ACR-55: Memorializes Congress to support efforts to increase allocation of Low Income Housing Tax Credits and New Market Tax Credits in declared Hurricane Sandy disaster areas.
Sponsored by: Sen. John McKeon
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee on 01/27/2016
You have voted ACR-55: Memorializes Congress to support efforts to increase allocation of Low Income Housing Tax Credits and New Market Tax Credits in declared Hurricane Sandy disaster areas..
AB-381: Requires DCA to establish procedures for inspection and abatement of mold hazards in residential buildings and school facilities, and certification programs for mold inspectors and mold hazard abatement workers.
Sponsored by: Sen. John McKeon
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee on 01/27/2016
You have voted AB-381: Requires DCA to establish procedures for inspection and abatement of mold hazards in residential buildings and school facilities, and certification programs for mold inspectors and mold hazard abatement workers..
AB-1599: Requires condominium and homeowners' associations to provide information to federal home loan insurance providers at no cost to potential buyers.
Sponsored by: Rep. Wayne DeAngelo
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee on 01/27/2016
You have voted AB-1599: Requires condominium and homeowners' associations to provide information to federal home loan insurance providers at no cost to potential buyers..
AB-1010: Clarifies enforcement responsibility of State Housing Code concerning multiple dwellings from municipalities to the State under the "Hotel and Multiple Dwelling Law."
Sponsored by: Rep. Mila Jasey
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee on 01/27/2016
You have voted AB-1010: Clarifies enforcement responsibility of State Housing Code concerning multiple dwellings from municipalities to the State under the "Hotel and Multiple Dwelling Law.".
AB-382: Lowers age of eligibility for surviving spouse under homestead property tax reimbursement program; extends payment of homestead property tax reimbursement to non-eligible surviving spouse for portion of tax year during which deceased spouse lived.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joann Downey
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee on 01/27/2016
You have voted AB-382: Lowers age of eligibility for surviving spouse under homestead property tax reimbursement program; extends payment of homestead property tax reimbursement to non-eligible surviving spouse for portion of tax year during which deceased spouse lived..
ACR-54: Memorializes Congress and the President to authorize and encourage lenders to permit homeowners to remain in their homes as renters during and after foreclosure.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mila Jasey
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee on 01/27/2016
You have voted ACR-54: Memorializes Congress and the President to authorize and encourage lenders to permit homeowners to remain in their homes as renters during and after foreclosure..
ACR-72: Proposes constitutional amendment granting property assessment reductions for certain improvements to dwelling houses to provide living quarters for senior citizen relatives.
Sponsored by: Rep. Brian Rumpf
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee on 01/27/2016
You have voted ACR-72: Proposes constitutional amendment granting property assessment reductions for certain improvements to dwelling houses to provide living quarters for senior citizen relatives..
AB-1039: Requires DCA to establish training and certification program and arbitration standards for new home warranty arbitrators and publish a "New Home Buyer's Bill of Rights."
Sponsored by: Rep. R. Bruce Land
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee on 01/27/2016
You have voted AB-1039: Requires DCA to establish training and certification program and arbitration standards for new home warranty arbitrators and publish a "New Home Buyer's Bill of Rights.".
AB-983: Extends payment of homestead property tax reimbursement to non-eligible surviving spouse for portion of tax year during which deceased spouse lived.
Sponsored by: Rep. Brian Rumpf
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee on 01/27/2016
You have voted AB-983: Extends payment of homestead property tax reimbursement to non-eligible surviving spouse for portion of tax year during which deceased spouse lived..
AB-1389: Provides municipality with affordable housing credit toward its municipal fair share housing obligation for funds transferred to the New Jersey Affordable Housing Trust Fund pursuant to P.L.2008, c.46.
Sponsored by: Sen. Parker Space
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee on 01/27/2016
You have voted AB-1389: Provides municipality with affordable housing credit toward its municipal fair share housing obligation for funds transferred to the New Jersey Affordable Housing Trust Fund pursuant to P.L.2008, c.46..