AN ACT relating to employment. [HB-602]
Amend KRS 336.130 to delete references restricting rights of public employees to organize, associate collectively, or strike; amend KRS 336.180 to redefine "labor organization" and delete definitions of "candidate," "committee," "contributing organization," "contribution," "election," "electioneering communications," "employer," "fundraiser," "independent expenditure," "political activities," "public employee," "slate of candidates," and "testimonial affair"; amend KRS 336.990 to conform; amend KRS 67A.6904 to allow urban-county governments to make
HB-602: AN ACT relating to employment.
Sponsored by: Rep. Adrielle Camuel
Withdrawn on 02/20/2025
AN ACT relating to immunization policy. [HB-647]
Create a new of section KRS Chapter 164 to allow a student, staff, or faculty member to opt out of a postsecondary school's immunization policy for specified reasons; create a new section of KRS Chapter 214 to prohibit a public entity from creating standardized documentation with the purpose of certifying vaccination status; create a new section of KRS Chapter 336 to require written notice of vaccination exemptions for a sincerely held religious belief or medical contraindication; establish which health care providers can support a medical exemption;
HB-647: AN ACT relating to immunization policy.
Sponsored by: Rep. Savannah Maddox
To Health Services (h) on 02/26/2025
AN ACT relating to medical products. [HB-646]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 216 to define "medical product"; prohibit any a public or government entity or any agency or division thereof, from requiring an individual to take, receive, or disclose whether a medical product has been taken or received, unless the manufacturer of the product is liable for any death or injury caused by the product.
HB-646: AN ACT relating to medical products.
Sponsored by: Rep. Savannah Maddox
To Health Services (h) on 02/26/2025
AN ACT relating to workers' compensation. [SB-201]
Amend KRS 342.213 to require the commissioner of the Department of Workers' Claims to certify to the Workers' Compensation Nominating Committee that filing an administrative law judge position is necessary 150 days prior to the expiration of the term, add that the nominating committee may recommend the retention of a Workers' Compensation Board member and that each newly appointed member of the board shall not assume office until 30 days after confirmation; amend KRS 342.215 to provide that any board member appointed to fill an unexpired term shall
SB-201: AN ACT relating to workers' compensation.
Sponsored by: Sen. Phillip Wheeler
Became Law Without Governor's Signature on 03/27/2025
AN ACT relating to unemployment insurance. [SB-263]
Amend KRS 341.350, relating to unemployment insurance benefits, to reduce the required weekly work search activites from five to three and to state that applications to and interviews with different locations of the same franchise constitute separate work searches.
SB-263: AN ACT relating to unemployment insurance.
Sponsored by: Sen. Keturah Herron
To State & Local Government (s) on 02/20/2025
AN ACT relating to leave from employment. [HB-632]
Amend KRS 337.415 to define terms "crime," "immediate family," and "victim"; prohibit employers from discharging or retaliating against an employee who is a crime victim when the employee takes leave to attend proceedings associated with the prosecution of a crime; require an employee to give an employer reasonable notice to take leave when practicable; provide guidelines for use of paid leave; require the employer to maintain confidentiality of records and communication with employee crime victim; create a private right of action for improper discharge,
HB-632: AN ACT relating to leave from employment.
Sponsored by: Rep. Lindsey Burke
To Economic Development & Workforce Investment (h) on 02/26/2025
AN ACT relating to wages. [HB-564]
Amend KRS 337.010 to increase the applicable threshold of employees of retail stores and service industries from $95,000 to $500,000 average annual gross volume of sales for the employer; amend KRS 337.275 to incrementally raise minimum wage of hourly and tipped employees and require adherence to any future federal increase in excess of the new state wage rates; include anti-preemption language permitting local governments to establish minimum wage ordinances in excess of the state minimum wage.
HB-564: AN ACT relating to wages.
Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown
To Economic Development & Workforce Investment (h) on 02/25/2025
AN ACT relating to the posting of veterans' benefits and services. [HB-551]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 337 to require the Kentucky Department of Veterans' Affairs to create and distribute a veterans' benefits and services document to employers and require employers to keep copies of a veterans' benefits and services document in a conspicuous and accessible place.
HB-551: AN ACT relating to the posting of veterans' benefits and services.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rachel Roarx
To Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (h) on 02/25/2025
AN ACT relating to a deduction for union dues. [HB-575]
Amend KRS 141.019, relating to income tax, to define terms; allow a deduction from gross income for union dues and professional membership dues paid for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2026, but before January 1, 2030; amend KRS 131.190 to allow the Department of Revenue to report on the exclusion; make technical changes.
HB-575: AN ACT relating to a deduction for union dues.
