Vehicle Laws - Motorized Passenger Scooter - Use in Ocean City [HB-1167]
Authorizing the use of a "motorized passenger scooter" on specified highways in the municipal boundaries of Ocean City under specified conditions; authorizing the State Highway Administration to prohibit the operation of a motorized passenger scooter on a bicycle way on specified highways under specified circumstances; defining terms; and making the Act an emergency measure.
HB-1167: Vehicle Laws - Motorized Passenger Scooter - Use in Ocean City
Sponsored by: Rep. David Rudolph
Approved By The Governor on 05/10/2011
Transportation - Highway Construction Training and Supportive Services [HB-1139]
Requiring the State Highway Administration to use the maximum amount of specified federal funds available for a highway construction training program and supportive services, including skill improvement programs; requiring the Administration to submit a specified report by February 1 each year to specified committees of the General Assembly; providing for the contents of the report; defining "highway construction"; etc.
HB-1139: Transportation - Highway Construction Training and Supportive Services
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing 3/31 At 1:00 P.m. (finance) on 03/29/2011
Vehicle Laws - Speed Monitoring Systems - Warning Signs [HB-1137]
Altering requirements for specified signs placed for the purpose of alerting drivers to the presence of speed monitoring systems; requiring specified speed monitoring system warning signs to be placed in close proximity to specified signs designating a school zone; requiring speed monitoring system warning signs to be in accordance with specifications and regulations; etc.
HB-1137: Vehicle Laws - Speed Monitoring Systems - Warning Signs
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Healey
First Reading Judicial Proceedings on 03/23/2011
Vehicle Laws - Exceptional Hauling Permits - Farm Products [HB-103]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration to issue permits for specified vehicles carrying specified products and loads of specified maximum weights to operate in specified areas in specified circumstances and subject to specified conditions; and expanding the scope of a permitting process for vehicles that carry specified forest products to include vehicles that carry specified farm products.
State Highway Administration - Unauthorized Signs on Highway Rights-of-Way [SB-779]
Providing for original jurisdiction of the District Court for specified actions; prohibiting a person without authorization from the State Highway Administration from placing a sign within the right-of-way of a State highway; clarifying that such signs may be removed by the Administration or other designated agencies; authorizing the Administration or a specified county or municipal corporation government to collect civil penalties and to seek an injunction against violations; etc.
SB-779: State Highway Administration - Unauthorized Signs on Highway Rights-of-Way
Sponsored by: Sen. Jamin Raskin
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 04/08/2010
Transportation - Road Salt Management - Best Practices Guidance [SB-775]
Requiring the State Highway Administration, in consultation with the Department of the Environment, to develop a best practices road salt management document on or before October 1, 2011, for use by local jurisdictions and the State to minimize the adverse environmental impacts of road salt runoff in the State; requiring the Administration to update the guidance document annually and make it available to the public on the Administration's website; etc.
SB-775: Transportation - Road Salt Management - Best Practices Guidance
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010
High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes - Use by Plug-In Vehicles [SB-602]
Authorizing the use of a high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane by plug-in vehicles that carry a specified permit; requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration, the State Highway Administration, and the Department of State Police to consult to design a specified permit; authorizing the Motor Vehicle Administration to charge a fee not to exceed $20 for issuing a permit; authorizing the Motor Vehicle Administration, on the recommendation of the State Highway Administration to limit the number of permits issued under the Act for a specified purpose; etc.
SB-602: High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes - Use by Plug-In Vehicles
Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Pinsky
Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010
Vehicle Laws - Exceptional Hauling Permits - Validity in Select Eastern Shore [SB-509]
Including Dorchester, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties as counties in which an exceptional hauling permit issued by the State Highway Administration is valid for a combination of vehicles that transports specified forestry products, subject to specified axle configuration requirements, increased maximum load limits, weight tolerances, inspection requirements, operation restrictions and requirements, penalties, record keeping and reporting requirements, and fees; codifying specified provisions of law; etc.
State Highways - Mobile Produce Vendors - Required State Lease [SB-477]
Expanding the application of a provision of law that prohibits mobile seafood vendors from operating on a State highway right-of-way without a State lease to include mobile produce vendors; authorizing the State to require a mobile seafood or produce vendor to submit an application and pay a specified fee; prohibiting the State from entering into a lease with a mobile produce vendor unless the applicable county licenses mobile produce vendors; prohibiting a mobile produce vendor lessee from operating at specified locations; etc.
SB-477: State Highways - Mobile Produce Vendors - Required State Lease
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010
Marilyn J. Praisner Safe and Earth-Friendly Roadway Act [SB-464]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration, the Maryland Transportation Authority, or a political subdivision to install or replace a specified luminaire for highway lighting only if it determines that the concerns to be addressed by the lighting cannot be addressed by specified alternative means; authorizing the Administration, the Authority, a political subdivision, or an electric company to install or replace a specified luminaire only with a luminaire that meets specified requirements; etc.
