffending defendant who scores incarceration on the probation violation guidelines and voluntarily agrees to participate, with the Department of Corrections to be evaluated for participation in the Detention Center Incarceration Program, if approved by the court. This bill is identical to

Sponsored by: Sen. Kenneth Stolle Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0761) on 04/14/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Inmates; officer of correctional facility to inquire of alien status. [SB-609]
Alien status of jail and correctional facility inmates. Requires an officer in charge of a jail or correctional facility to inquire of a person in his custody as to whether the person was born in or is a citizen of the United States and to make an immigration alien query to the Law Enforcement Support Center of the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement for any person who was born in or is a citizen of another country, or if the answers to these questions are unknown. The jail officer shall communicate the results of this immigration (continued...)

Sponsored by: Sen. Kenneth Stolle Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0415) on 03/14/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Regional jails; extends deadline for consideration of construction, enlargement, etc. thereof. [SB-595]
Regional jails. Extends the deadline for consideration of construction, enlargement, or renovation of certain local or regional jail facilities as that deadline applies to the Virginia Peninsula Regional Jail Authority.

Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Norment Senate: Stricken At Request Of Patron In Finance (16-y 0-n) on 01/22/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Jail construction, local; State will reimburse up to one-half of capital costs. [SB-589]
Jail construction reimbursement. Provides that the Commonwealth will reimburse any county or city up to one-half of the capital costs of a jail construction or renovation project that will increase the capacity by at least 150 beds. Certain shared jail arrangements will also be reimbursed up to one-half of the capital costs for increasing capacity by 150.

Sponsored by: Sen. Janet Howell Senate: Continued To 2009 In Finance (16-y 0-n) on 01/22/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Correctional facilities, local; City of Danville & Pittsylvania County to enter into jail project. [SB-546]
Local correctional facilities. Allows Danville and Pittsylvania to enter into a regional jail project without a third participating jurisdiction.

Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Hurt Senate: Continued To 2009 In Finance (16-y 0-n) on 01/29/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Regional jail vehicles; equipped with colored warning lights. [SB-527]
Definitions; law-enforcement vehicle. As introduced, defines "law-enforcement vehicle" as any vehicle owned and operated by or under the direction of a government agency and used for the enforcement of criminal, traffic, and/or penal laws within the Commonwealth. A substitute carried over to 2009 allows regional jail vehicles to be equipped with flashing blue, red and blue, blue and white, or red, white, and blue warning lights.

Sponsored by: Sen. R. Edward Houck Senate: Continued To 2009 In Transportation (14-y 0-n) on 02/07/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Inmates; permitting work on public or private property. [SB-499]
Sheriffs; permitting work on public or private property by inmates. Allows jail inmates to perform work on private property utilized by a nonprofit organization.

Sponsored by: Sen. Ralph Northam Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0623) on 03/18/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Diversion center incarceration program; placement of defendant with Department of Corrections. [SB-451]
Diversion Center Incarceration Program. Allows a defendant who has not committed a new criminal offense, who may be subject to having his probation revoked, and who scores incarceration on the probation violation guidelines and voluntarily agrees to participate, to be placed with the Department of Corrections to be evaluated for participation in the Diversion Center Incarceration Program if approved by the court. This bill is identical to

Sponsored by: Sen. John Petersen Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0757) on 04/14/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Inmates; emergency psychiatric treatment. [SB-440]
Mentally ill defendants; treatment and hospitalization. Establishes a new standard for hospitalizing mentally ill criminal defendants. Hospitalization may occur when the defendant has a mental illness and there exists a substantial likelihood that, as a result of that mental illness, the defendant will, in the near future, cause serious physical harm to himself or others as evidenced by recent behavior causing, attempting, or threatening harm. Under current law the standard is "imminently dangerous to himself or others." The provision applies to (continued...)

Sponsored by: Sen. Donald McEachin Senate: Continued To 2009 In Finance (16-y 0-n) on 02/13/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Death sentence; execution dates [SB-395]
Death sentence; execution dates. Removes some of the circumstances in which circuit courts are required to set execution dates before state and federal review of an inmate's death sentence is complete. The Federal Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 has revised the remedies available to the convicted person and imposes a one-year statute of limitations for filing petitions for federal review of state convictions and sentences.

Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards Senate: Read Third Time And Defeated By Senate (10-y 28-n) on 02/05/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Child support; exemption for parents who are imprisoned for life. [SB-313]
Child support; exemption; parents who are imprisoned for life. Clarifies that only parents who are imprisoned for life with no chance of parole are exempted from paying the presumptive minimum child support obligation of $65 per month. Currently, all parents who are imprisoned with no chance of parole are exempted.

Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0697) on 04/14/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Parole interviews; allows videoconferencing. [SB-295]
Parole interviews; allow videoconferencing. Provides that parole interviews may be conducted in person or by videoconferencing, by the voting members of the Parole Board, provided that interviews are recorded in full via electronic means that can be reviewed by the voting members.

Sponsored by: Sen. Linda Puller House: Left In Militia, Police And Public Safety on 03/03/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Child-friendly visiting rooms; state correctional facilities may provide. [SB-28]
Child-friendly visiting rooms in state correctional facilities. Permits each state correctional facility to provide child-friendly visiting rooms to promote positive bonds between incarcerated parents and their children. Any program providing child-friendly visiting rooms shall be administered by the Department of Corrections and may include the use of support services from community-based and nonprofit organizations. The Department shall promulgate regulations governing the provision and use of child-friendly visiting rooms. The bill also provides (continued...)

Sponsored by: Sen. Yvonne Miller House: Left In Militia, Police And Public Safety on 03/03/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Inmates; emergency psychiatric treatment. [SB-275]
Mentally ill defendants; treatment. Adds a provision that a defendant in a criminal matter may be hospitalized if so seriously mentally ill as to be unable to care for himself. Under current law the standard is "imminently dangerous to himself or others." The provision applies to pretrial, after conviction but before sentencing and after sentencing. The bill specifies that the evaluation must be done in person by an employee of the community services board or its designee who is skilled in the assessment and treatment of mental illness and has (continued...)

Sponsored by: Sen. George Barker Senate: Continued To 2009 In Finance (16-y 0-n) on 02/13/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Prisoners; mandatory release on parole. [SB-205]
Prisons and correctional facilities; mandatory release on parole. Provides that a prisoner whose parole is revoked on a technical violation is not required to serve the minimum six months. Under this bill, the prisoner would receive credit for good time if the parole violation was technical, but not if the violation involved a new and subsequent charge. "Technical violation" means any failure to adhere to conditions of parole that is not deliberate defiance of those conditions or does not constitute further criminal conduct or both.

Sponsored by: Sen. Frederick Quayle Senate: Stricken At Request Of Patron In Rehabilitation And Social Services (15-y 0-n) on 01/25/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Reentry planning; Department of Corrections to develop and implement comprehensive plan. [SB-200]
Reentry planning. Requires the Department of Corrections to develop and implement a comprehensive reentry plan for each person committed to the supervision of the Department, as soon as practicable, considering the prisoner's anticipated release date. Such plan shall identify educational, vocational, therapeutic, and other programs necessary to prepare the person for successful transition from prison to society upon the person's discharge and shall include mentor pairing to the extent possible. This bill is identical to

Sponsored by: Sen. Linda Puller Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0402) on 03/14/2008

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