You have voted SB-367: Relating to the review by the attorney general of invoices related to legal services provided to state agencies by outside counsel..
SB-1848: Relating to the distribution of the emergency service fee for wireless telecommunications connections and the prepaid 9-1-1 emergency service fee.
Sponsored by: Sen. Kirk Watson
Co-author Authorized on 05/30/2011
You have voted SB-1848: Relating to the distribution of the emergency service fee for wireless telecommunications connections and the prepaid 9-1-1 emergency service fee..
You have voted SB-1673: Relating to the composition of the Texas Commission on Fire Protection and the disposition of certain fees collected by the commission..
You have voted SB-1667: Relating to the administration of and benefits payable by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas and to certain domestic relations orders..
You have voted SB-1652: Relating to the implementation of new processes for the purposes of budget transparency, fiscal responsibility, and open government..
SB-1504: Relating to the disposal or storage of waste at, or adjacent to, the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact waste disposal facility.
Sponsored by: Sen. Juan Hinojosa
Effective On 9/1/11 on 06/17/2011
You have voted SB-1504: Relating to the disposal or storage of waste at, or adjacent to, the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact waste disposal facility..