Baltimore City – Vehicle Height Monitoring Systems – Enforcement [HB-1139]
Authorizing the Motor Vehicle Administration to refuse to register or reregister, or suspend the registration of, a motor vehicle for which the person liable for a violation recorded by a vehicle height monitoring system has failed to pay the civil penalty, contest liability, or appear for trial; prohibiting a certain violation from being recorded on the driving record of any person; requiring Baltimore City and the District Court to provide a certain delinquency notice to the State Highway Administration; etc.
HB-1139: Baltimore City – Vehicle Height Monitoring Systems – Enforcement
Sponsored by: Rep. Talmadge Branch
Rereferred To Judicial Proceedings on 04/09/2018
Federal-Aid Primary Highways - Signs [SB-955]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration to issue a permit for a sign along or near a federal-aid primary highway if the sign is a directional sign for a historic, cultural, or educational site that is naturally suited for outdoor recreation.
SB-955: Federal-Aid Primary Highways - Signs
Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Hershey
Hearing 3/09 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/09/2016
Maryland Open Transportation Investment Decision Act of 2016 [SB-908]
Establishing State transportation goals; establishing measures by which the Department of Transportation is required to score the extent to which major capital projects satisfy the goals; requiring the Department to evaluate, score, and rank specified projects for inclusion in the draft and final Consolidated Transportation Program; requiring, with a specified exception, that capital projects with higher scores be ranked ahead of capital projects with lower scores; etc.
SB-908: Maryland Open Transportation Investment Decision Act of 2016
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Hearing 3/14 At 10:30 A.m. on 03/14/2016
State Highway Administration - Policy Concerning Sound Barriers Along Highways [SB-752]
Requiring the State Highway Administration, in collaboration with county governing bodies, to develop and adopt by regulation a policy concerning sound barriers along highways in the State; requiring, on or before December 31, 2019, and every 3 years thereafter, the Administration to review and evaluate the specified policy for effectiveness and continued viability; requiring the Administration to make a specified report regarding sound barriers to the Governor and the General Assembly no later than December 1, 2017; etc.
SB-752: State Highway Administration - Policy Concerning Sound Barriers Along Highways
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Hearing 3/31 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/31/2016
State Highway Administration - Acquisition of Property - Real Estate Appraisers [SB-718]
Requiring that a real estate appraiser engaged by the State Highway Administration to assist in determining the fair value of specified property to be acquired under specified procedures and specified compensation be licensed and certified in accordance with State law and a resident of the State with preference being given to an appraiser who resides in the area where the property being appraised is located.
SB-718: State Highway Administration - Acquisition of Property - Real Estate Appraisers
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Young
Hearing 3/16 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/16/2016
Transportation - State Highway Administration - Sale or Lease of Highway Naming Rights [SB-617]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration to sell or lease to a private entity the naming rights for all or part of a State highway; prohibiting the sale or lease of highway naming rights unless the Administration makes specified determinations; requiring the term of a contract for the sale or lease of naming rights to be at least 1 year; providing that a sale or lease of naming rights may not be construed to require that any highway sign or mailing address be altered; etc.
SB-617: Transportation - State Highway Administration - Sale or Lease of Highway Naming Rights
Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier
Hearing 2/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/25/2016
State Highway Administration - Sale or Lease of Naming Rights for Rest Areas and Welcome Centers [SB-616]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration to sell or lease to a private entity the naming rights for rest areas and welcome centers, as specified; prohibiting the sale or lease of rest area and welcome center naming rights unless the Administration makes specified determinations; requiring the term of a contract for the sale or lease of naming rights to be at least 1 year; providing that a sale or lease of naming rights may not be construed to require that any official State highway sign or mailing address be altered; etc.
SB-616: State Highway Administration - Sale or Lease of Naming Rights for Rest Areas and Welcome Centers
Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier
Hearing 3/09 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/09/2016
Transportation - Installation of Brick Security Mailboxes Within Rights-of-Way [SB-596]
Requiring the State Highway Administration to allow the installation of brick and stone security mailbox supports and parcel drop boxes on specified residential streets under specified circumstances; requiring that the brick and stone security mailboxes conform to specified federal guidelines; etc.
SB-596: Transportation - Installation of Brick Security Mailboxes Within Rights-of-Way
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Hearing 2/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/25/2016
Task Force to Study the Impact of Hauling Grain, Poultry, and Dairy on State Highways [SB-573]
Establishing a Task Force to Study the Impact of Hauling Grain, Poultry, and Dairy on State Highways; providing that the purpose of the Task Force is to study and make recommendations regarding the impact of short and long distance truck hauling of the specified products, including safety impacts, infrastructure needs, and associated costs the State Highway Administration incurs; requiring the Task Force to report its findings to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 1, 2016; etc.
