Public Utilities - Solar Energy Systems and Programs, Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund, and Prevailing Wage (Brighter Tomorrow Act) [SB-783]
Requiring that certain home improvement contracts for the installation of a solar energy generating system on the roof of a building include the installation of a certain wildlife barrier under certain circumstances; requiring a county or municipality to implement certain software for features supporting the tracking and approval of residential building permits for residential solar energy and energy storage systems and main electric panel urgrades and derates on or before August 1, 2025, except under certain circumstances; etc.
SB-783: Public Utilities - Solar Energy Systems and Programs, Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund, and Prevailing Wage (Brighter Tomorrow Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 595 on 05/09/2024
You have voted SB-783: Public Utilities - Solar Energy Systems and Programs, Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund, and Prevailing Wage (Brighter Tomorrow Act).
State Information Technology - Prohibited Applications and Websites [SB-757]
Prohibiting certain employees, agents, or entities on any information technology owned or leased by a unit of State government from downloading or using any application, including TikTok or WeChat, or accessing any website developed by ByteDance Ltd. or Tencent Holdings Ltd; requiring by December 31, 2024, the Department of Budget and Management, in collaboration with the Department of Information Technology, to prepare guidance for units of State government regarding access to certain applications and websites; etc.
SB-757: State Information Technology - Prohibited Applications and Websites
Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Carozza
Hearing 2/29 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2024
Testing Facilities That Use Animals - Licensing and Regulation [SB-761]
Requiring each testing facility in the State to be licensed by the Department of Agriculture to use animals in research, education, or testing; establishing requirements for the use and treatment of dogs or cats by a testing facility; prohibiting a testing facility from using certain dogs and cats for research or testing purposes and performing certain procedures on dogs or cats; prohibiting a testing facility from using traditional animal test methods under certain circumstances; etc.
SB-761: Testing Facilities That Use Animals - Licensing and Regulation
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Hearing Canceled on 02/13/2024
Stream Restoration Contractors Licensing Board, Stream Restoration Contractors, and Stream Restoration Project Requirements [SB-798]
Establishing the Stream Restoration Contractors Licensing Board; requiring a person to be licensed as a stream restoration contractor or be employed by an individual or entity that is licensed as a stream restoration contractor before the person performs or solicits to perform stream restoration contractor services in the State, subject to a certain exception; requiring the Department of the Environment, in consultation with the Chesapeake Bay Trust, to develop a certain assessment; etc.
Health Insurance - Utilization Review - Revisions [SB-791]
Altering and establishing requirements and prohibitions related to health insurance utilization review; altering requirements related to internal grievance procedures and adverse decision procedures; altering certain reporting requirements on health insurance carriers relating to adverse decisions; and establishing requirements on health insurance carriers and health care providers relating to the provision of patient benefit information.
SB-791: Health Insurance - Utilization Review - Revisions
Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 848 on 05/16/2024
Internet–Connected Devices and Internet Service Providers – Default Filtering of Obscene Content (Maryland Online Child Protection Act) [HB-772]
Prohibiting a person from selling an Internet-connected device that is intended for minors unless the device is sold with a certain filter, certain privacy settings, and other features; making a violation of the prohibition an unfair, abusive, or deceptive trade practice that is subject to the enforcement and penalties under the Maryland Consumer Protection Act; requiring that preference be given to certain grant applications that include the use of broadband providers that implement the use of certain filters; etc.
HB-772: Internet–Connected Devices and Internet Service Providers – Default Filtering of Obscene Content (Maryland Online Child Protection Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Shaneka Henson
Hearing Canceled on 02/02/2024
You have voted HB-772: Internet–Connected Devices and Internet Service Providers – Default Filtering of Obscene Content (Maryland Online Child Protection Act).
Baby Food - Toxic Heavy Metals - Testing and Labeling (Rudy's Law) [SB-723]
Requiring, beginning January 1, 2025, manufacturers of baby food to test a representative sample of each production aggregate of baby food for toxic heavy metals; requiring, beginning January 1, 2026, manufacturers of baby food to make certain information related to the testing and a link to certain guidance and information publicly available on the manufacturer's website; requiring a consumer to report baby food to the Maryland Department of Health if the consumer believes the baby food is being sold with toxic heavy metals; etc.
