Nonresident Recreational Fishing and Crabbing Licenses - Oyster Restoration Surcharge [HB-618]
Authorizing the Department of Natural Resources to require a nonresident to pay a surcharge in addition to any license fees imposed under specified laws and regulations for specified recreational fishing and crabbing licenses; requiring the Department to establish the amount of the surcharge by regulation; requiring all surcharges collected under the Act to be credited to the Fisheries Research and Development Fund and used only for oyster restoration activities; etc.
Property Tax Exemption - Dwelling House of Disabled Veteran or Surviving Spouse - Repeal of Domicile Requirements [HB-1523]
Repealing, under provisions of law exempting from property tax the dwelling house owned by a surviving spouse of an individual who died in the line of duty, the requirement that the individual or the surviving spouse be domiciled in the State as of the date of the individual's death; repealing, under provisions of law exempting from property tax the dwelling house owned by a disabled veteran or specified surviving spouse, the requirement that the disabled veteran be domiciled in the State at death; etc.
HB-1523: Property Tax Exemption - Dwelling House of Disabled Veteran or Surviving Spouse - Repeal of Domicile Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. David Rudolph
Hearing 3/13 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/13/2014
Public Safety - Assault Weapons and Detachable Magazines - Possession or Transport by Nonresident [HB-122]
Authorizing the possession or transport by a nonresident of the State of an assault weapon or a detachable magazine that has been legally purchased outside the State for the purpose of using the assault weapon or detachable magazine to participate in an organized military activity, a target shoot, formal or informal target practice, or a sport shooting event, having the assault weapon or detachable magazine repaired at a bona fide repair shop, or traveling through the State for a lawful purpose.
HB-122: Public Safety - Assault Weapons and Detachable Magazines - Possession or Transport by Nonresident
Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Kelly
Hearing 3/04 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/04/2014
Procurement - Prevailing Wage Rate Law - Repeal [SB-664]
Repealing provisions of law regarding prevailing wage rates for public work contracts; repealing provisions limiting the application of prevailing wage rates to a public work contract of $500,000 or more or a part of a public work contract that is required to comply with federal prevailing wage rates; repealing the requirement that the Commissioner of Labor and Industry adopt straight time and overtime prevailing wage rates; etc.
SB-664: Procurement - Prevailing Wage Rate Law - Repeal
Sponsored by: Sen. David Brinkley
Hearing 2/21 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/21/2013
Natural Resources - Commercial Fishing - Licensing [SB-662]
Altering the annual fees and surcharges for specified commercial fishing licenses and authorizations; requiring that specified tidal fish licensees obtain a harvester registration from the Department of Natural Resources; authorizing the Department to issue a permit authorizing a person to commercially harvest specified fish species, subject to specified annual fees; repealing provisions of law that authorize the Department to establish and issue a commercial fishing apprenticeship permit; etc.
Wildlife Management and Sustainability Act of 2013 [SB-619]
Altering the funding sources for and clarifying the uses of the State Wildlife and Management Protection Fund; clarifying that a 3-day nonresident hunting license does not authorize bear hunting; increasing the fees for specified hunting licenses; repealing a requirement that the Department of Natural Resources use specified funds for the processing of deer meat for the needy; repealing specified hunting requirements and restrictions; altering the distribution of specified fines for hunting violations; etc.
SB-619: Wildlife Management and Sustainability Act of 2013
Sponsored by: Sen. John Astle
Hearing 3/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/28/2013
Business Occupations and Professions - Private Process Service - Licensing and Certification [SB-554]
Requiring the licensure as a private process service agency of any person who provides specified private process service; providing for the terms and renewals of the licenses, qualifications for and duties of licensees, display of licenses, and required records of a licensee; establishing specified administrative, financial, and surety bond requirements for a licensed private process service agency; establishing qualifications for and duties of certified private process servers; etc.
SB-554: Business Occupations and Professions - Private Process Service - Licensing and Certification
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Frosh
Hearing 2/19 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/19/2013
Public Institutions of Higher Education - Legal Presence and Tuition Rates - Reporting [HB-739]
Requiring public institutions of higher education to report annually, on or before October 1, to the Maryland Higher Education Commission the number of students attending that institution who are legally present, or not legally present, in the United States, and the number of students who pay in-State versus out-of-state tuition rates, disaggregated by specified categories; requiring the Commission to report annually, on or before December 31, to the General Assembly specified information; etc.
