SB-1274: Relating to the authorization for a county to establish a wage higher than the state minimum wage for competitive procurement requirements in a specific contract.
Sponsored by: Sen. Royce West
Read First Time on 03/17/2015
You have voted SB-1274: Relating to the authorization for a county to establish a wage higher than the state minimum wage for competitive procurement requirements in a specific contract..
HB-396: Relating to the state minimum wage, including adjustments based on the consumer price index and authorization for a county or municipality to establish a local minimum wage.
Sponsored by: Sen. Borris Miles
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/07/2015
You have voted HB-396: Relating to the state minimum wage, including adjustments based on the consumer price index and authorization for a county or municipality to establish a local minimum wage..
Raising the minimum wage [HB-4283]
The purpose of this bill is to raise the West Virginia minimum wage in two steps. The bill also removes language exempting certain employers covered by federal minimum wage from the definition of employer for state minimum wage purposes.
SR-112: A resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to raise the national minimum wage and set it to annually increase according to the Consumer Price Index.
Sponsored by: Sen. Rebekah Warren
Discharge Committee Defeated on 03/25/2014
You have voted SR-112: A resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to raise the national minimum wage and set it to annually increase according to the Consumer Price Index..