SB-723: Baby Food - Toxic Heavy Metals - Testing and Labeling (Rudy's Law)
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 954 on 05/16/2024
Public Senior Higher Education Institutions - Pregnant and Parenting Students - Plan Requirements (Pregnant and Parenting Support Act) [HB-771]
Requiring certain public senior higher education institutions to adopt a plan regarding pregnant and parenting students to include referral to on-campus or off-campus services to assist regarding the availability of or eligibility for certain government assistance programs and any other programs, scholarships, or subsidies that may be available for pregnant and parenting students; and requiring each public senior higher education institution to post the plan on the institution's website by August 1, 2025.
HB-771: Public Senior Higher Education Institutions - Pregnant and Parenting Students - Plan Requirements (Pregnant and Parenting Support Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Shaneka Henson
Third Reading Passed (137-0) on 03/18/2024
You have voted HB-771: Public Senior Higher Education Institutions - Pregnant and Parenting Students - Plan Requirements (Pregnant and Parenting Support Act).
You have voted SB-741: Public Senior Higher Education Institutions - Pregnant and Parenting Students - Policy Requirements (Pregnant and Parenting Support Act).
Environmental Justice - Investment in Infrastructure Construction Projects [HB-842]
Requiring a State agency, in administering certain federal funds, to allocate 40% of those funds to infrastructure construction projects in overburdened communities and underserved communities and an additional 40% of those funds to infrastructure construction projects in communities of color and communities with a high percentage of low- to moderate-income households in the State; establishing the Justice40 Committee; etc.
HB-842: Environmental Justice - Investment in Infrastructure Construction Projects
Sponsored by: Rep. Marvin Holmes
Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m. (appropriations) on 02/26/2024
Algorithmic Addiction Fund - Establishment [SB-739]
Establishing the Algorithmic Addiction Fund; providing that the Fund includes all revenue received by the State from a judgment against, or settlement with, technology conglomerates, technology companies, social media conglomerates, or social media companies relating to claims made by the State; requiring the Secretary of Health to develop certain goals, objectives, and indicators relating to algorithm addiction treatment and prevention efforts; requiring the Secretary to establish a certain grant program; etc.
SB-739: Algorithmic Addiction Fund - Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
First Reading Finance on 01/31/2024
Office of Legislative Audits - Local School Systems - Report [HB-760]
Requiring each local school system, on or before November 1 of the third year of a 6-year audit cycle, to submit a report to the Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee on the status of implementation of corrective actions to address repeat findings and recommendations identified by the Office of Legislative Audits in the most recent audit; and requiring each local school system to publish the report on its website.
HB-760: Office of Legislative Audits - Local School Systems - Report
Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Hornberger
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 39 on 04/09/2024
Maryland Self-Service Storage Act - Sale of Personal Property in Satisfaction of Liens - Means of Advertising [HB-824]
Authorizing an operator or a manager of a self-service storage facility to advertise via e-mail, website, or newspaper of general circulation the sale of the personal property in a self-service storage unit to satisfy a certain lien, without the occupant's prior written authorization in the storage agreement; and altering a certain statement that must be contained in a self-service storage facility rental agreement.
HB-824: Maryland Self-Service Storage Act - Sale of Personal Property in Satisfaction of Liens - Means of Advertising
Sponsored by: Rep. Andre Johnson
Rereferred To Finance on 04/05/2024
Maryland Voting Rights Act of 2024 – Counties and Municipalities [HB-800]
Prohibiting local governments from denying or impairing the right of a protected class member to vote; establishing requirements on the State Board of Elections and local governments related to the provision of language-related assistance in local government elections; requiring the Attorney General or the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County to review and grant preclearance to certain policies before enactment or implementation; prohibiting acts of intimidation or obstruction that interfere with the right to vote; etc.
