Relating To Wages. [SB-1477]
Increases the minimum wage rate to $11.10 per hour beginning 01/01/20, $12.10 per hour beginning 01/01/21, $13.10 per hour beginning 01/01/22, $14.10 per hour beginning 01/01/23, and $15.00 per hour beginning 01/01/24. Beginning 01/01/20, allows an employer to pay to an employee a wage that is at least ninety per cent of the applicable minimum wage rate if the employer employs ten or fewer employees, the employee receiving the wage is under the age of eighteen, or during the employee's initial thirty days of employment with the employer.
SB-1477: Relating To Wages.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jarrett Keohokalole
Passed First Reading. on 01/28/2019
Relating To Minimum Wage. [HB-96]
Authorizes each county to establish a minimum wage that is a higher wage than the state minimum wage under Chapter 387, Hawaii Revised Statutes. (HB96 HD1)
HB-96: Relating To Minimum Wage.
Sponsored by: Rep. Della au Belatti
Received From House (hse. Com. No. 142). on 03/05/2019
Relating To Minimum Wage. [HB-785]
Increases the minimum wage rate to $15.00 per hour and requires the State to contribute $2.00 per hour per employee to employers with 25 or fewer employees beginning 1/1/2022.
HB-785: Relating To Minimum Wage.
Sponsored by: Rep. Daynette Morikawa
Referred To Lab, Fin, Referral Sheet 6 on 01/28/2019
Relating To Minimum Wage. [HB-727]
Increases the minimum wage annually starting January 1, 2020. Beginning September 30, 2024, and thereafter, requires the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to calculate an adjusted minimum wage rate to the nearest five cents using the Honolulu Region Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, subject to certain conditions. Repeals the tip credit.
HB-727: Relating To Minimum Wage.
Sponsored by: Sen. Joy San Buenaventura
Referred To Lab, Fin, Referral Sheet 6 on 01/28/2019
Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Todd
Reported From Lab (stand. Com. Rep. No. 113) As Amended In Hd 1, Recommending Passage On Second Reading And Referral To Fin. on 02/06/2019
Relating To Minimum Wage. [HB-186]
Allows counties to set their own minimum wage at a rate that is higher than the state minimum wage rate. Increases the minimum wage in the State to $15 per hour beginning 1/1/2020. Authorizes the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to annually adjust the minimum hourly wage rate in accordance with the Honolulu Region Consumer Price Index beginning on 1/1/2021.
HB-186: Relating To Minimum Wage.
Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Saiki
Referred To Lab, Fin, Referral Sheet 2 on 01/22/2019
Relating To The Minimum Wage. [HB-1197]
Increases the minimum wage to fifteen dollars per hour by 2022 and indexes future annual increases to the median wage for all occupations in the State. Adjusts the tip credit.
HB-1197: Relating To The Minimum Wage.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Creagan
Referred To Lab, Fin, Referral Sheet 6 on 01/28/2019
Relating To Minimum Wage. [HB-1191]
Provides an income tax credit for qualifying small businesses to offset the increase in the minimum hourly wage that employers must pay employees. Increases the minimum wage to $12.00 per hour beginning 1/1/2020 and $15.00 per hour beginning 1/1/2023. Establishes a minimum wage of $17.00 per hour for any person employed in a full-time position with the State of Hawaii beginning upon approval of the Act. Tax credit applies to taxable years beginning after 12/31/2019. Effective 7/1/2050. (SD2)
HB-1191: Relating To Minimum Wage.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Creagan
Conference Committee Meeting Will Reconvene On Friday, 04-26-19 At 3:00pm In Conference Room 423. on 04/26/2019
Relating To Minimum Wage. [HB-105]
Increases the minimum wage to an unspecified amount. Authorizes employers to pay minors an amount not less than 85% of the minimum wage for the first 90 days of employment.
HB-105: Relating To Minimum Wage.
Sponsored by: Rep. Bob McDermott
Referred To Lab, Fin, Referral Sheet 2 on 01/22/2019
You have voted SB-753: Relating to wage requirements for community rehabilitation programs participating in the purchasing from people with disabilities program..