SB-464: Marilyn J. Praisner Safe and Earth-Friendly Roadway Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Nancy King
Unfavorable Report By Finance on 03/22/2010
State Highway Administration - Speed Limits - Small Cities and Towns [SB-457]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration to establish, for the portion of a specified State highway that is located within the boundaries of a municipal corporation with a population of not more than 1,000, a maximum speed limit that is lower than the maximum speed limit that is otherwise specified under specified provisions of law; declaring a specified policy of the State; and declaring the intent of the General Assembly.
SB-457: State Highway Administration - Speed Limits - Small Cities and Towns
Sponsored by: Sen. Barry Glassman
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/22/2010
State Highway Administration - Clearing Sidewalks of Snow at Transit Stations - [SB-1049]
Requiring the State Highway Administration, under specified circumstances, to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding or any other agreement regarding the clearing of snow from the sidewalks serving specified transit stations after a declaration of a snow emergency; requiring the Memorandum of Understanding or agreement to include specified terms; etc.
SB-1049: State Highway Administration - Clearing Sidewalks of Snow at Transit Stations -
Sponsored by: Sen. David Harrington
First Reading Senate Rules on 02/26/2010
Transportation - Road Salt Management - Best Practices Guidance [HB-903]
Requiring the State Highway Administration, in consultation with the Department of the Environment, to develop a best practices road salt management document on or before October 1, 2011, for use by local jurisdictions and the State to minimize the adverse environmental impacts of road salt runoff in the State; requiring the Administration to update the guidance document annually and make it available to the public on the Administration's website; etc.
HB-903: Transportation - Road Salt Management - Best Practices Guidance
Sponsored by: Rep. C. William Frick
Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010
State Highway Administration - Sidewalk or Bicycle Pathway Construction in [HB-786]
Requiring the State Highway Administration to categorize in a specified manner and give corresponding funding priority to sidewalk or bicycle pathway construction projects located in a priority funding area under specified circumstances; authorizing the State to fund the entire cost of specified sidewalk or bicycle pathway construction projects; etc.
HB-786: State Highway Administration - Sidewalk or Bicycle Pathway Construction in
Sponsored by: Rep. Tawanna Gaines
Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010
Baltimore County - Four-Way Intersections - Stop Signs [HB-719]
Requiring the State Highway Administration as to Baltimore County highways, and any local authority as to other highways under its jurisdiction, to designate all four-way intersections within one-half mile of a public school as stop intersections and to place a stop sign at each entrance to these intersections; and providing that the Act applies only in Baltimore County.
HB-719: Baltimore County - Four-Way Intersections - Stop Signs
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Bromwell
Unfavorable Report By Environmental Matters Withdrawn on 02/22/2010
Roadway Lighting - Expressways and Controlled Access Highways - Lighting Curfew [HB-709]
Requiring the State Highway Administration and the Maryland Transportation Authority to cause all roadway lighting on expressways and controlled access highways to be turned off between midnight and dawn, unless a finding is made that the lighting is warranted based on specified determinations; etc.
High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes - Use by Plug-In Vehicles [HB-674]
Authorizing the use of a high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane by plug-in vehicles under specified circumstances; requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration, the State Highway Administration, and the Department of State Police to consult to design a specified permit; authorizing the Motor Vehicle Administration to charge a specified fee for issuing a specified permit; authorizing the Motor Vehicle Administration, on the recommendation of the State Highway Administration, to limit the number of permits issued; etc.
HB-674: High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes - Use by Plug-In Vehicles
Sponsored by: Rep. James Malone
Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010
Vehicle Laws - Exceptional Hauling Permits - Validity in Select Eastern Shore [HB-667]
Including Dorchester, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester counties as those in which an exceptional hauling permit issued by the State Highway Administration is valid for a combination of vehicles that transports specified forestry products, subject to axle configuration requirements, increased maximum load limits, weight tolerances, inspection requirements, operation restrictions and requirements, penalties, record keeping and reporting requirements, and fees; codifying provisions of law concerning hauling permits; etc.
State Highways - Mobile Produce Vendors - Required State Lease [HB-611]
Expanding the application of a provision of law that prohibits mobile seafood vendors from operating on a State highway right-of-way without a State lease to include mobile produce vendors; authorizing the State to require a mobile seafood or produce vendor to submit an application and pay a specified fee; prohibiting the State from entering into a lease with a mobile produce vendor unless the applicable county licenses mobile produce vendors; prohibiting a mobile produce vendor lessee from operating at specified locations; etc.
HB-611: State Highways - Mobile Produce Vendors - Required State Lease
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010