
State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to increasing the punishment for certain offenses committed against a federal law enforcement officer or emergency services personnel. [HB-3454]
Relating to increasing the punishment for certain offenses committed against a federal law enforcement officer or emergency services personnel.


Sponsored by: Rep. Terry Wilson Read First Time on 04/03/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - Maryland Healthy Working Families Act [SB-230]
Requiring employers that employ 15 or more employees to provide employees with earned sick and safe leave that is paid at the same wage rate as the employee normally earns; requiring employers with 14 or fewer employees to provide unpaid earned sick and safe leave; prohibiting an employer from being required to pay a tipped employee more than a specified wage for earned sick and safe leave; requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to develop a specified model paid sick and safe leave policy for use by specified employers; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton First Reading Economic Matters on 03/16/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Maryland Caregivers Support Coordinating Council - Renaming and Altering Membership and Duties [SB-216]
Renaming the Maryland Caregivers Support Coordinating Council to be the Maryland Commission on Caregiving; altering the membership of the Commission to include specified members of the General Assembly; requiring the Governor, when appointing members, to consider groups representing specified individuals such as those with disabilities, disorders affecting an entire lifespan, and those who reflect the diversity of the State; requiring the Commission to provide ongoing analysis of best practices in family caregiver support programs; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley Approved By The Governor - Chapter 67 on 04/11/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Mammography Centers - Dense Breast Tissue - Notification of Breast Cancer Screening Options [HB-190]
Altering the notice that specified mammography centers are required to include in a specified screening results letter; and requiring the notice to state that together, a patient and the patient's physician can decide whether additional screening options might be right for the patient.


Sponsored by: Sen. Karen Lewis Young Approved By The Governor - Chapter 220 on 04/18/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Public Health - Repeal of AIDS Education Program for Persons Convicted of Drug- or Sex-Related Crimes [SB-185]
Repealing a specified educational program on acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) for persons convicted of specified drug- or sex-related crimes.


Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman Approved By The Governor - Chapter 200 on 04/18/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Workers' Compensation - Medical Benefits - Payment of Medical Services and Treatment [SB-194]
Requiring a provider to submit to an employer or an employer's insurer within a specified period time, a specified bill for providing medical service or treatment to a covered employee under specified provisions of law; and prohibiting the employer or the employer's insurer from being required to pay a bill submitted after a specified period of time except under specified circumstances.


Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton Approved By The Governor - Chapter 568 on 05/04/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2017 [HB-152]
Authorizing or altering the distribution of specified revenue; altering or repealing specified required appropriations; authorizing the use of specified funds for specified purposes; requiring the Department of Budget and Management to review specified interagency agreements; requiring the Department of Commerce to report specified information relating to the compliance of specified companies with a specified letter of intent; requiring a specified financial forecast to maximize the use of specified funds; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. The Speaker Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(b) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 23 on 04/06/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the expansion of eligibility for Medicaid in certain counties under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. [HB-3493]
Relating to the expansion of eligibility for Medicaid in certain counties under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.


Sponsored by: Sen. Carol Alvarado Read First Time on 04/03/2017

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State (Montana)
Montana 2017 Regular Session

Confirm Governor's appointee to health-related boards [SR-13]
Confirm Governor's appointee to health-related boards


Sponsored by: Sen. David Howard (s) Filed With Secretary Of State on 02/21/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Health Insurance - Required Conformity With Federal Law [HB-123]
Altering the length of a policy term and the information provided in a specified notice for short-term medical insurance procured from a nonadmitted insurer; making specified provisions of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act relating to preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management applicable to specified individual health insurance coverage; authorizing the dependents of specified victims to enroll in a specified health plan, at a specified time, under specified circumstances; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Approved By The Governor - Chapter 720 on 05/25/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Environment - Polystyrene Food Service Products and Polystyrene Loose Fill Packaging - Prohibition on Sale [SB-186]
Prohibiting a person from selling in the State specified expanded polystyrene food service products or expanded polystyrene loose fill packaging on or after January 1, 2018; prohibiting specified food service businesses from selling or providing food in specified expanded polystyrene food service products on or after January 1, 2018; authorizing a county health department to impose specified penalties for violations of the Act; requiring a county health department to notify the Department of specified violations; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley Hearing 1/31 At 1:00 P.m. (education, Health, And Environmental Affairs) on 01/31/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the procedure for ordering medical or dental services for certain persons admitted to or committed to care at certain state facilities. [SB-1565]
Relating to the procedure for ordering medical or dental services for certain persons admitted to or committed to care at certain state facilities.


Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst Effective On 9/1/17 on 06/01/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Board of Review - Repeal [HB-127]
Repealing provisions of law relating to the Board of Review of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene; repealing provisions of law that require the Board of Review to make specified recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene, advise the Secretary on specified matters, hear and determine specified appeals, and report at specified intervals to the Secretary; providing that a specified petitioner may not be charged a fee for specified costs under specified circumstances; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Approved By The Governor - Chapter 103 on 04/11/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Commission on Access to Tax-Preferred Health and Childcare Savings Accounts for All Marylanders [SB-173]
Establishing the Commission on Access to Tax-Preferred Health and Childcare Savings Accounts for All Marylanders; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Commission; authorizing the reimbursement of specified expenses; requiring the Commission to study and make recommendations regarding specified matters; requiring the Commission to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before January 1, 2018; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe Hearing 2/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/08/2017

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State (Montana)
Montana 2017 Regular Session

Confirm Governor's appointee Director, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services [SR-4]
Confirm Governor's appointee Director, Dept. of Public Health and Human Services


Sponsored by: Sen. David Howard (s) Filed With Secretary Of State on 04/07/2017

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State (Montana)
Montana 2017 Regular Session

Generally revise laws related to first aid training in schools [SB-135]
Generally revise laws related to first aid training in schools


Sponsored by: Sen. Edith McClafferty Chapter Number Assigned on 04/13/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the licensing and registration of certain assisted living facilities and group home facilities; authorizing the imposition of a civil penalty. [HB-3469]
Relating to the licensing and registration of certain assisted living facilities and group home facilities; authorizing the imposition of a civil penalty.


Sponsored by: Rep. Yvonne Davis Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 05/01/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to a local option exemption from ad valorem taxation by a county of a portion of the value of the residence homestead of a physician who provides health care services for which the physician agrees not to seek payment from any source, including the Medicaid program or otherwise from this state or the federal government, to indigent residents of the county. [SB-1543]
Relating to a local option exemption from ad valorem taxation by a county of a portion of the value of the residence homestead of a physician who provides health care services for which the physician agrees not to seek payment from any source, including the Medicaid program or otherwise from this state or the federal government, to indigent residents of the county.


Sponsored by: Sen. Royce West Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/03/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the electronic sharing of protected health information and certification of and enforcement actions against certain covered entities. [SB-1574]
Relating to the electronic sharing of protected health information and certification of and enforcement actions against certain covered entities.


Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst Read First Time on 03/21/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Environment - Reduction of Lead Risk in Housing - Notification of Elevated Blood Lead Level [HB-133]
Requiring the Department of the Environment or a local health department to notify the person at risk, or in the case of a minor, the parent or legal guardian of the person at risk, and the owner of the affected property on receipt of specified blood lead tests under specified circumstances.


Sponsored by: Rep. Approved By The Governor - Chapter 378 on 05/04/2017

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