You have voted SB-1394: Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Transportation to approve safety standards for high-speed rail; authorizing a fee..
You have voted SB-1233: Relating to the promotion of efficiencies in and the administration of certain district court and county services and functions..
You have voted SB-1127: Relating to fees paid to the consumer credit commissioner and to fees and interest charged in connection with consumer credit transactions..
HJR-78: Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the purposes for which revenues from motor vehicle registration fees and taxes on motor fuels and lubricants may be used.
Sponsored by: Rep. Linda Harper-Brown
Read First Time on 02/21/2011
You have voted HJR-78: Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the purposes for which revenues from motor vehicle registration fees and taxes on motor fuels and lubricants may be used..
HJR-66: Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting the uses of revenue from motor vehicle registration fees, taxes on motor fuels and lubricants, and certain revenue received from the federal government.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joe Pickett
Read First Time on 02/21/2011
You have voted HJR-66: Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting the uses of revenue from motor vehicle registration fees, taxes on motor fuels and lubricants, and certain revenue received from the federal government..
HJR-64: Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting the uses of revenue from motor vehicle registration fees, taxes on motor fuels and lubricants, and certain revenue received from the federal government.
Sponsored by: Rep. Eddie Rodriguez
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 03/21/2011
You have voted HJR-64: Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting the uses of revenue from motor vehicle registration fees, taxes on motor fuels and lubricants, and certain revenue received from the federal government..
HJR-138: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation and funding of the state water implementation fund for Texas to assist the Texas Water Development Board in the funding of certain projects included in the state water plan.
Sponsored by: Rep. Allan Ritter
Committee Report Sent To Calendars on 05/04/2011
You have voted HJR-138: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation and funding of the state water implementation fund for Texas to assist the Texas Water Development Board in the funding of certain projects included in the state water plan..
You have voted HJR-137: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the issuance of additional general obligation bonds by the Texas Water Development Board..
You have voted HB-633: Relating to certain nonrefundable application fees established by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education..