Satellite Simulcast Betting Facilities and Permit Holders and Sports Wagering Facilities - Alterations [HB-942]
Providing that certain zoning approval is not required to use a facility for satellite simulcast betting if the facility is zoned for operation of a video lottery facility, a sports wagering facility, or electronic bingo or tip jar machines; altering certain provisions of law governing the awarding of certain sports wagering facility licenses to facilities located within a certain distance of certain other sports wagering facilities; repealing certain requirements related to the amenities of satellite simulcast facilities; etc.
HB-942: Satellite Simulcast Betting Facilities and Permit Holders and Sports Wagering Facilities - Alterations
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Luedtke
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 257 on 05/12/2022
Horse Racing – Satellite Simulcast Betting Facilities and Permit Holders – Alterations [SB-792]
Providing that zoning approval is not required to use a facility for satellite simulcast betting if the facility is properly zoned for operation of a video lottery facility, a sports wagering facility or electronic bingo or tip jar machines; authorizing the State Racing Commission to waive review of an applicant for a satellite simulcast betting permit if the applicant is licensed to conduct certain gaming activities; repealing certain requirements for the standard of and amenities offered by a satellite simulcast facility; etc.
SB-792: Horse Racing – Satellite Simulcast Betting Facilities and Permit Holders – Alterations
Sponsored by: Sen. Guy Guzzone
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 256 on 05/12/2022
Fair Hill Improvement Fund – Special Event Area and Operations [SB-679]
Requiring that certain funds credited to the Fair Hill Improvement Fund be used exclusively for the grounds and facilities within the special event area at Fair Hill; authorizing the Governor to include in the annual budget bill an appropriation of $1,800,000 to the Fund; and authorizing the Department of Natural Resources to use certain funds for certain grants to certain entities for certain purposes.
SB-679: Fair Hill Improvement Fund – Special Event Area and Operations
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 269 on 05/12/2022
Fair Hill Improvement Fund - Special Event Area and Operations [HB-658]
Requiring that certain funds credited to the Fair Hill Improvement Fund be used exclusively for the grounds and facilities within the special event area at Fair Hill; requiring the Governor to include in the annual budget bill an appropriation of $1,800,000 to the Fund; and authorizing the Department of Natural Resources to use certain funds for certain grants to certain entities for certain purposes.
HB-658: Fair Hill Improvement Fund - Special Event Area and Operations
Sponsored by: No sponsors
First Reading Ways And Means on 01/31/2022
Horse racing; certain amount from wagers to be deposited in Problem Gambling Trust & Support Fund. [SB-367]
Horse racing tax. Provides that 0.01 percent of the amount that a horse racing licensee retains from wagering on historical horse racing pools shall be deposited in the Problem Gambling Treatment and Support Fund. The bill reduces from 0.75 percent to 0.74 percent the percentage of such retained amount that accrues to the general fund.
SB-367: Horse racing; certain amount from wagers to be deposited in Problem Gambling Trust & Support Fund.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bryce Reeves
Continued To 2023 In Finance And Appropriations (16-y 0-n) on 02/01/2022
Historical horse racing; electronic gaming terminals, age requirement, penalty. [SB-366]
Historical horse racing; electronic gaming terminals; age requirement; penalty. Prohibits any person under 21 years of age from using any electronic gaming terminal or other electronic device in a satellite facility to wager on or conduct any wagering on historical horse racing.
SB-366: Historical horse racing; electronic gaming terminals, age requirement, penalty.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0503) on 04/11/2022
Horse racing tax; wagers to be deposited in Problem Gambling Trust and Support Fund, etc. [HB-574]
Wagering on historical horse racing; licensee retained funds for distribution to Problem Gambling Treatment and Support Fund and localities. Provides that with respect to the first 3,000 authorized terminals, 0.01 percent of the amount that a horse racing licensee retains from wagering on historical horse racing pools shall be deposited in the Problem Gambling Treatment and Support Fund. The bill reduces from 0.75 to 0.74 the percentage of such retained amount that accrues to the general fund. The bill also provides that with respect to the 2,000
HB-574: Horse racing tax; wagers to be deposited in Problem Gambling Trust and Support Fund, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Krizek
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0511) on 04/11/2022
Historical horse racing; electronic gaming terminals, age requirement, penalty. [HB-571]
Historical horse racing; electronic gaming terminals; age requirement; penalty. Prohibits any person under 21 years of age from using any electronic gaming terminal or other electronic device in a satellite facility to wager on or conduct any wagering on historical horse racing.
HB-571: Historical horse racing; electronic gaming terminals, age requirement, penalty.
Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Krizek
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0502) on 04/11/2022
You have voted SB-204: Provides for live racing dates and minimum number of races per day to be assigned by the Louisiana State Racing Commission. (7/1/21).
SB-1920: Relating to the regulation of historical racing pari-mutuel wagering by licensed horse and greyhound racetracks and the distribution of certain live, simulcast, and historical pari-mutuel pools.
Sponsored by: Sen. Eddie Lucio
Read First Time on 04/01/2021
You have voted SB-1920: Relating to the regulation of historical racing pari-mutuel wagering by licensed horse and greyhound racetracks and the distribution of certain live, simulcast, and historical pari-mutuel pools..
HB-2731: Relating to the regulation of historical racing pari-mutuel wagering by licensed horse and greyhound racetracks and the distribution of certain live, simulcast, and historical pari-mutuel pools.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ryan Guillen
Read First Time on 03/17/2021
You have voted HB-2731: Relating to the regulation of historical racing pari-mutuel wagering by licensed horse and greyhound racetracks and the distribution of certain live, simulcast, and historical pari-mutuel pools..
SB-704: Relating to the transfer of the regulation of racing to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, the abolishment of the Texas Racing Commission, and the creation of the Texas Racing Advisory Board, following recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission.
Sponsored by: Sen. Eddie Lucio
Referred To Licensing & Administrative Procedures on 05/06/2021
You have voted SB-704: Relating to the transfer of the regulation of racing to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, the abolishment of the Texas Racing Commission, and the creation of the Texas Racing Advisory Board, following recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission..
Horse Racing - Fair Hill Natural Resources Management Area [SB-919]
Requiring the Maryland Racing Commission to issue a license to the Cecil County Breeders' Fair, Inc. to hold no more than eight one-day race meetings each year; requiring the licensee to deduct from the handle an amount not to exceed to 25%, and to pay 36% of the amount deducted from the handle, excluding the breakage, to the Fair Hill Improvement Fund; etc.
SB-919: Horse Racing - Fair Hill Natural Resources Management Area
Sponsored by: Sen. Jason Gallion
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 168 on 05/18/2021
Horse Racing – Fair Hill Natural Resources Management Area [HB-1259]
Requiring the Maryland Racing Commission to issue a license to the Cecil County Breeders' Fair, Inc. to hold no more than eight one-day race meetings each year; altering the amount of money that is to be credited to the Fair Hill Improvement Fund; authorizing the licensee to deduct from the handle up to 25%, and from the amount deducted, excluding breakage, to pay 36% of the remaining amount to the Fair Hill Improvement Fund; etc.
HB-1259: Horse Racing – Fair Hill Natural Resources Management Area
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 167 on 05/18/2021