HB-800: Maryland Voting Rights Act of 2024 – Counties and Municipalities
Sponsored by: Rep. Stephanie Smith
Hearing 2/20 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/05/2024
Alcoholic Beverages – Retail Delivery – Local Delivery Service Permit [HB-808]
Establishing a local delivery service permit that authorizes the holder to deliver alcoholic beverages from a retail license holder that is authorized to deliver alcoholic beverages to purchasers in a certain jurisdiction under certain circumstances; authorizing retail license holders to deliver alcoholic beverages to purchasers in a certain jurisdiction through a third-party contractor, an independent contractor, or an agent that holds a certain delivery service permit under certain circumstances; etc.
HB-808: Alcoholic Beverages – Retail Delivery – Local Delivery Service Permit
Sponsored by: Rep. Vanessa Atterbeary
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 774 on 05/16/2024
Election Law - Campaign Finance - Draft Committees and Exploratory Committees [HB-792]
Applying certain campaign finance requirements for a political committee to draft committees and exploratory committees; establishing requirements and prohibitions for draft and exploratory committees relating to the establishment of the committees, receipt of funds, and permissible disbursements; requiring an authorized candidate campaign committee that results from the draft committee or exploratory committee to make any equipment purchases from the draft committee or exploratory committee at the fair market value of the equipment; etc.
HB-792: Election Law - Campaign Finance - Draft Committees and Exploratory Committees
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Jones
Hearing 2/20 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/05/2024
Major Highway Capacity Expansion Projects - Impact Assessments and Workgroup (Transportation and Climate Alignment Act of 2024) [HB-836]
Requiring the Department of Transportation, in consultation with the Department of the Environment, to establish a process for performing major highway capacity expansion project impact assessments; requiring the Department and a metropolitan planning organization to perform an impact assessment under certain circumstances; establishing the Workgroup to Study Major Highway Capacity Expansion Projects to make certain recommendations to the General Assembly by December 1, 2024, related to certain impact assessments and mitigation plans; etc.
HB-836: Major Highway Capacity Expansion Projects - Impact Assessments and Workgroup (Transportation and Climate Alignment Act of 2024)
Sponsored by: Rep. Marvin Holmes
Favorable With Amendments {593127/1 Adopted on 04/08/2024
You have voted HB-836: Major Highway Capacity Expansion Projects - Impact Assessments and Workgroup (Transportation and Climate Alignment Act of 2024).
Education - Maryland Office of the Inspector General for Education - Powers and Notifications [HB-746]
Providing that the Maryland Office of the Inspector General for Education is a state educational authority under a certain federal law; providing that the Office is the State unit authorized to audit or evaluate certain education programs; prohibiting the Inspector General for Education from serving more than two full terms; requiring the Governor, the Attorney General, and the State Treasurer to provide the Inspector General with a certain notice and opportunity for a hearing before removing the Inspector General; etc.
HB-746: Education - Maryland Office of the Inspector General for Education - Powers and Notifications
Sponsored by: Rep. April Fleming Miller
First Reading Ways And Means on 01/31/2024
Election Law - Absentee Ballots - Internet-Delivered Absentee Ballot Study [SB-709]
Requiring the State Board of Elections to submit a report on the costs and resources required to process Internet-delivered absentee ballots during elections in the State to the Senate Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee on or before September 1, 2024.
SB-709: Election Law - Absentee Ballots - Internet-Delivered Absentee Ballot Study
Sponsored by: Sen. Cheryl Kagan
Hearing 2/21 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2024
Health Insurance – Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits – Sunset Repeal and Modification of Reporting Requirements [SB-684]
Altering certain reporting requirements on health insurance carriers relating to compliance with the federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act; altering requirements for certain analyses of nonquantitative treatment limitations required of health insurance carriers; establishing certain remedies the Commissioner may use to enforce compliance with the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act and related reporting requirements; repealing the requirement that a certain form be used for the reporting requirements; etc.
SB-684: Health Insurance – Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits – Sunset Repeal and Modification of Reporting Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Malcolm Augustine
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 233 on 04/25/2024
You have voted SB-684: Health Insurance – Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits – Sunset Repeal and Modification of Reporting Requirements.