Public Health - Delegation of Health Care Decisions - Temporary Health Care Agent for Minors [HB-961]
Authorizing the parent or legal guardian of a minor to delegate to a temporary health care agent the authority to consent and make decisions regarding medically necessary health care treatment of the minor; requiring a specified delegation to be made on a specified medical authorization treatment form; prohibiting a parent or legal guardian from delegating to a temporary health care agent the power to make specified decisions regarding life-sustaining treatment of the minor; etc.
HB-961: Public Health - Delegation of Health Care Decisions - Temporary Health Care Agent for Minors
Sponsored by: Sen. Ariana Kelly
Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations; Withdrawn on 03/31/2017
State Board of Physicians - Medical Professional Liability Insurance Coverage - Verification, Publication, and Notification Requirements (Janet's Law) [HB-957]
Requiring a specified physician to provide the State Board of Physicians with verification or documentation within 25 business days after the physician receives the request from the Board that the physician maintains medical professional liability insurance; requiring the public profile of specified licensees of the Board to include information on whether the licensee maintains medical professional liability insurance; requiring each licensee practicing medicine to provide a specified written notification; etc.
HB-957: State Board of Physicians - Medical Professional Liability Insurance Coverage - Verification, Publication, and Notification Requirements (Janet's Law)
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Bromwell
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 770 on 05/25/2017
You have voted HB-957: State Board of Physicians - Medical Professional Liability Insurance Coverage - Verification, Publication, and Notification Requirements (Janet's Law).
Public Health - Delegation of Health Care Decisions - Temporary Health Care Agent for Minors [SB-935]
Authorizing the parent or legal guardian of a minor to delegate to a temporary health care agent the authority to consent to and make decisions regarding medically necessary health care treatment of the minor; requiring a specified delegation to be made on a specified medical authorization treatment form; prohibiting a parent or legal guardian from delegating to a temporary health care agent the power to make specified decisions regarding life-sustaining treatment of the minor; etc.
SB-935: Public Health - Delegation of Health Care Decisions - Temporary Health Care Agent for Minors
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Unfavorable Report By Finance on 03/23/2017
Maryland Trust Act - Representatives of Beneficiaries [SB-793]
Authorizing a settlor of a trust to designate specified persons to serve as a representative or successor representative of a beneficiary of the trust, to designate specified persons who may in turn designate a representative or successor representative of a beneficiary of the trust, and to specify the order of priority among those persons; prohibiting a trustee from serving as a representative of a specified beneficiary under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-793: Maryland Trust Act - Representatives of Beneficiaries
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 355 on 04/18/2017
Unborn Child Protection From Dismemberment Abortion Act of 2017 [SB-841]
Prohibiting, except under specified circumstances, the performance of or the attempt to perform a dismemberment abortion that kills an unborn child on a pregnant woman; authorizing a specified individual to seek a hearing before the State Board of Physicians on a specified issue; providing that specified findings of the Board from a specified hearing are admissible on that issue at a specified trial; providing for the delay of a specified trial for a specified purpose for a specified number of days; etc.
SB-841: Unborn Child Protection From Dismemberment Abortion Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Sen. Johnny Salling
Hearing 3/15 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/15/2017
Election Law - Campaign Finance - Coordinated Expenditures [HB-898]
Prohibiting a person from making a coordinated expenditure in excess of specified limits or making a donation to a person for the purpose of furthering a coordinated expenditure in excess of specified limits; prohibiting a candidate or political party from being the beneficiary of a coordinated expenditure in excess of specified limits; providing that a person may not be considered to have made a coordinated expenditure solely on specified grounds; etc.
HB-898: Election Law - Campaign Finance - Coordinated Expenditures
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Turner
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 852 on 05/27/2017
Landlord and Tenant - Military Personnel - Limitation on Liability for Rent [HB-851]
Altering the circumstances under which the liability for rent under a lease is limited for a person on active duty with the United States military; limiting the liability for rent of the spouse of a person on active duty with the United States military under specified circumstances; clarifying that the liability of a person on active duty or the spouse of a person on active duty for rent under a lease under specified circumstances may not exceed specified rent, charges, and costs; etc.
HB-851: Landlord and Tenant - Military Personnel - Limitation on Liability for Rent
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Bromwell
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 704 on 05/25/2017
Requirements for Filial Support - Repeal [HB-764]
Repealing the prohibition on the neglect or refusal, by an adult child who has or is able to earn sufficient means, to provide a destitute parent with food, shelter, care, and clothing; altering the definition of "responsible relative", as it relates to responsibility for the cost of specified services provided in a facility or program operated or funded by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, to exclude from the definition the children of a recipient of specified services; etc.
HB-764: Requirements for Filial Support - Repeal
Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Hill
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 541 on 05/04/2017
Requirements for Filial Support - Repeal [SB-676]
Repealing the prohibition on the neglect or refusal, by an adult child who has or is able to earn sufficient means, to provide a destitute parent with food, shelter, care, and clothing; altering the definition of "responsible relative", as it relates to responsibility for the cost of specified services provided in a facility or program operated or funded by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, to exclude from the definition the children of a recipient of specified services; etc.