Sponsored by: Rep. Nima Kulkarni
To Appropriations & Revenue (h) on 02/21/2025
AN ACT relating to vaccines. [SB-177]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 214 to prohibit a requirement for any individual to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, modified ribonucleic acid (modRNA) vaccine, or messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccine for the purposes of student enrollment, employment, or medical treatment in the Commonwealth; prohibit any COVID-19 vaccine, modified ribonucleic acid (modRNA) vaccine, or messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccine to be administered in the Commonwealth to a minor child under the age of 18 years; sunset the provisions that relate to a minor child
SB-177: AN ACT relating to vaccines.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Wilson
To Health Services (s) on 02/19/2025
AN ACT relating to workers' compensation. [HB-569]
Amend KRS 342.610 to remove the presumption that the use of an illegal substance prior to an accident caused the injury; provide that the use of an illegal substance shall be the proximate cause of the injury.
HB-569: AN ACT relating to workers' compensation.
Sponsored by: Rep. Alan Gentry
To Economic Development & Workforce Investment (h) on 02/25/2025
AN ACT relating to workers' compensation. [HB-570]
Amend KRS 342.610 to exclude certain levels of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the blood from the presumption that an injury was caused by the introduction of certain substances into the employee's body.
HB-570: AN ACT relating to workers' compensation.
Sponsored by: Rep. Alan Gentry
To Economic Development & Workforce Investment (h) on 02/25/2025
AN ACT relating to employment. [SB-154]
Amend KRS 336.130 to delete references restricting rights of public employees to organize, associate collectively, or strike; amend KRS 336.180 to redefine "labor organization" and delete definitions of "candidate," "committee," "contributing organization," "contribution," "election," "electioneering communications," "employer," "fundraiser," "independent expenditure," "political activities," "public employee," "slate of candidates," and "testimonial affair"; amend KRS 336.990 to conform; amend KRS 67A.6904 to allow urban-county governments to make
SB-154: AN ACT relating to employment.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gerald Neal
To State & Local Government (s) on 02/18/2025
AN ACT relating to workplace safety. [HB-536]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 338 to require employers to develop emergency action plans for the workplace; establish minimum requirements for the plans.
HB-536: AN ACT relating to workplace safety.
Sponsored by: Rep. Nima Kulkarni
To Economic Development & Workforce Investment (h) on 02/21/2025
HB-508: AN ACT relating to the Employee Child Care Assistance Partnership Program.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jennifer Henson Decker
Reported Favorably, 2nd Reading, To Rules With Committee Substitute (1) And Committee Amendment (1-title) on 03/13/2025
AN ACT relating to workers compensation. [HB-502]
Amend KRS 342.020, relating to the process of workers compensation claims, to establish that the 30-day and 45-day deadlines to pay for services and submit statements, respectively, begin after acceptance or determination of compensability of the claim.
HB-502: AN ACT relating to workers compensation.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mitchum Whitaker
To Economic Development & Workforce Investment (h) on 02/21/2025
AN ACT relating to unemployment insurance. [SB-162]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 341 to require the Education and Labor Cabinet to refer suspected unemployment insurance fraud cases to the United States Department of Justice, the Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, and the county attorney or Commonwealth's attorney within 30 days of the suspected fraud determination; require that public agencies immediately terminate employees or contractors determined to have collected or attempted to collect unemployment benefits while employed by the public agency; do not require a legal disposition
SB-162: AN ACT relating to unemployment insurance.
Sponsored by: Sen. Donald Douglas
Signed By Governor on 03/24/2025
AN ACT relating to workers' compensation for educators. [HB-467]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 342, relating to workers' compensation, to define "educator;" set out when psychological injuries are valid workers' compensation claims for educators when no physical injury exists; amend KRS 342.0011 to modify definition of "injury" to include certain psychological injuries experienced by educators.
HB-467: AN ACT relating to workers' compensation for educators.
Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown
To Economic Development & Workforce Investment (h) on 02/14/2025
AN ACT relating to occupational health and safety. [HB-466]
Amend KRS 338.991 to increase the civil penalties for employers who have violated any provision of KRS Chapter 338, received a citation for a violation of the requirements of KRS Chapter 338, or failed to correct a violation for which a citation has been issued; require the secretary for the Education and Labor Cabinet to annually adjust the maximum civil penalties beginning in 2025 by the percentage increase, if any, in the United State Average Consumer Price Index for all Urban Customers (CPI-U); direct the secretary to begin a three year phase-in
HB-466: AN ACT relating to occupational health and safety.
Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown
To Economic Development & Workforce Investment (h) on 02/14/2025
AN ACT relating to workers' compensation for first responders. [HB-420]
Amend KRS 342.0011, relating to workers' compensation, to expand the definition of "injury" to include psychological injuries for police officers, firefighters, emergency medical services personnel, front-line staff members, or members of the National Guard; create a new section of KRS Chapter 342 to establish when psychological injuries are valid workers' compensation claims when not a direct result of a physical injury.
HB-420: AN ACT relating to workers' compensation for first responders.
Sponsored by: Rep. Nima Kulkarni
To Economic Development & Workforce Investment (h) on 02/14/2025