AN ACT relating to public contracts. [HB-451]
Create new sections of KRS Chapters 45A, 56, and 65 requiring that state and local contracts contain a provision that any iron, steel, aluminum, manufactured goods used in all state and local projects be manufactured in the United States unless a waiver is granted; amend KRS Chapters 45A.343, 45A.352, 65.027, 162.070, 164A.575, 176.070, 176.080, and 424.260 to conform; establish a short title of Kentucky Buy American Act.
HB-451: AN ACT relating to public contracts.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Blanton
Introduced In House on 02/21/2023
AN ACT relating to professional employer organizations. [HB-394]
Amend KRS 336.236 to change the financial statement requirements for a professional employer organization's initial and renewal registration; provide that initial registration shall be valid for one fiscal year for any professional employer organization that completed its initial prior to July 15, 2024; amend KRS 336.238 to include professional employer organization groups; amend KRS 336.240 to include annual renewal registrations in the financial statement requirements; amend KRS 336.248 to require a professional employer organization to submit
HB-394: AN ACT relating to professional employer organizations.
Sponsored by: Rep. Phillip Pratt
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 88) on 03/24/2023
AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Reinvestment Act Program. [HB-383]
Create a new section of KRS Subchapter 34 of KRS Chapter 154 to award incentives to an eligible company that includes wage assessments in the reinvestment agreement created pursuant to the Kentucky Reinvestment Act Program; create different wage assessment calculations based on whether a project is located in an enhanced incentive county; amend KRS 141.310 to permit an employer to offset a portion of the assessment against the Kentucky income tax required to be withheld from the employee; amend KRS 141.350 to conform; amend KRS 154.34-090 to require
HB-383: AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Reinvestment Act Program.
Sponsored by: Rep. Russell Webber
To Appropriations & Revenue (h) on 02/28/2023
AN ACT relating to workers' compensation. [HB-488]
Amend KRS 342.610 to exclude certain levels of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the blood from the presumption that an injury was caused by the introduction of certain substances into the employee's body.
HB-488: AN ACT relating to workers' compensation.
Sponsored by: Rep. Alan Gentry
Introduced In House on 02/21/2023
AN ACT relating to wages. [HB-471]
Amend KRS 337.010 to change the definition of "employee", and add "worker with disability"; amend KRS 337.275 to require all employers pay all employees, including tipped employees, employees under 18 years old, and workers with a disability minimum wage, and increase minimum wage over the next three years, to $15 per hour by July 1, 2026; amend KRS 337.295 to remove learners, apprentices, workers with a disability, sheltered workshop employees, and students from regulations issued by the commissioner; amend KRS 154.22-040 to conform; establish
HB-471: AN ACT relating to wages.
Sponsored by: Rep. Josie Raymond
Introduced In House on 02/21/2023
HCR-50: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION relating to the establishment of a Workforce Innovation Task Force to complete a study of current education and workforce development programs and provide recommendations on how to provide effective workforce development programs to facilitate the training and employment of historically untapped workforce populations in the Commonwealth.
Sponsored by: Rep. Nima Kulkarni
Received In Senate on 03/08/2023
You have voted HCR-50: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION relating to the establishment of a Workforce Innovation Task Force to complete a study of current education and workforce development programs and provide recommendations on how to provide effective workforce development programs to facilitate the training and employment of historically untapped workforce populations in the Commonwealth..
AN ACT relating to prevailing wage. [HB-366]
Establish new sections of KRS Chapter 337 to create a prevailing wage law for all public works projects; amend KRS 12.020, 99.480, 227.487, 336.015, 151B.015 337.010, and 337.990 to conform.
HB-366: AN ACT relating to prevailing wage.
Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham
Introduced In House on 02/17/2023
AN ACT relating to paycheck protection. [HB-364]
Amend KRS 336.180 to define terms; amend KRS 336.134 to prohibit a public employer from withholding money relating to labor organization dues or funding political activity from a state public employee's wages and require state public employers to submit notice of rights to employees; create new sections of KRS Chapter 336 to prohibit employers from collecting financial information from state public employees for the purpose of providing the financial information to a labor organization to facilitate the collection of dues, fees, assessments, payments,
HB-364: AN ACT relating to paycheck protection.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Osborne
Taken From Rules on 03/16/2023
AN ACT relating to employer liability. [SB-155]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 336 to prohibit a private employer from receiving statutory liability protection if that employer institutes a mandatory workplace vaccination policy; create a civil cause of action.
SB-155: AN ACT relating to employer liability.
Sponsored by: Sen. Steve West
To Economic Development, Tourism, & Labor (s) on 02/21/2023
AN ACT relating to workers' compensation. [HB-322]
Amend KRS 342.120 to require the Division of Workers' Compensation Funds to create a program to issue lump-sum settlements for outstanding claims; amend KRS 342.122 to set the special fund assessment rate at a minimum of six percent; require the remaining claims balance to fund the programs in the Education and Labor Cabinet, with exceptions.
HB-322: AN ACT relating to workers' compensation.
Sponsored by: Rep. Daniel Elliott
To Appropriations & Revenue (h) on 02/17/2023
AN ACT relating to employers. [SB-139]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 344 to require employers that mandate employee immunization to allow exceptions based on religious belief or conscientious objection to immunizations; provide sample form for employee affirmation; amend KRS 344.040 to make it an unlawful practice for employers to require immunizations as a condition of employment from employees who hold sincere religious beliefs against or conscientiously object to immunization.
SB-139: AN ACT relating to employers.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Meredith
To Health Services (s) on 02/17/2023
AN ACT relating to economic development. [HB-313]
Amend KRS 154.21-015 to redefine "eligible project" to include matching funds are available for a project either on publicly owned property or meets certain conditions if the project includes property acquisition or a due diligence study, and redefine "eligible use" to include building construction or renovation; amend KRS 154.21-020 to reference adoption, eliminate the eligible grant recipient 10% match requirement, base program eligibility on census population, cap the available funding at $2,000,000 per county, and disqualify projects that receive
HB-313: AN ACT relating to economic development.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Petrie
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 12) on 03/17/2023
AN ACT relating to bereavement leave following the death of a child. [HB-308]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 337 to define "child"; allow use of paid vacation or sick leave provided by the employer for bereavement following the death of a child; allow donation of time by other employees to the employee taking the leave.
HB-308: AN ACT relating to bereavement leave following the death of a child.
Sponsored by: Rep. Josie Raymond
Introduced In House on 02/15/2023
AN ACT relating to employment provisions for employees on parental leave. [HB-280]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 337 to require employers with 50 or more employees to provide 12 weeks of paid parental leave for an employee who has been employed for at least one year; allow an employee to waive the paid parental leave; provide for the promulgation of administrative regulations.
HB-280: AN ACT relating to employment provisions for employees on parental leave.
Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown
Introduced In House on 02/14/2023
AN ACT relating to civil rights. [SB-130]
Amend KRS 344.010 to include definitions for "sexual orientation" and "gender identity"; amend KRS 344.020, relating to the purpose of the Kentucky's civil rights chapter, to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity; amend KRS 344.025, 344.040, 344.050, 344.060, 344.070, and 344.080, relating to prohibited discrimination in various labor and employment practices, to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity; amend KRS 344.100 and 344.110 to conform; amend KRS 344.120 and 342.140,
SB-130: AN ACT relating to civil rights.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gerald Neal
To Judiciary (s) on 03/10/2023