AB-2830: Requires DCA to adopt energy inspection code, and requires licensed home inspector to report energy analysis for each home inspected for buyer in contemplation of purchase.
Sponsored by: Sen. John McKeon
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee on 02/16/2016
You have voted AB-2830: Requires DCA to adopt energy inspection code, and requires licensed home inspector to report energy analysis for each home inspected for buyer in contemplation of purchase..
You have voted AB-2714: Permits eligible claimant who is proportionate owner paying entire property tax bill to collect entire homestead property tax reimbursement amount..
ACR-129: Clarifies housing rights of State residents under State Constitution and prohibits laws requiring municipalities to provide housing opportunities through zoning and land use regulations.
Sponsored by: Sen. Parker Space
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee on 02/04/2016
You have voted ACR-129: Clarifies housing rights of State residents under State Constitution and prohibits laws requiring municipalities to provide housing opportunities through zoning and land use regulations..
AB-2432: Authorizes municipalities to require subdivision approval prior to or as condition of creation or conveyance of certain condominiums or units thereof.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory McGuckin
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee on 02/04/2016
You have voted AB-2432: Authorizes municipalities to require subdivision approval prior to or as condition of creation or conveyance of certain condominiums or units thereof..
AB-2346: Provides for fair notice and opportunity to contest, or obtain waiver of a repayment of, overpayment of homestead rebate or credit and homestead property tax reimbursement.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joann Downey
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee on 02/04/2016
You have voted AB-2346: Provides for fair notice and opportunity to contest, or obtain waiver of a repayment of, overpayment of homestead rebate or credit and homestead property tax reimbursement..
AB-2429: Terminates imposition of general purpose fee under realty transfer fee and one percent assessment on purchases of residential real property selling for more than $1,000,000.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory McGuckin
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee on 02/04/2016
You have voted AB-2429: Terminates imposition of general purpose fee under realty transfer fee and one percent assessment on purchases of residential real property selling for more than $1,000,000..