Pari-mutuel wagering; historical horse racing, percentage retained for distribution. [HB-843]
Pari-mutuel wagering; historical horse racing; percentage retained for distribution. Provides that with respect to all authorized historical horse racing terminals, of the amount that a horse racing licensee retains from wagering on historical horse racing pools, 0.025 percent shall be provided to each of the following: (i) the Virginia Breeders Fund; (ii) the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, for its equine programs; (iii) the Virginia Horse Center Foundation; and (iv) the Virginia Horse Industry Board. The bill also provides
HB-843: Pari-mutuel wagering; historical horse racing, percentage retained for distribution.
Sponsored by: Rep. Terry Austin
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0053) on 03/08/2024
HB-1620: Relating to the review date for certain governmental entities subject to the sunset review process and the regulation of horse racing by the Texas Racing Commission.
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Schwertner
Effective On 9/1/23 on 06/18/2023
You have voted HB-1620: Relating to the review date for certain governmental entities subject to the sunset review process and the regulation of horse racing by the Texas Racing Commission..
HB-4100: Relating to the regulation of wagering through telephone, the Internet, or other approved electronic means on horse races and greyhound races under the pari-mutuel system of wagering; requiring a license to operate account wagering; requiring a fee.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Kuempel
Read First Time on 03/20/2023
You have voted HB-4100: Relating to the regulation of wagering through telephone, the Internet, or other approved electronic means on horse races and greyhound races under the pari-mutuel system of wagering; requiring a license to operate account wagering; requiring a fee..
HB-4115: Relating to eligibility for membership on and the regulation of horse racing by the Texas Racing Commission and a prohibition on the conduct of greyhound or other dog racing as live events in this state; creating a criminal offense; authorizing a fee.
Sponsored by: Rep. Cecil Bell
Placed On General State Calendar on 05/11/2023
You have voted HB-4115: Relating to eligibility for membership on and the regulation of horse racing by the Texas Racing Commission and a prohibition on the conduct of greyhound or other dog racing as live events in this state; creating a criminal offense; authorizing a fee..
HJR-155: Proposing a constitutional amendment to foster economic development and job growth, provide tax relief and funding for education and public safety programs, support the horse racing industry, and reform horse racing and greyhound racing by authorizing casino gaming at destination resorts, authorizing sports wagering, authorizing Tribal-State compacts with federally recognized Indian tribes, and creating the Texas Gaming Commission to regulate casino gaming and sports wagering; requiring a license to conduct casino gaming; and requiring the imposition of a casino gaming tax, sports wagering tax, and license application fees.
Sponsored by: Rep. Toni Rose
Postponed 1/12/27 10:00 Am on 05/12/2023
You have voted HJR-155: Proposing a constitutional amendment to foster economic development and job growth, provide tax relief and funding for education and public safety programs, support the horse racing industry, and reform horse racing and greyhound racing by authorizing casino gaming at destination resorts, authorizing sports wagering, authorizing Tribal-State compacts with federally recognized Indian tribes, and creating the Texas Gaming Commission to regulate casino gaming and sports wagering; requiring a license to conduct casino gaming; and requiring the imposition of a casino gaming tax, sports wagering tax, and license application fees..
HB-2843: Relating to the authorization, licensing, and regulation of casino gaming and sports wagering in this state, to the creation, powers, and duties of the Texas Gaming Commission, to the support of the horse racing industry and reform of horse racing and greyhound racing, and to other provisions related to gambling; imposing and authorizing administrative and civil penalties; imposing taxes; imposing and authorizing fees; requiring occupational licenses; creating criminal offenses.
Sponsored by: Rep. Toni Rose
Postponed 11/29/23 10:00 Am on 05/12/2023
You have voted HB-2843: Relating to the authorization, licensing, and regulation of casino gaming and sports wagering in this state, to the creation, powers, and duties of the Texas Gaming Commission, to the support of the horse racing industry and reform of horse racing and greyhound racing, and to other provisions related to gambling; imposing and authorizing administrative and civil penalties; imposing taxes; imposing and authorizing fees; requiring occupational licenses; creating criminal offenses..
