Public Institutions of Higher Education – Contracts – Prohibition [HB-47]
Prohibiting a public institution of higher education in the State from entering into or renewing a contract with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; and providing that existing obligations or contract rights may not be impaired by the Act.
HB-47: Public Institutions of Higher Education – Contracts – Prohibition
Sponsored by: Rep. Julian Ivey
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/01/2021
Personal Information - State and Local Agencies - Restrictions on Access (Maryland Driver Privacy Act) [SB-234]
Requiring an officer, an employee, an agent, or a contractor of the State or a political subdivision to deny inspection by a federal agency seeking access for certain immigration enforcement matters of the part of a public record that contains personal information or a certain photographic image unless a warrant is provided; requiring law enforcement agencies operating certain databases to require certain individuals accessing the databases to provide certain information; requiring a certain annual report to the General Assembly; etc.
SB-234: Personal Information - State and Local Agencies - Restrictions on Access (Maryland Driver Privacy Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing 1/28 At 11:00 A.m. on 12/28/2021
State and Local Government - Participation in Federal Immigration Enforcement [SB-88]
Providing that an official of State or local government is immune from criminal and civil liability for refusing to provide information to the federal government or another state for a certain purpose; authorizing the State to indemnify a certain official for certain costs or judgments; expressing the intent of the General Assembly to maintain community trust in Maryland governmental operations and law enforcement efforts by clarifying the parameters of State and local participation in federal immigration enforcement efforts; etc.
SB-88: State and Local Government - Participation in Federal Immigration Enforcement
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Hearing 1/27 At 11:00 A.m. on 12/28/2021
State and Local Government - Participation in Federal Immigration Enforcement [HB-304]
Providing that an official of State or local government is immune from criminal and civil liability for refusing to provide information to the federal government or another state for a certain purpose; authorizing the State to indemnify a certain official for certain costs or judgments; expressing the intent of the General Assembly to maintain community trust in Maryland governmental operations and law enforcement efforts by clarifying the parameters of State and local participation in federal immigration enforcement efforts; etc.
HB-304: State and Local Government - Participation in Federal Immigration Enforcement
Sponsored by: Rep. Wanika Fisher
Hearing Canceled on 01/26/2021
Criminal Law - Human Trafficking and Prostitution Offenses [SB-881]
Altering the elements of the prohibitions against human trafficking and renaming them sex trafficking; prohibiting a person from knowingly obtaining or procuring for any person the labor or services of another by certain means; prohibiting a person from knowingly causing another to engage in a debt bondage; prohibiting a person from aiding, abetting, or conspiring with another to violate the Act; establishing that the lack of knowledge about a victim's age is not a defense to certain offenses involving a child; etc.
SB-881: Criminal Law - Human Trafficking and Prostitution Offenses
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 03/27/2018
Victims and Witnesses – U Nonimmigrant Status – Certification of Victim Helpfulness [SB-581]
Authorizing, for purposes of filing a petition for U Nonimmigrant Status, a victim of qualifying criminal activity or the victim's family member to request a certifying official to certify victim helpfulness on a Form I-918, Supplement B certification if the victim has been helpful in the detection, investigation, or prosecution of the qualifying criminal activity; providing the circumstances under which a victim shall be considered to be helpful for purposes of the Act; etc.
SB-581: Victims and Witnesses – U Nonimmigrant Status – Certification of Victim Helpfulness
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Madaleno
Favorable With Amendments Report By Judicial Proceedings on 04/09/2018
Labor and Employment - Regulation of Farm Labor Contractors and Foreign Labor Contractors [SB-526]
Providing that an agreement by a foreign worker to waive certain rights is void as contrary to public policy; requiring an individual to be licensed by the Commissioner before the individual may perform a foreign labor contracting service in the State for consideration; providing that a certain license authorizes the licensee to perform foreign labor contracting services for consideration; requiring a licensee to take certain actions while performing a foreign labor contracting service in the State; etc.
SB-526: Labor and Employment - Regulation of Farm Labor Contractors and Foreign Labor Contractors
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Hearing 2/20 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/20/2018
Voter Registration Integrity Act of 2018 [SB-357]
Requiring a jury commissioner to provide prospective juror information concerning individuals who are not citizens of the United States to the State Board of Elections within 5 days after receiving the information; requiring the State Administrator to retain a list of individuals whose information has been submitted; requiring the State Administrator within 30 days after receipt of an individual's information to direct the appropriate election director to remove the individual from the statewide voter registration list; etc.
SB-357: Voter Registration Integrity Act of 2018
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Robinson
Unfavorable Report By Education, Health, And Environmental Affairs on 03/15/2018
Appointment or Designation of Standby Guardian – Adverse Immigration Action [SB-1239]
Making certain provisions relating to the appointment or designation of a standby guardian of the person or property of a minor under certain circumstances applicable to the appointment or designation of a standby guardian of the person or property of a minor in the event of an adverse immigration action against a parent; authorizing a parent to designate a standby guardian by means of a written designation; providing that the appointment of a standby guardian may not be construed to require the termination of parental rights; etc.
