Health Insurance - Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits - Sunset Repeal and Modification of Reporting Requirements [HB-1074]
Altering certain reporting requirements on health insurance carriers relating to compliance with the federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act; altering requirements for certain analyses of nonquantitative treatment limitations required of health insurance carriers; establishing certain remedies the Commissioner may use to enforce compliance with the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act and related reporting requirements; repealing the requirement that a certain form be used for the reporting requirements; etc.
HB-1074: Health Insurance - Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits - Sunset Repeal and Modification of Reporting Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 234 on 04/25/2024
You have voted HB-1074: Health Insurance - Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits - Sunset Repeal and Modification of Reporting Requirements.
Algorithmic Addiction Fund - Establishment [HB-1119]
Establishing the Algorithmic Addiction Fund; providing that the Fund includes all revenue received by the State from a judgment against, or settlement with, technology conglomerates, technology companies, social media conglomerates, or social media companies relating to claims made by the State; requiring the Secretary of Health to develop certain goals, objectives and indicators relating to algorithmic addiction treatment and prevention efforts; requiring the Secretary to establish a certain grant program; etc.
HB-1119: Algorithmic Addiction Fund - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Samuel Rosenberg
Hearing Canceled (appropriations) on 02/27/2024
Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations Conducted Through Telehealth - Reimbursement and Study [HB-1127]
Authorizing the reimbursement of a sexual assault forensic exam conducted through peer-to-peer telehealth under certain circumstances; requiring the Maryland Sexual Assault Evidence Kit Policy and Funding Committee to conduct a study on the feasibility of a telehealth program that includes a pilot program for conducting sexual assault forensic examinations through telehealth; and requiring the Committee to report its findings and recommendations to the General Assembly on or before December 1, 2024.
HB-1127: Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations Conducted Through Telehealth - Reimbursement and Study
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 832 on 05/16/2024
Certified Nursing Assistants - Licensing Requirements and Administrative Updates [HB-1125]
Exempting an individual who practices as a certain nursing assistant for less than 4 months under federal regulations from the State's certification requirement; altering the designation of, and licensure requirements for, certified nursing assistants and geriatric nursing assistants; requiring an applicant for certification as a certified nursing assistant to complete a nursing assistant competency evaluation; etc.
HB-1125: Certified Nursing Assistants - Licensing Requirements and Administrative Updates
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 818 on 05/16/2024
Office of Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs – Small Business Climate Change Coordinator – Establishment [HB-1077]
Establishing the Small Business Climate Change Coordinator in the Office of Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs in the Executive Department to support the State's small, minority, and women-owned business community on matters related to climate change; and requiring, on request, the Coordinator to advise the Governor and the General Assembly on the impact of climate change on small businesses and the effect of a transition to advanced clean energy on small businesses in the State.
HB-1077: Office of Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs – Small Business Climate Change Coordinator – Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Jennifer Terrasa
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/14/2024
Grow Your Own Educators Grant Program - Established [HB-1157]
Establishing the Grow Your Own Educators Grant Program to provide grants to local school systems for employees who pledge to fulfill a certain service obligation as a full-time teacher in the State; requiring the State Department of Education to administer the Program and to take certain actions to develop and implement the Program; establishing the eligibility for certain teacher candidates in the Program and requiring teacher candidates to be paid a certain rate and offered certain benefits under the Program; etc.
HB-1157: Grow Your Own Educators Grant Program - Established
Sponsored by: Rep. Jheanelle Wilkins
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 228 on 04/25/2024
Income Tax - Opportunity for Filers to Register to Make Anatomical Gift [HB-1068]
Requiring the Comptroller to implement procedures to offer certain income tax return filers the opportunity to register to make an anatomical gift in accordance with the Maryland Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act through a hyperlink to the anatomical gift donor registry.
HB-1068: Income Tax - Opportunity for Filers to Register to Make Anatomical Gift
Sponsored by: Rep. Jessica Feldmark
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 190 on 04/25/2024
Federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program - Employee Certification and Awareness Materials [HB-1172]
Establishing requirements related to the certification of employment by public service employers under the federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, including requirements regarding determinations of whether employees are full-time and the frequency with which the certifications are to be provided; and requiring the Student Loan Ombudsman in the Office of the Commissioner of Financial Regulation to develop and disseminate information to increase awareness of and participation in the Program.
HB-1172: Federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program - Employee Certification and Awareness Materials
Sponsored by: Rep. Lesley Lopez
Hearing Canceled on 03/05/2024
Maryland Green Schools - Website Update and Maintenance [HB-1102]
Requiring the Maryland Association of Environmental and Outdoor Education to use a certain appropriation to update, by January 1, 2026, and maintain a certain website dedicated to green schools and becoming certified as a green school; and requiring county boards of education to prominently display a link to the website on the county board's website and circulate certain information to teachers and staff.
HB-1102: Maryland Green Schools - Website Update and Maintenance
Sponsored by: Rep. Sarah Wolek
First Reading Ways And Means on 02/07/2024
State Government – Attorney General – Reports [HB-1158]
Altering certain reporting requirements for the Attorney General; and requiring the Attorney General to publish certain documents on the website of the Attorney General.
