Labor and Employment - Regulation of Farm Labor Contractors and Foreign Labor Contractors [HB-1307]
Providing that an agreement by a foreign worker to waive specified rights is void as contrary to public policy; requiring an individual to be licensed by the Commissioner before the individual may perform a foreign labor contracting service in the State for consideration; providing that a specified license authorizes the licensee to perform foreign labor contracting services for consideration; requiring a licensee to take specified actions while performing a foreign labor contracting service in the State; etc.
HB-1307: Labor and Employment - Regulation of Farm Labor Contractors and Foreign Labor Contractors
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn on 04/03/2017
Victims and Witnesses - U Nonimmigrant Status - Certification of Victim Helpfulness [HB-1208]
Authorizing, for purposes of filing a petition for U Nonimmigrant Status, a victim or victim's family member to request a certifying official to certify victim helpfulness on a Form I-918, Supplement B certification; providing that, for the purpose of the Act, a victim shall be considered to be helpful, to have been helpful, or likely to be helpful to the detection, investigation, or prosecution of a qualifying criminal activity; requiring the certifying official to sign and complete the certification in a specified manner; etc.
HB-1208: Victims and Witnesses - U Nonimmigrant Status - Certification of Victim Helpfulness
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Favorable With Amendments Report By Judicial Proceedings on 04/10/2017
Courts - Sanctuary Programs - Citizen Standing to Seek Injunction [HB-1074]
Providing that a citizen of the United States who is a resident of the State shall have standing to file suit in the appropriate circuit court against an elected official who creates or maintains a sanctuary program in violation of the federal Immigration and Nationality Act for an injunction against the sanctuary program.
Higher Education - Tuition Rates - Exemptions [SB-1000]
Altering the circumstances under which specified individuals, including undocumented immigrants, shall be exempt from paying the out-of-state tuition rate at community colleges; altering the circumstances under which specified individuals are eligible to pay a rate that is equivalent to the resident tuition rate at a public senior higher education institution; etc.
Municipal Elections - Voting by Individuals Not Lawfully Present in the United States [SB-883]
Prohibiting individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States from voting in municipal elections; and providing that if a municipality allows individuals who are residents of the municipality but are not citizens of the United States to vote in its municipal elections, the municipality shall verify the lawful presence of each such individual in the United States before the individual votes.
SB-883: Municipal Elections - Voting by Individuals Not Lawfully Present in the United States
Sponsored by: Sen. Bryan Simonaire
Hearing 2/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/23/2017
Labor and Employment - Regulation of Farm Labor Contractors and Foreign Labor Contractors [SB-1016]
Providing that an agreement by a foreign worker to waive specified rights is void as contrary to public policy; requiring an individual to be licensed by the Commissioner before the individual may perform a foreign labor contracting service in the State for consideration; providing that a specified license authorizes the licensee to perform foreign labor contracting services for consideration; requiring a licensee to take specified actions while performing a foreign labor contracting service in the State; etc.
SB-1016: Labor and Employment - Regulation of Farm Labor Contractors and Foreign Labor Contractors
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing 3/16 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/16/2017
Maryland Law Enforcement and Governmental Trust Act [SB-835]
Prohibiting a specified government agent from taking specified actions for immigration enforcement purposes; prohibiting a law enforcement official from stopping, arresting, searching, or detaining an individual for purposes of investigating a suspected immigration violation or inquiring about specified matters; requiring the Attorney General, in consultation with stakeholders, to develop and adopt model policies for a specified purpose; etc.
SB-835: Maryland Law Enforcement and Governmental Trust Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings; Withdrawn on 04/10/2017
Police Officer Certification Work Group - Eligibility of Individuals with Permanent Residency Status [HB-908]
Establishing a Police Officer Certification Work Group to study the feasibility of altering the eligibility requirements for certification of individuals by the Police Training and Standards Commission as police officers to include individuals with permanent residency status; requiring the Work Group to make recommendations to the Governor and General Assembly by November 1, 2017, regarding what would be required to alter the eligibility requirements; etc.
HB-908: Police Officer Certification Work Group - Eligibility of Individuals with Permanent Residency Status
Sponsored by: Rep. James Tarlau
Hearing 3/22 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/22/2017
Voter Registration Integrity Act of 2017 [SB-842]
Requiring a jury commissioner to provide prospective juror information concerning individuals who are not citizens of the United States to the State Board of Elections within 5 days after receiving the information; requiring the State Administrator of Elections to make specified arrangements to receive the information; requiring the State Administrator to retain a list of individuals whose information has been submitted; etc.
SB-842: Voter Registration Integrity Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Hough
Hearing 3/03 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/03/2017
Correctional Facilities - Individual Subject to Immigration Detainer - Homeland Security Notification [SB-830]
Requiring a State or local correctional facility that is notified by the United States Department of Homeland Security that a specified individual is subject to an immigration detainer to provide a specified notice to the United States Department of Homeland Security at least 72 hours before the individual is released from the facility; authorizing a State or local correctional facility to maintain custody of an individual for period not to exceed 48 hours beyond the time the individual would have been released for a specified purpose; etc.
Victims and Witnesses - U Nonimmigrant Status - Certification of Victim Helpfulness [SB-616]
Authorizing, for purposes of filing a petition for U Nonimmigrant Status, a victim or victim's family member to request a certifying official to certify victim helpfulness on a Form I-918, Supplement B certification; providing that, for the purpose of the Act, a victim shall be considered to be helpful, to have been helpful, or likely to be helpful to the detection, investigation, or prosecution of a qualifying criminal activity; requiring the certifying official to sign and complete the certification in a specified manner; etc.
SB-616: Victims and Witnesses - U Nonimmigrant Status - Certification of Victim Helpfulness
Sponsored by: Sen. Victor Ramirez
Favorable With Amendments Report By Judicial Proceedings on 04/10/2017
Counties and Municipal Corporations - "Sanctuary Laws" for Illegal Aliens - Prohibition [HB-598]
Requiring local governments to fully comply with and support federal immigration law; prohibiting local governments from restricting specified individuals from requesting, obtaining, sending, receiving, or maintaining specified immigration information; requiring local governments to implement specified requirements and obligations in a manner that is consistent with federal immigration law and protects civil rights; etc.
HB-598: Counties and Municipal Corporations - "Sanctuary Laws" for Illegal Aliens - Prohibition
Sponsored by: Rep. Tony McConkey
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/23/2017
Election Law - Voter Registration and Absentee Voting - Proof of Citizenship [HB-539]
Requiring individuals who apply to register to vote after June 30, 2017, to submit proof of United States citizenship; providing that individuals who are not citizens of the United States are not qualified to be registered voters; requiring an applicant for voter registration to submit specified documents or information to prove United States citizenship; etc.
HB-539: Election Law - Voter Registration and Absentee Voting - Proof of Citizenship
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathy Afzali
Unfavorable Report By Ways And Means on 03/06/2017
Higher Education - Public Institutions of Higher Education - Sanctuary Campus Status [HB-272]
Establishing sanctuary campus status for public institutions of higher education in the State with respect to specified federal immigration policies and requirements; prohibiting an institution from releasing specified information concerning the immigration status of its students and employees; requiring federal immigration officials to provide notice to an institution before entering the campus of the institution, as specified; requiring each institution to offer financial aid, assistance, and services to specified students; etc.
HB-272: Higher Education - Public Institutions of Higher Education - Sanctuary Campus Status
Sponsored by: Rep. David Fraser-hidalgo
Hearing 2/07 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2017