Arctic: Policy, Uscg, Arctic Council [SJR-10]
Relating to the presence and interests of the state and the nation in the Arctic; appreciating the United States' ongoing offer to include a representative of the state on the Arctic Council; relating to icebreakers; and relating to United States Coast Guard operations and facilities in the Arctic.
SJR-10: Arctic: Policy, Uscg, Arctic Council
Sponsored by: Rep. Andrew Josephson
Permanently Filed 6/26 Legis Resolve 7 on 09/10/2013
Suspending Uniform Rules For Hb 87 [SCR-5]
Suspending Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, concerning House Bill No. 87, relating to the governing board and duties of the special education service agency; relating to allocations to the special education service agency; and extending the special education service agency.
SCR-5: Suspending Uniform Rules For Hb 87
Sponsored by: No sponsors
3:07 Pm 5/24/13 Transmitted To Governor on 06/24/2013
State Employee Compensation And Benefits [SB-95]
An Act relating to the compensation, allowances, geographic differentials in pay, and leave of certain public officials, officers, and employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements; relating to the compensation and geographic differentials in pay of certain justices and judges; relating to certain petroleum engineers and petroleum geologists employed by the Department of Natural Resources; relating to increased pay for certain partially exempt employees of the state in specific circumstances; making conforming amendments; and providing
SB-95: State Employee Compensation And Benefits
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Effective Date(s) Of Law See Chapter on 06/24/2013
Use Of State Assets To Implement Fed Laws [SB-75]
An Act prohibiting the use of assets or resources of state or municipal agencies to implement or aid in the implementation of the requirements of certain federal laws; and providing for an effective date.
SB-75: Use Of State Assets To Implement Fed Laws
Sponsored by: Sen. John Coghill
Read The First Time - Referrals on 03/11/2013
Ombudsman [SB-72]
An Act clarifying that the Alaska Bar Association is an agency for purposes of investigations by the ombudsman; relating to compensation of the ombudsman and to employment of staff by the ombudsman under personal service contracts; providing that certain records of communications between the ombudsman and an agency are not public records; relating to disclosure by an agency to the ombudsman of communications subject to attorney-client and attorney work-product privileges; relating to informal and formal reports of opinions and recommendations issued
SB-72: Ombudsman
Sponsored by: Sen. John Coghill
Read The First Time - Referrals on 03/11/2013
Supplemental/capital/other Appropriations [SB-42]
An Act making supplemental appropriations, capital appropriations, and other appropriations; amending appropriations; repealing appropriations; making appropriations to capitalize funds; and providing for an effective date.
SB-42: Supplemental/capital/other Appropriations
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/30/2013
Military Training Credit [SB-4]
An Act relating to applying military education, training, and service credit to occupational licensing and certain postsecondary education and employment training requirements; providing for a temporary occupational license for qualified military service members; and providing for an effective date.
SB-4: Military Training Credit
Sponsored by: Sen. Gary Stevens
Sta Rpt Cs 3dp 1nr Same Title on 02/13/2013
Approp: Operating Budget/loans/funds [SB-19]
An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state government and for certain programs, capitalizing funds, amending appropriations, and making reappropriations; and providing for an effective date.
SB-19: Approp: Operating Budget/loans/funds
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/16/2013
Board/licensing Of Massage Therapists [SB-188]
An Act establishing the Board of Massage Therapists; relating to the licensing of massage therapists; and providing for an effective date.
SB-188: Board/licensing Of Massage Therapists
Sponsored by: Sen. Dennis Egan
Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/21/2014
Supplemental/capital/other Appropriations [SB-155]
An Act making supplemental appropriations, capital appropriations, and other appropriations; amending appropriations; repealing appropriations; making appropriations to capitalize funds; and providing for an effective date.
SB-155: Supplemental/capital/other Appropriations
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/05/2014
Ak Arctic Port And Development Authority [SB-154]
An Act creating the Alaska Arctic Port and Development Authority as a public corporation of the state with the power to receive and administer funds in order to plan, develop, construct, own, improve, and operate ports, including deepwater ports, and related infrastructure in the state's Arctic coastal region; defining the purposes and powers of the authority; establishing the Alaska Arctic Port and Development Authority revolving fund; and providing for an effective date.
SB-154: Ak Arctic Port And Development Authority
Sponsored by: Sen. Lesil McGuire
Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/03/2014