HB-1158: State Government – Attorney General – Reports
Sponsored by: Rep. Heather Bagnall
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 439 on 05/09/2024
Education – Public School Employers and Employees – Subcontracting for Services [HB-1175]
Prohibiting a public school employer from entering into a certain subcontracting agreement unless certain circumstances occur; specifying the requirements for a public school employer to enter into a certain subcontracting agreement; providing for the contents of certain subcontracting agreements; requiring that a certain public school employee who is displaced as a result of a subcontracting agreement retain certain status and rights; etc.
HB-1175: Education – Public School Employers and Employees – Subcontracting for Services
Sponsored by: Rep. Jessica Feldmark
Hearing 2/28 At 1:00 P.m. (ways And Means) on 02/09/2024
Maryland Agricultural BMP Best in Show Program - Established [HB-1042]
Establishing the Maryland Agricultural BMP Best in Show Program to provide and prioritize the use of certain funding relating to agricultural best management practices and to increase the cost-effectiveness and environmental, social, and health impacts of State-funded best management practices in a certain manner; requiring the Department of Agriculture to administer and manage certain competitive grants under the Program in a certain manner; etc.
HB-1042: Maryland Agricultural BMP Best in Show Program - Established
Sponsored by: Rep. Pamela Guzzone
Hearing 2/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/08/2024
Agriculture - Food Processing Residuals Utilization Permit - Establishment [HB-991]
Establishing a food processing residuals utilization permit; prohibiting a person from utilizing food processing residuals in the State unless the person obtains a permit; requiring the Department of Agriculture to provide a certain notice and information to certain persons in a county where food processing residuals will be stored; establishing the Food Processing Residuals Administration Fund; authorizing a representative of the Department to enter and inspect any site where food processing residuals are utilized; etc.
Constitutional Officers – Public Disclosure of Personal Information [SB-899]
Requiring certain custodians to deny inspection of the part of a public record that contains personal information of a constitutional officer except under certain circumstances; authorizing a certain constitutional officer or certain immediate family member of a constitutional officer to request that certain disclosed personal information be removed and that a certain person refrain from future disclosures; etc.
SB-899: Constitutional Officers – Public Disclosure of Personal Information
Sponsored by: Sen. Jeff Waldstreicher
Hearing 3/07 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2024
State Correctional Facilities - Incarcerated Individuals - Costs of Telephone Communications [SB-948]
Providing that a State correctional facility is responsible for the payment of costs charged by a telephone service provider under certain circumstances; providing that a State correctional facility and a telephone service provider may not charge an incarcerated individual or a third party under certain circumstances; and providing that an incarcerated individual's access to or use of telephone equipment and telephone services may not supplant time that the incarcerated individual is entitled to in-person visitation.
SB-948: State Correctional Facilities - Incarcerated Individuals - Costs of Telephone Communications
Sponsored by: Sen. Jeff Waldstreicher
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2024
State Procurement - Procurement Forecast and Outreach [SB-1014]
Requiring the Office of Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs to consult with each primary procurement unit to identify potential contracting opportunities for and increase outreach efforts to small businesses; requiring each unit, on or before June 30 each year, to submit to the Office a procurement forecast for all procurement contracts over $100,000; requiring each unit, on or before August 15 each year, to submit its reconciliation of the prior fiscal year's procurement forecast in accordance with certain requirements; etc.
SB-1014: State Procurement - Procurement Forecast and Outreach
Sponsored by: Sen. Nick Charles
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 584 on 05/09/2024
Election Law - Synthetic Media - Disclosure and Regulation [SB-978]
Requiring certain persons that publish, distribute, or disseminate or cause to be published, distributed, or disseminated synthetic media to publish on their website the original content that was manipulated to generate the synthetic media; and requiring certain persons that publish, distribute, or disseminate or cause to be published, distributed, or disseminated synthetic media to include a certain disclosure in a certain manner.
SB-978: Election Law - Synthetic Media - Disclosure and Regulation
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Referred Ways And Means on 03/19/2024
Maryland Agricultural BMP Priority Environmental Stewardship Program - Established [SB-932]
Establishing the Maryland Agricultural BMP Priority Environmental Stewardship Program to provide and prioritize the use of certain funding relating to agricultural best management practices and to increase the cost-effectiveness and environmental, social, and health impacts of State-funded best management practices in a certain manner; requiring a grant applicant to demonstrate that any agricultural operation on which best management practices are to be established are in compliance with certain nutrient management plans; etc.
SB-932: Maryland Agricultural BMP Priority Environmental Stewardship Program - Established
Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Jackson
Referred Rules And Executive Nominations on 04/01/2024
Environment - Environmental Justice Districts - Designation and Requirements [SB-1086]
Authorizing a resident of a local jurisdiction or an overburdened and underserved community in the State to submit an application to the Department of the Environment to request the designation of a certain area as an environmental justice district in a certain manner; requiring the Department to publish the application process and criteria used for evaluating an application on or before December 1, 2024; requiring the Department to hold a certain hearing on a certain permit application under certain circumstances; etc.
SB-1086: Environment - Environmental Justice Districts - Designation and Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Washington
Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2024