SB-676: Requirements for Filial Support - Repeal
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 540 on 05/04/2017
Corporations - Maryland General Corporation Law - Miscellaneous Provisions [HB-744]
Altering specified requirements for the resident agent of a Maryland corporation, a limited partnership, and a Maryland statutory trust; prohibiting the charter or bylaws of a corporation from imposing liability on a specified stockholder for the attorney's fees or expenses of the corporation or any other party in connection with an internal corporate claim; etc.
HB-744: Corporations - Maryland General Corporation Law - Miscellaneous Provisions
Sponsored by: Sen. Chris West
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 674 on 05/25/2017
Real Property - Installation and Use of Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment [HB-699]
Providing that specified provisions of a recorded covenant or restriction, a declaration, or the bylaws or rules of a condominium or homeowners association are void and unenforceable; establishing specified requirements and procedures relating to an application to the governing body of a condominium or homeowners association to install or use electric vehicle recharging equipment; requiring specified owners of electric vehicle recharging equipment to be responsible for specified costs and disclosures; etc.
HB-699: Real Property - Installation and Use of Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment
Sponsored by: Rep. Maggie McIntosh
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation; Withdrawn on 02/27/2017
Maryland Paint Stewardship Program [HB-674]
Requiring specified producers or a representative organization to submit a plan for the establishment of a Paint Stewardship Program to the Department of the Environment on or before January 1, 2018, in accordance with specified requirements; requiring the Department to review and approve specified plans, including a specified assessment, submitted in accordance with the Paint Stewardship Program; prohibiting the sale of specified architectural paint after a specified date or 3 months after plan approval; etc.
HB-674: Maryland Paint Stewardship Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Stephen Lafferty
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation; Withdrawn on 03/13/2017
PenMar Development Corporation - Dissolution - Authority of Washington County Over Fort Ritchie [HB-605]
Repealing specified provisions of law relating to the PenMar Development Corporation, its board of directors, and its powers to develop, manage, and control Fort Ritchie; transferring specified remaining real and personal property interests, along with specified contracts, leases, and liabilities from the Corporation to the Board of County Commissioners for Washington County; requiring any party that has an issue with the transfer from the Corporation to the Board to refer to the specified memorandum of understanding; etc.
HB-605: PenMar Development Corporation - Dissolution - Authority of Washington County Over Fort Ritchie
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 141 on 04/11/2017
Senior Call-Check Service and Notification Program - Establishment [HB-601]
Altering the programs to be funded by the Universal Service Trust Fund; requiring the Secretary of Information Technology to certify the cost of the programs to be paid by the Universal Service Trust Fund; requiring the Public Service Commission to determine the amount of a specified monthly surcharge; establishing the Senior Call-Check Service and Notification Program, operated by the Department of Aging, to regularly call the residence of an eligible participant to verify the participant's ability to receive specified notifications; etc.
HB-601: Senior Call-Check Service and Notification Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 673 on 05/25/2017
Corporations - Maryland General Corporation Law - Miscellaneous Provisions [SB-481]
Altering specified requirements for the resident agent of a Maryland corporation, a limited partnership, and a Maryland statutory trust; prohibiting the charter or bylaws of a corporation with capital stock from imposing liability on a specified stockholder for the attorney's fees or expenses of the corporation or any other party in connection with an internal corporate claim; etc.
SB-481: Corporations - Maryland General Corporation Law - Miscellaneous Provisions
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Hearing 2/16 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/16/2018
State Procurement - Information Technology - Nonvisual Access [SB-439]
Requiring the Secretary of Information Technology to appoint a specified access technology officer; requiring the access technology officer to develop a provision for inclusion in all State procurement contracts requiring a specified determination within 18 months of contract commencement; requiring the Department, by January 1, 2018, to adopt new nonvisual access procurement standards consistent with specified federal standards; providing a specified vendor may be subject to specified liquidated damages; etc.
SB-439: State Procurement - Information Technology - Nonvisual Access
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Hearing 3/22 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/22/2017
Vehicle Laws - Speed Monitoring, Work Zone Speed Control, and Traffic Control Signal Monitoring Systems - Repeal [HB-536]
Repealing the authority of counties and municipalities in the State to use speed monitoring systems to enforce highway speed laws; repealing the authority to use work zone speed control systems to enforce highway speed laws within work zones; repealing the authority to use traffic control signal monitoring systems to enforce traffic control signal laws; requiring the publishers of the Annotated Code to correct any references that are rendered incorrect by the Act; etc.
HB-536: Vehicle Laws - Speed Monitoring, Work Zone Speed Control, and Traffic Control Signal Monitoring Systems - Repeal
Sponsored by: Rep. Tony McConkey
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 03/06/2017
Education - Participants in Interscholastic Athletic Activities - Concussions - Penalties for Coaches [HB-513]
Requiring a county board of education, on the recommendation of the county superintendent, to suspend a coach who violates specified provisions of law relating to the removal from play of a student who is suspected of sustaining a concussion or other head injury in a practice or game and the return to play of the student; requiring a county board to send to a coach a copy of specified charges and give the coach an opportunity to request a hearing before suspending the coach; etc.
HB-513: Education - Participants in Interscholastic Athletic Activities - Concussions - Penalties for Coaches
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Chang
Hearing 2/14 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/14/2017