SB-1239: Appointment or Designation of Standby Guardian – Adverse Immigration Action
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 749 on 05/15/2018
Criminal Law – Comprehensive Crime Bill of 2018 [SB-122]
Providing that the use of a firearm in the commission of a felony or other crime of violence constitutes a crime of violence; expanding the list of controlled dangerous substances applicable to a certain prohibition against volume dealing; increasing maximum penalties for certain crimes; establishing the Tyrone Ray Violence Intervention and Prevention Fund to be used to support effective violence reduction strategies through grants to local communities; establishing the Task Force to Study Maryland's Criminal Gang Statutes; etc.
SB-122: Criminal Law – Comprehensive Crime Bill of 2018
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Zirkin
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 04/09/2018
Victims and Witnesses - U Nonimmigrant Status - Certification of Victim Helpfulness [HB-461]
Authorizing, for purposes of filing a petition for U Nonimmigrant Status, a victim or victim's family member to request a certifying official to certify victim helpfulness on a Form I-918, Supplement B certification; providing that, for the purpose of the Act, a victim shall be considered to be helpful, to have been helpful, or likely to be helpful to the detection, investigation, or prosecution of a qualifying criminal activity; requiring the certifying official to sign and complete the certification in a specified manner; etc.
HB-461: Victims and Witnesses - U Nonimmigrant Status - Certification of Victim Helpfulness
Sponsored by: Rep. Carolyn Howard
Favorable With Amendments Report By Judicial Proceedings on 04/09/2018
Appointment or Designation of Standby Guardian - Adverse Immigration Action [HB-1613]
Making certain provisions relating to the appointment or designation of a standby guardian of the person or property of a minor in cases of incapacity, debilitation, or death of a parent applicable to the appointment or designation of a standby guardian of the person or property of a minor in the event of an adverse immigration action being initiated against a parent; etc.
HB-1613: Appointment or Designation of Standby Guardian - Adverse Immigration Action
Sponsored by: Rep. Carlos Sanchez
Hearing 3/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/28/2018
Maryland Office for Refugees and Asylees - Placement Information (Unaccompanied Alien Children Placement Transparency Act) [HB-1589]
Requiring the Maryland Office for Refugees and Asylees to request annually a report from the Office of Refugee Resettlement in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services containing certain information on unaccompanied alien children placed in the State; requiring the Office, subject to a certain restriction, to provide a de-identified, aggregate version of the information to certain county entities within a certain time period; etc.
HB-1589: Maryland Office for Refugees and Asylees - Placement Information (Unaccompanied Alien Children Placement Transparency Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Warren Miller
Hearing 3/01 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/01/2018
Counties and Municipal Corporations - "Sanctuary Laws" for Illegal Aliens - Prohibition [HB-1549]
Requiring local governments to fully comply with and support federal immigration law; prohibiting local governments from restricting certain individuals from requesting, obtaining, sending, receiving, or maintaining certain immigration information; requiring local governments to implement certain requirements and obligations in a manner that is consistent with federal immigration law and protects civil rights; etc.
HB-1549: Counties and Municipal Corporations - "Sanctuary Laws" for Illegal Aliens - Prohibition
Sponsored by: Rep. Seth Howard
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/19/2018
Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission - Police Officer Certification - Eligibility (Freedom to Serve Act) [HB-1526]
Altering the eligibility requirements for an individual to be certified by the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission as a police officer to require an individual to be either a United States citizen or a permanent legal resident of the United States who is an honorably discharged veteran of the United States armed forces and who pledges to apply for or obtain United States citizenship within 6 years of the employment start date with the law enforcement agency.
HB-1526: Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission - Police Officer Certification - Eligibility (Freedom to Serve Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Third Reading Passed (84-53) on 03/19/2018
Labor and Employment - Regulation of Farm Labor Contractors and Foreign Labor Contractors [HB-1493]
Providing that an agreement by a foreign worker to waive certain rights is void as contrary to public policy; requiring an individual to be licensed by the Commissioner of Labor and Industry before the individual may perform a foreign labor contracting service in the State for consideration; providing that a certain license authorizes the licensee to perform foreign labor contracting services for consideration; etc.
HB-1493: Labor and Employment - Regulation of Farm Labor Contractors and Foreign Labor Contractors
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Healey
Hearing 3/13 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/13/2018
Criminal Procedure – Immigration – Supporting All Families Everywhere [HB-1461]
Providing that an official of State government or a local government is immune from criminal and civil liability for refusing to provide information to the federal government or another state that will be used for certain purposes; stating it is the intent of the General Assembly to maintain community trust in Maryland governmental operations and law enforcement by clarifying the parameters of State and local participation in federal immigration enforcement efforts; requiring the Attorney General to develop certain policies; etc.
HB-1461: Criminal Procedure – Immigration – Supporting All Families Everywhere
Sponsored by: Rep. Tawanna Gaines
Hearing 3/13 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/13/2018
Election Law - Voter Registration and Absentee Voting - Proof of Citizenship [HB-1326]
Requiring individuals who apply to register to vote after June 30, 2018, to submit proof of United States citizenship; providing that individuals who are not citizens of the United States are not qualified to be registered voters; requiring an applicant for voter registration to submit certain documents or information to prove United States citizenship; etc.
HB-1326: Election Law - Voter Registration and Absentee Voting - Proof of Citizenship
Sponsored by: Rep. Tony McConkey
Unfavorable Report By Ways And Means on 03/12/2018