You have voted HB-2550: Relating to the elimination of certain tax proceeds deposited to and the allocation of the horse industry escrowed purse account..
HJR-97: Proposing a constitutional amendment to foster economic development and job growth, provide tax relief and funding for education and public safety programs, and reform and support the horse racing industry by authorizing casino gaming at destination resorts, creating the Texas Gaming Commission, authorizing sports wagering, requiring a license to conduct casino gaming, and requiring the imposition of a gaming and sports wagering tax and license application fees.
Sponsored by: Rep. Toni Rose
Read First Time on 03/03/2023
You have voted HJR-97: Proposing a constitutional amendment to foster economic development and job growth, provide tax relief and funding for education and public safety programs, and reform and support the horse racing industry by authorizing casino gaming at destination resorts, creating the Texas Gaming Commission, authorizing sports wagering, requiring a license to conduct casino gaming, and requiring the imposition of a gaming and sports wagering tax and license application fees..
Charitable gaming and historical horse racing; regulation. [HB-2455]
Regulation of charitable gaming and historical horse racing. Transfers regulatory control of charitable gaming and historical horse racing from the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the Virginia Racing Commission, respectively, to the Virginia Lottery, renamed in the bill as the Virginia Lottery and Gaming Department. The bill directs the Virginia Lottery Board, renamed as the Virginia Lottery and Gaming Oversight Board, to promulgate regulations necessary for the conduct of (i) historical horse racing, with the assistance of the
HB-2455: Charitable gaming and historical horse racing; regulation.
Sponsored by: Rep. James Leftwich
Left In General Laws on 02/07/2023
Charitable gaming and historical horse racing; regulation. [SB-1143]
Regulation of charitable gaming and historical horse racing. Transfers regulatory control of charitable gaming and historical horse racing from the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the Virginia Racing Commission, respectively, to the Virginia Lottery, renamed in the bill as the Virginia Lottery and Gaming Department. The bill directs the Virginia Lottery Board, renamed as the Virginia Lottery and Gaming Oversight Board, to promulgate regulations necessary for the conduct of (i) historical horse racing, with the assistance of the
SB-1143: Charitable gaming and historical horse racing; regulation.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jeremy McPike
Stricken At Request Of Patron In Rules (17-y 0-n) on 01/27/2023
Virginia Racing Commission; powers and duties, ratio of live racing days. [HB-1997]
Virginia Racing Commission; powers and duties; ratio of live racing days to number of historical horse racing terminals. Provides that the Virginia Racing Commission (the Commission) shall promulgate regulations requiring, for each calendar year, any significant infrastructure limited licensee that offers pari-mutuel wagering on historical horse racing to hold at least one live Thoroughbred horse racing day, consisting of not less than eight races per day, for every 100 historical horse racing terminals installed at its significant infrastructure
HB-1997: Virginia Racing Commission; powers and duties, ratio of live racing days.
Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Krizek
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0590) on 03/26/2023
Virginia Racing Commission; powers and duties, ratio of live racing days. [SB-1212]
Virginia Racing Commission; powers and duties; ratio of live racing days to number of historical horse racing terminals. Provides that the Virginia Racing Commission (the Commission) shall promulgate regulations requiring, for each calendar year, any significant infrastructure limited licensee that offers pari-mutuel wagering on historical horse racing to hold at least one live Thoroughbred horse racing day, consisting of not less than eight races per day, for every 100 historical horse racing terminals installed at its significant infrastructure
SB-1212: Virginia Racing Commission; powers and duties, ratio of live racing days.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bryce Reeves
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0591) on 03/26/2023
Horse racing; certain amount from wagers to be deposited in Problem Gambling Trust & Support Fund. [SB-367]
Horse racing tax. Provides that 0.01 percent of the amount that a horse racing licensee retains from wagering on historical horse racing pools shall be deposited in the Problem Gambling Treatment and Support Fund. The bill reduces from 0.75 percent to 0.74 percent the percentage of such retained amount that accrues to the general fund.
SB-367: Horse racing; certain amount from wagers to be deposited in Problem Gambling Trust & Support Fund.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bryce Reeves
Left In Finance And Appropriations on 11/21/2022