Juveniles: Justice,facilites,treatment [SB-74]
An Act relating to care of juveniles and to juvenile justice; relating to employment of juvenile probation officers by the Department of Health and Social Services; relating to terms used in juvenile justice; relating to mandatory reporters of child abuse or neglect; relating to adjudication of minor delinquency and the deoxyribonucleic acid identification registration system; relating to sexual assault in the third degree; relating to sexual assault in the fourth degree; and providing for an effective date.
SB-74: Juveniles: Justice,facilites,treatment
Sponsored by: Sen. David Wilson
Read The First Time - Referrals on 03/03/2017
Repeal Collection Of Civil Litig. Info [SB-67]
An Act relating to collecting information about civil litigation by the Alaska Judicial Council; repealing Rule 41(a)(3), Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure, and Rules 511(c) and (e), Alaska Rules of Appellate Procedure; and providing for an effective date.
SB-67: Repeal Collection Of Civil Litig. Info
Sponsored by: Sen. John Coghill
Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/22/2017
Adopt Uniform Environmental Covenants Act [SB-64]
An Act adopting the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act; relating to environmental real property covenants and notices of activity and use limitation at contaminated sites to ensure the protection of human health, safety, and welfare, and the environment; and providing for an effective date.
SB-64: Adopt Uniform Environmental Covenants Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Sam Kito
Manifest Error(s) on 06/28/2018
Transportation Network Companies [HB-132]
An Act relating to transportation network companies and transportation network company drivers; and providing for an effective date.
HB-132: Transportation Network Companies
Sponsored by: Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux
Effective Date(s) Of Law 6/16/17 on 06/15/2017
Benefit Corporations [HB-124]
An Act relating to corporations, including benefit corporations, and other entities; and providing for an effective date.
HB-124: Benefit Corporations
Sponsored by: Rep. Geran Tarr
Referred To Finance on 01/31/2018
Product Warranties & Required Updates [SB-56]
An Act relating to product warranties and services for certain products; relating to certain dealers, distributors, and manufacturers; and establishing an unfair trade practice under the Alaska Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Act.
SB-56: Product Warranties & Required Updates
Sponsored by: Sen. Catherine Giessel
Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/13/2017
Repeal Collection Of Civil Litig. Info [HB-104]
An Act relating to collecting information about civil litigation by the Alaska Judicial Council; repealing Rule 41(a)(3), Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure, and Rules 511(c) and (e), Alaska Rules of Appellate Procedure; and providing for an effective date.
HB-104: Repeal Collection Of Civil Litig. Info
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Effective Date(s) Of Law 5/11/17 on 05/12/2017
Omnibus Workers' Compensation [SB-40]
An Act relating to workers' compensation; repealing the second injury fund upon satisfaction of claims; relating to service fees and civil penalties for the workers' safety programs and the workers' compensation program; relating to the liability of specified officers and members of specified business entities for payment of workers' compensation benefits and civil penalties; relating to civil penalties for underinsuring or failing to insure or provide security for workers' compensation liability; relating to preauthorization and timely payment
SB-40: Omnibus Workers' Compensation
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/25/2017
Omnibus Workers' Compensation [HB-79]
An Act relating to workers' compensation; relating to the second injury fund; relating to service fees and civil penalties for the workers' safety programs and the workers' compensation program; relating to incorporation of reference materials in workers' compensation regulations; excluding independent contractors from workers' compensation coverage; establishing the circumstances under which certain nonemployee executive corporate officers and members of limited liability companies may obtain workers' compensation coverage; establishing a legislative
HB-79: Omnibus Workers' Compensation
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Manifest Error(s) on 06/27/2018
New Drugs For The Terminally Ill [SB-19]
An Act relating to prescribing, dispensing, and administering an investigational drug, biological product, or device by physicians for patients who are terminally ill; providing immunity for persons manufacturing, distributing, or providing investigational drugs, biological products, or devices; and relating to licensed health care facility requirements.
SB-19: New Drugs For The Terminally Ill
Sponsored by: Sen. William Wielechowski
Prefile Released 1/13/17 on 01/18/2017
Abortion Offenses; Privacy Rights; Judges [HB-250]
An Act interpreting the right to privacy under art. I, sec. 22, Constitution of the State of Alaska; relating to the description of a natural person; defining 'conception' and 'preborn child'; relating to civil actions and liability under the Act; repealing limitations on the applicability of laws criminalizing the murder or assault of an unborn child; repealing abortion procedures; relating to crimes involving multiple deaths; changing provisions of certain crimes involving murder, manslaughter, homicide, and assault to refer to preborn children
HB-250: Abortion Offenses; Privacy Rights; Judges
Sponsored by: Rep. Colleen Sullivan-Leonard
Cosponsor(s): Sullivan-leonard on 04/26/2018
Product Warranties & Required Updates [HB-209]
An Act relating to product warranties and services for certain products; relating to certain dealers, distributors, and manufacturers; and establishing an unfair trade practice under the Alaska Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Act.
HB-209: Product Warranties & Required Updates
Sponsored by: Rep. Sam Kito
Read The First Time - Referrals on 04/03/2017
Exemption: Contractors, Electrical Admin. [HB-206]
An Act relating to an exemption for low-voltage projects from contractor requirements; and relating to an exemption from electrical administrator requirements.
HB-206: Exemption: Contractors, Electrical Admin.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Talerico
Cosponsor(s): Kopp on 07/14/2017
Relating To Invasive Species. [HB-1301]
Provides that a person or entity that is determined by the Hawaii Invasive Species Council to have introduced an invasive species into the State may be strictly liable for all or part of the expenses to eradicate the invasive species from the State. (HB1301 HD2)
HB-1301: Relating To Invasive Species.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lynn Decoite
Re-referred To Aen, Jdl/wam. on 03/13/2017
Relating To Delay In Prior Approval For Medical Services. [HB-885]
Prohibits health insurance preauthorization requirements that cause undue delay in receipt of medical treatment or services. Specifies that insurers, but not health care providers, are liable for civil damages caused by undue delays for preauthorization.
HB-885: Relating To Delay In Prior Approval For Medical Services.
Sponsored by: Rep. Tom Brower
Re-referred To Hlt, Cpc, Jud, Fin, Referral Sheet 8 on 01/31/2017