
State (Maryland)
Maryland 2012 Regular Session

State and Local Revenue and Financing Act of 2012 [SB-523]
Increasing the State individual income tax rate on specified amounts of income; altering, for specified taxable years, the percentage of the federal earned income credit used for determining the amount that an individual may claim as a refund under the State earned income tax credit under specified circumstances; applying specified sections of the Act to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2011; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Roger Manno Jones, Branch, Ross on 03/25/2012

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2012 Regular Session

Health Occupations - State Board of Pharmacy - Jurisdiction Over Nonresident [SB-132]
Requiring a nonresident pharmacy to have a pharmacist on staff who is licensed for providing specified services to patients; requiring a nonresident pharmacy to comply with requirements when dispensing prescription drugs or devices to a patient or otherwise engaging in the practice of pharmacy in Maryland; requiring that toll-free telephone service provided by a nonresident pharmacy facilitate communication between patients in Maryland and a pharmacist who is required to refer specified patients to a specified pharmacist; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway Approved By The Governor on 05/02/2012

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2012 Regular Session

Health Occupations - State Board of Pharmacy - Jurisdiction Over Nonresident [HB-334]
Requiring a nonresident pharmacy to have a pharmacist on staff who is licensed for providing specified services to patients; requiring a nonresident pharmacy to comply with requirements when dispensing prescription drugs or devices to a patient or otherwise engaging in the practice of pharmacy in Maryland; requiring that toll-free telephone service provided by a nonresident pharmacy facilitate communication between patients in Maryland and a pharmacist who is required to refer specified patients to a specified pharmacist, etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke Approved By The Governor on 05/02/2012

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2012 Regular Session

Natural Resources - Hunting Licenses and Stamps [HB-1419]
Clarifying the uses of the State Wildlife and Management Protection Fund; repealing provisions of law that establish bonus antlered deer stamps; clarifying that a 3-day nonresident hunting license does not authorize bear hunting; increasing the fees for specified hunting stamps and licenses; establishing a bonus deer stamp; etc.


Sponsored by: No sponsors Favorable With Amendments Report By Environmental Matters on 03/24/2012

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2012 Regular Session

State Board of Physicians - Exceptions from Licensing - Physicians Authorized [HB-1400]
Expanding an exception from licensing by the State Board of Physicians to include a physician who resides in and is authorized to practice medicine by any other state, instead of an adjoining state, and who meets other requirements; establishing an exception from licensing by the Board for a physician who resides in and is authorized to practice medicine by another state and who provides specified services by telemedicine; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Peter Hammen Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations on 04/05/2012

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2012 Regular Session

State Government - Notaries Public - Revisions [HB-1229]
Prohibiting an individual, under specified circumstances, from being appointed as a notary public; establishing requirements that a State resident appointed as a notary public must meet; establishing requirements that an out-of-state individual appointed as a notary public must meet; providing that an out-of-state notary may exercise specified functions only in the course of the notary's employment; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathy Szeliga Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations on 04/05/2012

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2012 Regular Session

Procurement - Preferences - Businesses Located in the State [HB-1209]
Requiring a unit of State government to allow a resident bidder or resident offeror to resubmit the bid or offer, under specified circumstances, to match the lowest bid or offer, as specified; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. C. William Frick Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations Withdrawn on 03/13/2012

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2012 Regular Session

Wildlife Poaching Prevention Act [HB-1052]
Repealing provisions of law that authorize a court to suspend the hunting license or privileges of a person who has been convicted of hunting offenses; repealing standards and prohibited acts related to the suspension of a hunting license or hunting privileges; authorizing the Department of Natural Resources or the court, in addition to other penalties, to suspend for up to a specified period of time the hunting license or privileges of a person who is convicted of a State or federal hunting violation; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Barbara Frush Approved By The Governor on 05/22/2012

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2011 Regular Session

State Board of Pharmacy - Pharmacists - Practice of Pharmacy and Licensure [SB-769]
Altering the definition of "practice pharmacy" to include activities or services provided to or on behalf of persons in this State by individuals employed by nonresident pharmacies, pharmacy benefits managers, third party payors, or other specified entities; requiring that an individual be licensed before practicing pharmacy as an employee of a specified entity; and requiring nonresident pharmacies to require employees to comply with specified licensure provisions.


Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway Unfavorable Report By Education Health And Environmental Affairs Withdrawn on 03/17/2011

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2011 Regular Session

Procurement - Prevailing Wage Rate Law - Repeal [SB-659]
Repealing provisions of law regarding prevailing wage rates for public work contracts; repealing provisions limiting the application of prevailing wage rates to a public work contract above $500,000 or a part of a public work contract that is required to comply with federal prevailing wage rates; repealing the requirement that the Commissioner of Labor and Industry adopt straight time and overtime prevailing wage rates; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Allan Kittleman Hearing 2/17 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/09/2011

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2011 Regular Session

Higher Education - Edward T. Conroy Memorial Scholarship Program - Eligibility [SB-289]
Altering the eligibility requirements for the Edward T. Conroy Memorial Scholarship Program to include specified persons who live outside the State under specified circumstances; repealing an obsolete provision; and repealing a termination provision.


Sponsored by: Sen. Education Approved By The Governor on 05/10/2011

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2011 Regular Session

Public Institutions of Higher Education - Tuition Rates - Exemptions [SB-167]
Extending the period within which an honorably discharged veteran must present evidence to qualify for a resident tuition rate; establishing that specified individuals, including undocumented immigrants, shall be exempt from paying the out-of-state tuition rate at community colleges under specified circumstances; requiring documentation that the student or the student's parent or legal guardian has filed a Maryland income tax return during specified years; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson Approved By The Governor on 05/10/2011

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2011 Regular Session

State Board of Pharmacy - Pharmacists - Practice of Pharmacy and Licensure [HB-549]
Altering the definition of "practice pharmacy" to include activities or services provided to or on behalf of persons in this State by individuals employed by nonresident pharmacies, pharmacy benefits managers, third party payors, or other specified entities; requiring that an individual be licensed before practicing pharmacy as an employee of a specified entity; and requiring nonresident pharmacies to require employees to comply with specified licensure provisions.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dan Morhaim Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations Withdrawn on 03/08/2011

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2011 Regular Session

Higher Education - Tuition Charges - Maryland High School Students [HB-470]
Establishing that specified individuals, other than specified nonresident individuals, shall be exempt from paying nonresident tuition at specified public institutions of higher education under specified circumstances; requiring specified individuals to provide documentation regarding Maryland income tax withholding; and requiring the governing board of each public institution of higher education to adopt specified policies.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve Favorable With Amendments Report By Ways And Means on 04/06/2011

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Department of State Police - Police Employees - Residency Requirements [SB-944]
Altering the residency requirements for police employees of the Department of State Police to allow an appointee to reside within 25 miles of the State borders and requiring an appointee to be a resident of the State or reside within 25 miles of its borders for the duration of the appointee's employment.


Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier Unfavorable Report By Finance Withdrawn on 03/22/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Criminal Law - Handguns - Transport in Motor Vehicle by Nonresident [SB-743]
Establishing that a nonresident may transport an unloaded handgun in a motor vehicle only for specified purposes and uses allowed under law and only if the nonresident complies with specified requirements; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Colburn Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings Withdrawn on 03/08/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Maryland Prepaid College Trust - Student 2+2 Program - Out-of-County Costs [SB-596]
Requiring specified prepaid college tuition contracts to allow the use of the contract benefits to pay specified tuition rates at community colleges; providing for the application of the Act; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/17/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Family Law - Maryland Uniform Interstate Family Support Act - Revision [HB-74]
Authorizing a tribunal of this State to exercise personal jurisdiction over a nonresident individual in a proceeding to establish or enforce a child support order or determine parentage if the individual resided with the child in this State or if the individual engaged in sexual intercourse in this State and the child may have been conceived by that act; requiring a party requesting a determination of the controlling child support order to give notice of the request to each party whose rights may be affected by the determination; etc.


Sponsored by: No sponsors Approved By The Governor on 04/13/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Recreational Fishing Licenses - Licensing and Registration [HB-1345]
Expanding the requirement to obtain recreational fishing licenses or authorizations to apply to fishing activity in the State waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Atlantic coastal bays and tributaries; altering the duration of the short-term freshwater angling license and the short-term tidal sport fishing license; altering fees for a nonresident trout stamp, a short-term nonresident sport fishing license, and the annual nonresident fishing license; etc.


Sponsored by: No sponsors Approved By The Governor on 05/04/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Department of State Police - Police Employees - Residency Requirements [HB-1213]
Altering the residency requirements for police employees of the Department of State Police to allow an appointee to reside within 25 miles of the State borders and requiring an appointee to be a resident of the State or reside within 25 miles of its borders for the duration of the appointee's employment.


Sponsored by: Rep. Steven DeBoy Unfavorable Report By Appropriations Withdrawn on 03/23/2010

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