HB-739: Public Institutions of Higher Education - Legal Presence and Tuition Rates - Reporting
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/08/2013
Alcoholic Beverages - Repeal of Obsolete Provisions of Law [HB-701]
Repealing specified obsolete provisions of the State alcoholic beverages law, including the repeal of a requirement that the Comptroller prescribe specified maximum discounts that may be allowed by specified persons, the repeal of a requirement that the Comptroller require the filing of specified schedules of prices, the repeal of a requirement that specified persons in Baltimore City be certified by an approved alcohol awareness program, and the repeal of specified bonding requirements in Garrett County; etc.
HB-701: Alcoholic Beverages - Repeal of Obsolete Provisions of Law
Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Barkley
Hearing 3/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/27/2013
Department of State Police - Police Employees - Residency Requirements [HB-678]
Altering the residency requirements for police employees of the Department of State Police to allow an appointee to reside within 25 miles outside the State borders and requiring an appointee to be a resident of the State or reside within 25 miles outside its borders for the duration of the appointee's employment.
HB-678: Department of State Police - Police Employees - Residency Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Robinson
Hearing 2/19 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/19/2013
Business Occupations and Professions - Private Process Service - Licensing and Certification [HB-1291]
Requiring the licensure as a private process service agency of any person who provides specified private process service; providing for the terms and renewals of the licenses, qualifications for and duties of licensees, display of licenses, and required records of a licensee; establishing specified administrative, financial, and surety bond requirements for a licensed private process service agency; establishing qualifications for and duties of certified private process servers; etc.
HB-1291: Business Occupations and Professions - Private Process Service - Licensing and Certification
Sponsored by: Rep. Tom Hucker
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 03/19/2013
Natural Resources - Commercial Fishing - Licensing [HB-1253]
Altering the annual fees and surcharges for specified commercial fishing licenses and authorizations; requiring that specified tidal fish licensees obtain a harvester registration from the Department of Natural Resources; authorizing the Department to issue a permit authorizing a person to commercially harvest specified fish species, subject to specified annual fees; repealing provisions of law that authorize the Department to establish and issue a commercial fishing apprenticeship permit; etc.
State Procurement - Rejection of Bids and Proposals - Businesses Located [SB-913]
Requiring a unit of State government, under specified circumstances, to reject a bid or proposal if the bidder or offeror is located outside the State or if the goods or services required to be provided under the contract would be provided by a subcontractor located outside the State; and applying the Act to procurements that would otherwise be excluded from the State procurement law under a specified provision of law.
SB-913: State Procurement - Rejection of Bids and Proposals - Businesses Located
Sponsored by: Sen. Norman Stone
Unfavorable Report By Education Health And Environmental Affairs on 03/15/2012
State Real Estate Commission - Regulation of Business Brokers [SB-738]
Requiring an individual to be licensed as a business broker before providing business brokerage services in the State; making specified provisions of law governing real estate licensees applicable to business brokers, including qualifications for license applicants, grounds for denial, reprimand, suspension, revocation, and penalties, reciprocity of licenses, duties of licensees, nonresident broker requirements, provision of services through a team, and prohibited acts; etc.
SB-738: State Real Estate Commission - Regulation of Business Brokers
Sponsored by: Sen. J.B. Jennings
Unfavorable Report By Education Health And Environmental Affairs Withdrawn on 03/07/2012
Procurement - Prevailing Wage Rate Law - Repeal [SB-718]
Repealing provisions of law regarding prevailing wage rates for public work contracts; repealing provisions limiting the application of prevailing wage rates to a public work contract $500,000 or more or a part of a public work contract that is required to comply with federal prevailing wage rates; repealing the requirement that the Commissioner of Labor and Industry adopt straight time and overtime prevailing wage rates; etc.
SB-718: Procurement - Prevailing Wage Rate Law - Repeal
Sponsored by: Sen. David Brinkley
Hearing 3/8 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/15/2012
State Government - Notaries Public - Revisions [SB-618]
Prohibiting an individual, under specified circumstances, from being appointed as a notary public; establishing requirements that a State resident appointed as a notary public must meet; establishing requirements that an out-of-state individual appointed as a notary public must meet; providing that an out-of-state notary may exercise specified functions only in the course of the notary's employment; etc.
SB-618: State Government - Notaries Public - Revisions
Sponsored by: Sen. J.B. Jennings
Hearing 2/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/08/2012