SB-573: Task Force to Study the Impact of Hauling Grain, Poultry, and Dairy on State Highways
Sponsored by: Sen. Guy Guzzone
Third Reading Passed (44-0) on 03/29/2016
Department of Transportation - Heads of Modal Administrations - Senate Confirmation [SB-318]
Requiring the appointments of the Executive Director of the Maryland Aviation Administration, the Executive Director of the Maryland Port Administration, the Maryland Transit Administrator, the State Highway Administrator, and the Motor Vehicle Administrator to be subject to the advice and consent of the Senate; and providing for the appointment of the Executive Director of the Maryland Transportation Authority.
SB-318: Department of Transportation - Heads of Modal Administrations - Senate Confirmation
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Hearing 2/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2016
Motor Vehicle Registration - Exception for Golf Carts - City of Crisfield [SB-309]
Creating an exception from motor vehicle registration requirements for golf carts in the City of Crisfield; providing that a person who operates a golf cart on a highway in the City of Crisfield may do so only on specified roads at specified times and only if the golf cart is equipped with specified lighting devices and the operator possesses a valid driver's license; and authorizing the State Highway Administration to develop a location in the City of Crisfield where a person operating a golf cart may cross over a specified highway.
SB-309: Motor Vehicle Registration - Exception for Golf Carts - City of Crisfield
Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Mathias
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/27/2016
Counties - Transportation Adequate Public Facility Law - State Highway Intersection [SB-303]
Prohibiting a county from amending or repealing a transportation adequate public facility law in effect on January 1, 2016; requiring that the level of traffic congestion at a State highway intersection be determined by the State Highway Administration for the purpose of determining whether development is allowed under a county transportation adequate public facility law.
SB-303: Counties - Transportation Adequate Public Facility Law - State Highway Intersection
Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier
Unfavorable Report By Education, Health, And Environmental Affairs; Withdrawn on 02/15/2016
State Police - Speed Camera Revenue - Enforcement Activities [SB-213]
Expanding the authorized use of the balance of money by the State Police in a specified special fund containing revenue from civil fines collected through use of a work zone speed control system to include any enforcement activities; etc.
SB-213: State Police - Speed Camera Revenue - Enforcement Activities
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 02/15/2016
State Highway Administration - Highway Work Permittees - Notice of Sidewalk Closure [SB-202]
Requiring a person that obtains a specified permit from the State Highway Administration that authorizes a sidewalk to be closed or that does the work associated with the permit to post a notice at the work site stating the expected period during which the sidewalk will be closed and the contact information for the person to whom the permit was issued or by whom the work is done.
SB-202: State Highway Administration - Highway Work Permittees - Notice of Sidewalk Closure
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Unfavorable Report By Finance; Withdrawn on 02/18/2016
Railroad Grade Crossings - Exempt Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Plaque [SB-1120]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration to erect an exempt highway-rail grade crossing plaque at each railroad grade crossing in the State that is no longer in use by a railroad; specifying that the design and placement of a plaque shall be erected in accordance with the Federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices; and exempting specified vehicles from the requirement to stop at specified railroad grade crossings if the railroad grade crossing has an exempt highway-rail grade crossing plaque.
Transportation - Highways - Heroes Highway [SB-1104]
Requiring the State Highway Administration to dedicate the portion of Maryland Route 924 (Emmorton Road) between its intersections with Maryland Route 24 and Singer Road as Heroes Highway.
State Highway Administration - Watkins Mill Road Interchange Project [SB-1099]
Requiring the State Highway Administration to undertake all steps necessary to complete the Watkins Mill Road Interchange Project; specifying specified requirements for the Project; requiring the Governor to appropriate a specified amount of funding for the Project; stating the intent of the General Assembly; requiring the Administration to submit, on or before December 1 of each year, a report on the status of the Watkins Mill project to specified committees of the General Assembly; etc.
SB-1099: State Highway Administration - Watkins Mill Road Interchange Project
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing 3/31 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/31/2016
Federal-Aid Primary Highways - Signs [HB-961]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration to issue a permit for a sign along or near a federal-aid primary highway if the sign is a directional sign for a historic, cultural, or educational site that is naturally suited for outdoor recreation.
HB-961: Federal-Aid Primary Highways - Signs
Sponsored by: Rep. Steven Arentz
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation; Withdrawn on 03/07/2016
State Highway Administration - Relocation of Water or Sewer Lines - Cost Sharing [HB-854]
Requiring the State Highway Administration to notify the political subdivision or agency that owns a water or sewer line that must be relocated due to a federal project of the cost of the relocation; requiring the Administration to investigate funding sources to help the political subdivision or agency that owns the utility to meet its share of the cost of relocating the water or sewer line and, if needed, to develop a payment plan; etc.
HB-854: State Highway Administration - Relocation of Water or Sewer Lines - Cost Sharing
Sponsored by: Rep. James Tarlau
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 281 on 04/26/2016