Alaska Sunset Commission [HB-190]
An Act establishing a violation for hindering the Alaska Sunset Commission; relating to the duties of the legislature; establishing the Alaska Sunset Commission to review and make recommendations on discontinuation of or changes to state entities; relating to the powers and duties of the Alaska Sunset Commission; and providing for an effective date.
HB-190: Alaska Sunset Commission
Sponsored by: Rep.
Sta Rpt Cs(sta) New Title 3dp 3nr on 04/18/2024
Reject Comm Recomm; Legislator Salaries [SB-111]
An Act relating to payment of legislator salaries; disapproving recommendations of the State Officers Compensation Commission; and providing for an effective date.
SB-111: Reject Comm Recomm; Legislator Salaries
Sponsored by: Sen. Shelley Hughes
Cosponsor(s): Shower on 03/27/2023
Reject Compensation Comm Recommendations [SB-86]
An Act disapproving recommendations of the State Officers Compensation Commission relating to the salaries of state officers; and providing for an effective date.
SB-86: Reject Compensation Comm Recommendations
Sponsored by: Sen.
Returned To Governor on 03/29/2023
Relating To Lobbyists. [SB-1453]
Expands the definition of "administrative action" in lobbyists law to include granting or denying applications for business or development-related permits, licenses, or approvals and procurement of goods and services under the Hawaii Public Procurement Code. Clarifies that the lobbyists law apply to lobbying of the executive branch.
SB-1453: Relating To Lobbyists.
Sponsored by: Sen. Angus McKelvey
The Committee On Gvo Deferred The Measure. on 02/16/2023
Approp: Operating Budget; Cap; Supp [HB-39]
An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state government and for certain programs; capitalizing funds; repealing appropriations; amending appropriations; making capital appropriations, supplemental appropriations, and reappropriations; and providing for an effective date.
HB-39: Approp: Operating Budget; Cap; Supp
Sponsored by: Rep.
Motion To Override Line Item Veto Pg. 148, Ln. 3 on 01/18/2024
Approp: Operating Budget/loans/fund; Supp [SB-40]
An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state government and for certain programs; capitalizing funds; amending appropriations; making reappropriations; making supplemental appropriations; making appropriations under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of the State of Alaska, from the constitutional budget reserve fund; and providing for an effective date.
SB-40: Approp: Operating Budget/loans/fund; Supp
Sponsored by: Sen.
Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/18/2023
Office Of Administrative Hearings [HB-7]
An Act relating to the office of administrative hearings; relating to the types of proceedings handled by the office of administrative hearings; relating to the entities that may use the services of the office of administrative hearings; relating to the duties of the chief administrative law judge, including the power to hire professional staff; relating to the qualifications and powers of administrative law judges, including subpoena power; relating to the compensation of the chief administrative law judge; relating to complaints against administrative
HB-7: Office Of Administrative Hearings
Sponsored by: Rep. Sara Hannan
Prefile Released 1/9/23 on 01/19/2023
Strategic Plans For State Agencies [SB-21]
An Act relating to the Executive Budget Act; relating to strategic plans, mission statements, performance plans, and financial plans for executive branch agencies; and providing for an effective date.
SB-21: Strategic Plans For State Agencies
Sponsored by: Sen. James Kaufman
Sta Rpt 2dp 1nr 1am on 04/21/2023
Alaska Sunset Commission [SB-9]
An Act establishing a violation for hindering the Alaska Sunset Commission; relating to the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee; relating to the duties of the legislature; relating to the legislative audit division and the legislative finance division; establishing the Alaska Sunset Commission to review and make recommendations on discontinuation of or changes to state entities; relating to the powers and duties of the Alaska Sunset Commission; and providing for an effective date.
SB-9: Alaska Sunset Commission
Sponsored by: Sen. Shelley Hughes
Prefile Released 1/9/23 on 01/18/2023
Approp: Supplemental; Capital [SB-241]
An Act making appropriations for the operating expenses of state government and certain programs; making capital appropriations and supplemental appropriations; capitalizing funds; and providing for an effective date.
SB-241: Approp: Supplemental; Capital
Sponsored by: Sen.
Read The First Time - Referrals on 04/04/2022
Approp: Supplemental; Capital [HB-414]
An Act making appropriations for the operating expenses of state government and certain programs; making capital appropriations and supplemental appropriations; capitalizing funds; and providing for an effective date.
HB-414: Approp: Supplemental; Capital
Sponsored by: Rep.
Read The First Time - Referrals on 04/04/2022
Funds Subject To Cbr Sweep Provision [SB-224]
An Act relating to the Alaska marine highway system fund; relating to the budget reserve fund established under art. IX, sec. 17(d), Constitution of the State of Alaska; relating to the Alaska higher education investment fund; and providing for an effective date.
SB-224: Funds Subject To Cbr Sweep Provision
Sponsored by: Sen.
Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/23/2022